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Why does Facebook Messenger not show when someone was last active?

Why does Facebook Messenger not show when someone was last active?

Facebook Messenger does not display when someone was last active or online by default. This is an intentional decision by Facebook to protect user privacy and prevent stalking or harassment on the platform.

There are a few reasons why Facebook Messenger hides the “last active” status:

  • Privacy – Facebook wants to give users control over their privacy. Displaying when someone was last active can reveal more information than a user wants to share publicly.
  • Prevent stalking – Seeing when someone was last online could enable stalking or harassment. Hiding this info aims to prevent unwanted messaging.
  • Reduce social pressure – The “last active” status can create a subtle pressure to be always online and responding quickly. Removing this info relieves self-imposed pressure.
  • Battery life – Keeping the app open to maintain an “Active Now” status drains battery life. Limiting this info reduces the motivation to keep the app open at all times.

Overall, Facebook privileges user privacy and well-being over visibility. They allow some control – users can turn on Active Status – but keep last active hidden by default.

When was last active status introduced?

Facebook Messenger originally showed the last active timestamp for all users when it was introduced in 2011. This displayed the exact date and time the user was last active on Messenger.

In 2016, Facebook removed the specific last active timestamp and replaced it with a general “Active Now” indicator that only showed if the user was actively using Messenger.

In 2018, Facebook Messenger stopped displaying “Active Now” by default, and made it an opt-in setting under Active Status. This change meant most users no longer show any last active or online indicator.

Here’s a timeline of when last active status was introduced on Facebook Messenger:

  • 2011 – Last active timestamp shown for all users
  • 2016 – Replaced by generic “Active Now” indicator
  • 2018 – “Active Now” also removed by default

The gradual shift demonstrates Facebook responding to user feedback by providing more privacy around when users are online. The last active status changed from a public timestamp to an optional visibility setting over the course of 7 years.

What info can you see about a user’s activity status?

There are three levels of activity status that you may be able to see for a Facebook Messenger contact:

Active Now – A green dot next to the user’s name means they are actively using Messenger at that moment. This requires they have the Active Status setting enabled.

Online – A blue dot next to the name means the user has been active on Facebook recently. It does not indicate Messenger activity.

No indicator – No dot or last active time shown means the user has been inactive on Messenger for some time.

So the two main indicators are the green Active Now dot, and the platform-wide blue Online dot. There is no specific information shown about when a user was last active on Messenger if they have not enabled Active Status.

How do you enable last active status on Messenger?

If you want to see or share your last active status on Messenger, you need to turn on the Active Status setting. Here are the steps:

  1. Open your Messenger app and tap your profile photo
  2. Go to Active Status
  3. Toggle “Active Status” to the on position

This will enable the Active Now indicator for your account, allowing contacts to see when you are actively using Messenger.

You can also choose how long your Active Now status remains visible after you use Messenger:

  • 5 minutes
  • 15 minutes
  • 1 hour
  • 6 hours
  • Always show

The default time period is 1 hour. After you close Messenger, your Active Now status will show for the chosen time period before disappearing.

Enabling Active Status is optional – if you prefer not to share your activity, you can leave the setting disabled.

What are the pros and cons of displaying last active status?

There are some benefits to enabling Active Status, as well as downsides to consider:


  • Let contacts know when you’re available for immediate messaging
  • Avoid messaging contacts who aren’t actively online
  • See when other contacts are actively messaging and reachable


  • Loss of privacy around your online activity
  • Feeling obligated to respond when you’re shown as Active Now
  • Battery drain from keeping Messenger foregrounded
  • Stalkers or harassers could misuse your active status info

The benefits focus on improved coordination and communication capability. But the downsides relate to privacy concerns, social pressure, distraction, and potential harassment.

Each person will weigh the pros and cons differently when deciding whether to enable Active Status. The risks for stalking and harassment tend to be greater for women and marginalized groups in particular.

Can you appear offline when you’re actually active?

No, there is no way to override your Active Status on Messenger and appear offline when you are actively using the app. If you have Active Status enabled, it will automatically show Active Now when you are using Messenger.

The only way to hide your active status is to disable Active Status in your settings. This will prevent the Active Now indicator from appearing, even when you are actively messaging.

Some workarounds people use include:

  • Launching Messenger without internet access to read messages offline
  • Using Messenger in a private browser window in stealth mode
  • Temporarily disabling Active Status during certain time periods

But there is no foolproof way to be actively messaging while also hiding your online presence with Active Status enabled. The feature is designed to accurately display real-time activity.

If you want full control to show offline at certain times, disabling Active Status is the only option. The tradeoff is that you also won’t be able to see the active status of your contacts.

Does Messenger notify contacts when you turn off Active Status?

No, Facebook Messenger does not send any notification when you disable or re-enable Active Status. There is no indication given to your contacts.

The Active Now indicator will simply disappear once you turn off Active Status. Your contacts will no longer see when you are actively using Messenger.

Similarly, if you re-enable Active Status after having it disabled, your contacts are not notified. The Active Now indicator will resume displaying but with no message that you changed your settings.

The change occurs silently from the contacts’ perspective. They only notice if they happen to observe that your active status is no longer visible or reappears again.

Unlike read receipts, active status changes are not communicated to contacts. So you can adjust the setting without actively notifying others.

Can you see when someone was last active on Facebook Messenger?

You cannot see the specific last active timestamp for a contact by default on Facebook Messenger. This info is hidden for privacy reasons.

The only activity indicator shown is Active Now if the user has enabled it. This shows only that the contact is currently active in the app, not when they were last online.

There are a few INDIRECT ways to guess when someone was last active:

  • Look for Active Now indicator disappearing after a conversation
  • Notice profile photo disappearing from active contacts bar
  • Check if they have read recent messages
  • Monitor if they respond quickly to your messages

But there is no specific last active status or timestamp available unless the user chooses to share it. Facebook Messenger deliberately hides this info by default for user privacy.

Can you tell when someone is typing or recording audio?

Yes, Facebook Messenger shows real-time typing and recording indicators when a contact is actively typing a message to you or recording an audio message.

The typing indicator appears as a animated ellipsis bubble next to the contact’s name when they are typing.

The recording indicator shows a microphone icon next to their name when they are recording an audio message using the mic button.

These indicators disappear as soon as the person stops typing or recording. But they allow you to see real-time activity and know to expect an incoming message.

The indicators only appear when messaging with one person. In group chats, typing and recording activity is not shown.

Typing and recording notifications are always enabled by default. There is no setting to disable them as there is for active status. This is another way Messenger provides some visibility into real-time activity.


Facebook Messenger does not display an exact last active timestamp in order to protect user privacy and prevent misuse of the information. The platform shows limited activity status based on user settings.

By default, no information is shown about a person’s last active time on Messenger. An optional Active Status can display when a user is actively online, but this can be disabled as well.

Facebook has gradually made last active status less visible over time to address privacy concerns. Displaying real-time activity is seen as more relevant than someone’s past activity.

There are valid reasons for wanting to see last active status, but also risks around privacy loss, stalking, and harassment. Each user must decide for themselves whether enabling activity status indicators is worthwhile for them.

Ultimately the choice comes down to the tradeoff between more coordination and connection versus more potential intrusion and distraction. Facebook has set the default balance to benefit privacy, but gives users the option to share more activity if they choose.