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Why does Facebook not post pictures in order?

Why does Facebook not post pictures in order?

Facebook’s news feed doesn’t always display posts in strict chronological order. Instead, it uses an algorithm to determine the order in which posts appear. This can result in newer posts appearing out of order, with older posts shown first. There are a few reasons why Facebook takes this approach:

To Show Relevant Content

Facebook’s goal is to show users the posts it thinks they’ll find most interesting and engaging. The algorithm looks at factors like how recently something was posted, but also your interactions with friends and pages, how popular a post is, and more. So a brand new post may get bumped down if other older posts are getting more likes and comments.

To Keep Things Fresh

If posts were always chronological, you’d just see the most recent posts from friends. This could get repetitive and stale pretty quickly. By mixing up the order, Facebook tries to balance showing newer posts while still working older ones into your feed.

For Advertising

Facebook relies on advertising revenue. Its algorithm also factors in sponsored posts and boosts posts from pages you’ve liked higher in your news feed. So posts with paid promotion may appear before more recent organic content.

How the Facebook Algorithm Works

Facebook is constantly tweaking its news feed algorithm, but generally it works by analyzing the below factors:

  • How often you interact with certain friends/pages
  • The number of likes, comments, shares on a post
  • How much time you spend on certain posts
  • How old the post is
  • Whether the post has video/photo attachments
  • Amount of paid promotion

The algorithm assigns a relevance score to each post based on these factors. Posts with higher scores then appear higher in your news feed.

Key Factors

Factor Description
Interactions Posts you frequently interact with from people and pages you follow will rank higher
Popularity Posts gaining a lot of likes, comments and shares show they’re popular so are prioritized
Time Decay Newer posts have an advantage, but very old posts get gradually downgraded
Promotion Posts boosted via advertising or promotion get added weighting

These key factors create the foundation of the news feed ranking algorithm. The actual formula uses machine learning to take thousands of factors into account. But in general, Facebook wants to maximize engagement by showing you relevant and timely posts most likely to interest you.

How Content Gets Seen Despite the Algorithm

While Facebook’s algorithm decides the initial order of posts, there are some ways for content to get visibility despite the filtering:

Paid Promotion

Facebook offers tools for pages and advertisers to pay to boost their posts. Boosting makes the post more likely to appear for target audiences, overriding the normal algorithm. Pages rely on this to make sure fans see their posts.

Post Interactions

Even if a post starts off buried, it can gain momentum. Lots of likes, comments and shares bump it higher in the news feeds of those who interact with it. So posts that strike a chord with audiences can spread despite the algorithm.

Going Viral

Related to post interactions, content that suddenly goes viral gets a huge boost. The more viral momentum a post gains, the more prominence the algorithm gives it. This allows super popular posts to jump to the top and be seen by the maximum number of people.


Any reactions you have to a post also trigger notifications for the original poster. So they are notified of your like or comment even if the post doesn’t appear at the top of your news feed. Notifications provide another route for extending reach.


When friends or pages share a post, it appears in the news feeds of their own networks. This gives a big boost to reach. If enough networks overlap, this can spread a post far beyond what the original algorithm dictated.

Tips to Improve Your Post Visibility

Here are some tips for making your Facebook posts stand out so they get seen by more people:

Post When Your Audience is Online

Pay attention to when your followers are most active on Facebook and aim to post during those high traffic times. More eyeballs at the time you post will mean more immediate engagement.

Use Attention-Grabbing Visuals

Posts with images and video tend to perform best. Make sure your visuals are eye-catching and high quality. Consider hiring a designer to create captivating graphics and illustrations.

Encourage Engagement

Ask questions, run polls and otherwise prompt your audience to like, comment and share your posts. This signals to the algorithm the post is engaging.

Promote and Pin Your Best Content

Use paid tools like page promotions and post pinning to boost your most important posts. This forces them higher in the news feed rather than relying solely on the algorithm.

Track Performance and Optimize

Analyze your post metrics to see what content resonates best. Pay attention to the types of posts that get the most reach and engagement. Then create more of that high performing content.

The Takeaway

Facebook’s constantly adapting news feed algorithm means posts don’t always appear in strict chronological order. Instead, Facebook uses the thousands of factors to determine the top posts it thinks each person will engage with at a given time. While this can make it harder for posts to be seen, understanding how the algorithm works along with smart posting and promotion tactics can help maximize your reach and engagement. Just keep in mind there’s no perfect formula – Facebook will keep evolving its algorithm in an effort to keep people glued to their feeds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook favor certain pages in the algorithm?

Facebook does give more weight to posts from pages with a lot of followers and engagement. But smaller pages can boost posts to increase visibility. Facebook has said its goal is to show users the most relevant content, not advantage large pages.

Is posting more often better for reach?

Generally yes, though it’s important to find the right balance for your audience. Posting more creates more opportunities to be seen organically. But too much could overwhelm people and actually reduce engagement. Analyze what cadence resonates best.

Should I use hashtags on Facebook?

Hashtags don’t have the same effect as on Instagram or Twitter. Some hashtags can aid discovery of your posts in searches. But focus more on captivating visuals and content that drives authentic engagement.

Can I view posts in chronological order?

Facebook did introduce an “Latest” feed option that shows all posts in time order. But it’s not the default view, so most people still see the algorithm-driven feed. So don’t rely on chronological order for your posting strategy.

Should I post more video content?

Video has been growing on Facebook, often receiving higher engagement. But balance is important – not all video content fits user expectations. Use video when it enhances the post, but don’t force it just for the sake of it.