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Why does Facebook Messenger say message Cannot be sent?

Why does Facebook Messenger say message Cannot be sent?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps, used by billions of people worldwide to stay in touch with friends and family. However, many users encounter the frustrating “message Cannot be sent” error from time to time when trying to send messages on Messenger.

There are several potential reasons why you may see this error message in Messenger. Here, we’ll explore the main causes and solutions to fix the “message Cannot be sent” problem in Facebook Messenger.

Causes of the “Message Cannot be Sent” Error

There are a few common causes behind the “message Cannot be sent” error on Facebook Messenger:

Slow Internet Connection

One of the most common reasons for this error is a slow or unstable internet connection. Messenger requires a stable internet connection to send and receive messages. So if you have a weak WiFi signal or slow mobile data, it can prevent messages from being sent properly.

Server Issues

Sometimes the “message Cannot be sent” error is caused by temporary technical problems or glitches on Facebook’s servers. Server issues leading to connectivity problems between the Messenger app and Facebook’s servers can prevent sending messages.

Outdated App Version

Using an outdated version of the Facebook Messenger app can also lead to sending errors. If you don’t have the latest version of Messenger installed, it may not be fully compatible with Facebook’s servers.

Blocked by Recipient

If the person you are trying to message has blocked you on Messenger, the app will show the “message Cannot be sent” error. So you won’t be able to send any messages to contacts who have blocked you.

Exceeding Message Limit

Facebook Messenger limits how many messages you can send per day as an anti-spam measure. Trying to exceed this limit will trigger the “message Cannot be sent” error.

Temporary Account Ban

If your Facebook account has been temporarily banned due to violating Facebook’s policies, you may be unable to send Messenger messages and see this error during the ban period.

Recipient isn’t on Messenger

If the person you are messaging doesn’t have Messenger installed and activated, the app won’t allow you to message them, leading to the sending error message.

Fixes and Solutions

Fortunately, there are a few things you can try to troubleshoot and fix the “message Cannot be sent” error on Facebook Messenger:

Check Your Internet Connection

First, check that your internet connection is working properly. Switch from WiFi to mobile data or vice versa. Restart your modem or router if needed. This will rule out any connectivity issues.

Update the App

Make sure you have installed the latest version of the Facebook Messenger app on your device. Updating to the newest version can resolve compatibility bugs causing sending failures.

Reinstall the App

If updating doesn’t work, try uninstalling Messenger completely and reinstalling it fresh from the app store. This can clear out any corrupted files or cached data causing problems.

Restart Your Device

Sometimes simply restarting your smartphone or computer can help clear up temporary glitches causing Messenger issues. Restart and try sending again.

Check Account Status

Log into Facebook on a browser and check that your account hasn’t been banned or blocked. If it has, you’ll need to resolve that issue before sending messages again.

Wait it Out

For server errors, there’s often little you can do except wait an hour or two for Facebook to fix the problem on their end. Outages are usually resolved fairly quickly.

Remove and Re-add Contact

Try removing the problem contact from your Messenger contacts list and re-adding them. This reconnects your messaging thread which could resolve a delivery issue.

Send From Desktop

Attempt to send the message from Messenger on Facebook’s desktop website. If it goes through there, it indicates an app-specific issue on mobile.

Contact Facebook Support

If all else fails, contact Facebook’s customer support (if available in your country) for additional troubleshooting help.

Preventing the Error in the Future

Once you’ve resolved the immediate issue, here are some tips to avoid the “message Cannot be sent” error going forward:

  • Maintain a stable internet connection
  • Promptly update Messenger whenever a new version is available
  • Don’t violate Facebook’s terms of service to avoid bans
  • Limit how many messages you send per day
  • Ensure you only message active Messenger contacts


The “message Cannot be sent” error in Facebook Messenger is common, but can be frustrating when you need to send important messages. A weak internet signal, app issues, account bans, inactive recipients or spam limits are usually the culprits behind this error.

Updating Messenger, checking your account status, re-adding contacts and troubleshooting your connection can typically resolve sending issues. Contact Facebook support if problems persist across devices and networks. With the right fixes, you’ll be back to seamlessly messaging your friends in no time.

Messaging apps play a vital role in modern digital communication. When glitches like sending errors occur, it interrupts the convenience we expect from these apps. Understanding the problem and applying the right troubleshooting steps is key to getting Messenger working properly again when this error pops up.

With billions of active users, Facebook’s developers are constantly updating Messenger to squash bugs and optimize performance. So problems that cause “message Cannot be sent” errors are usually addressed promptly. But if you do encounter this issue, now you know some ways to get your messages flowing freely once again.

Reliable messaging capabilities are at the core of what makes Facebook Messenger such a popular global communication platform. An occasional bump in the road can happen, but a few quick troubleshooting techniques will get the app back up running smoothly.

Armed with this advice, you’ll be prepared to tackle that “message Cannot be sent” error if and when it arises. You’ll be able to quickly identify the likely cause and try various solutions until your messages can be delivered again. With your connection restored, Messenger will continue enabling you to stay connected with friends and family members through your favorite messaging app.

Facebook pours tremendous resources into constantly fine-tuning Messenger’s reliability and performance. But should a pesky bug like sending errors pop up, this guide will help you isolate the problem and take steps to fix it. Then you can get back to enjoying seamless messaging through one of the world’s most popular communication platforms.

Messaging apps have become ingrained into our daily lives. We depend on them functioning smoothly to stay in touch with the important people in our lives. So when an error strikes, it can feel jarring. Armed with troubleshooting techniques for common issues like “message Cannot be sent”, you can bounce back quickly and continue using Messenger to foster connections.

With billions of users worldwide, Messenger sets the standard for messaging apps. Its convenience and capabilities have made it many people’s primary messaging solution. If you encounter hiccups along the way, solutions are often readily available – you simply have to identify the problem and try different fixes systematically. Before you know it, you’ll be seamlessly sending messages again.

Staying connected with friends and family is a basic human need. Thanks to the incredible reach of platforms like Facebook Messenger, we can communicate globally like never before. But with great scale comes occasional glitches. When “message Cannot be sent” pops up, having troubleshooting steps at the ready helps restore your access to reliable messaging.

Communication apps like Messenger are pivotal to nurturing our most important relationships in today’s interconnected world. That’s why disruption from errors can feel especially frustrating. Now when you face “message Cannot be sent”, you can methodically diagnose the likely cause and try fixes until your messages flow freely once again.