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Why does Facebook Messenger keep hanging up calls?

Why does Facebook Messenger keep hanging up calls?

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook Messenger calls may unexpectedly disconnect or “hang up” during a call. Messenger calls rely on an internet connection, so issues like poor connectivity, weak signals, or using up mobile data can cause a call to drop. Bugs in the Messenger app may also be to blame. Understanding the root cause can help troubleshoot and prevent dropped calls going forward.

Reasons for Messenger Call Disconnections

Here are some of the most common reasons Facebook Messenger calls may disconnect before you intend to end the call:

Poor Internet Connectivity

As Messenger relies on the internet to make calls, an unstable, slow, or low quality internet connection can lead to calls dropping unexpectedly. This may happen when:

– You move into an area with poor WiFi signal strength or mobile data coverage. Being in a “dead zone” will cause the call quality to deteriorate.

– There is congestion or high usage on the WiFi or mobile network you are connected to. Shared public WiFi networks in places like coffee shops may have intermittent connectivity issues when crowded.

– Your home internet is unreliable or has low bandwidth. Internet providers promising faster speeds than they can deliver may cause call quality issues.

– Using a VPN or firewall causes connectivity problems or lag. Some security apps can interfere with call performance.

To help mitigate internet related call drops, move closer to your WiFi router, disable your VPN, switch to mobile data or vice versa, or try calling at a time of day when internet usage is lower. Improving your internet service may also be required for consistent call quality.

Mobile Data Cap Reached

Messenger calls require a steady flow of data to maintain the connection. If you run out of mobile data on your cellular plan mid-call, the call will disconnect once the data limit is reached. This may happen without warning.

To prevent this, check your data usage to ensure you have enough remaining before making Messenger calls without WiFi. Consider upgrading to an unlimited data plan if you make frequent video calls on the go. You can also disable mobile data for Messenger and only make calls when connected to WiFi in Settings.

Phone Overheating

The Facebook Messenger app uses quite a bit of processing power to encode and decode video calling streams. This can cause some phones to overheat after prolonged Messenger calls, especially older models or phones with poor heat dissipation.

Once the phone reaches high temperatures, the system may throttle performance to cool down, which disrupts the Messenger call. The call may randomly disconnect if the phone gets too hot.

Using a phone case to insulate heat, disabling other resource intensive apps, and giving your phone breaks between long calls can help prevent overheating and call drops. Upgrading to a newer phone with better thermals can also help.

Outdated App Version

Buggy code in outdated versions of the Facebook Messenger app may inadvertently disconnect calls. Facebook releases frequent app updates to fix bugs and improve call stability.

However, if you do not keep Messenger updated on your mobile device, you may be running a version prone to call drops. Update to the latest version of Messenger in your device’s app store to get the most stable calling experience.

You can also try uninstalling and reinstalling Messenger to clear out any corrupted files causing conflicts. Just be sure your message history is backed up first.

Insufficient Storage Space

Video calls take up storage space on your device as they occur. If your phone is low on storage capacity during a Messenger call, the app may have trouble saving the call recording properly.

Once storage fills up fully, the call will disconnect since the video can no longer be saved. This interruption typically happens without warning.

Free up storage space on your device by deleting unused apps, photos, and videos to make room for Messenger calls. A minimum of 500MB free space is recommended. Moving media to cloud storage or external SD card can help increase available storage as well.

Background App Closing

To optimize battery life and memory, mobile operating systems like iOS and Android may forcibly close apps running in the background if inactive. If you minimize the Messenger app or switch to another app during a call, the OS might close Messenger fully. This immediately ends the call.

To prevent this, stay in the Messenger app screen during calls. You can also disable background app closing in your device settings, and make sure Messenger is whitelisted to stay active in the background. Keep your operating system up to date as well for the latest optimizations.

Phone Powering Off

If your device runs out of battery or abruptly powers off due to a crashed OS, any Messenger call in progress will disconnect. Force closing the app by clearing it from memory can also inadvertently disconnect active calls.

Avoid this by charging your device sufficiently before making Messenger calls and closing other battery draining apps. Quickly restarting your device to recover from a frozen OS can let you rejoin a call as well.

Weak Microphone Signal

For the other party to hear you clearly, Messenger relies on your device’s microphone picking up and transmitting your voice. If the mic input is too weak, choppy, or distorted, the call quality will suffer.

This can happen if:

– Your phone’s mic is physically dusty, damaged, or covered.
– Background noise around you overpowers your voice.
– You are too far away from the microphone while talking.
– A Messenger app glitch causes mic input issues.

If the mic signal is too weak for too long, Messenger may disconnect the call. Clean your microphone, minimize background noise, speak louder and closer to your mic, and check Messenger settings to prevent this.

Network Connection Issues

Any issues with your own or the other caller’s network connection can lead to unexpected call drops. For example:

– Switching between WiFi and cellular networks mid-call can cause the video stream to freeze up.
– One caller having a poor internet connection will lower quality for both parties.
– Firewalls, NAT settings, or ISP issues may block the call data packets.
– Server outages at Facebook may interrupt call services.

Ensure you and the other caller are on stable internet connections for best results. Troubleshoot any network equipment or firewall causing problems. Switching networks or calling again later may help if connectivity issues are temporary.

Excessive Background Noise

Loud background noise like music, television, traffic, or crowds can drown out your voice during Messenger calls. When excessive noise causes the audio quality to become too degraded, the call may disconnect altogether so the other user does not have to endure poor quality.

Move to a quiet area without disruptive noise before making Messenger calls. Turn off music, close windows, mute other apps, and ask those around you to keep noise down. Using headphones with integrated mics can also help isolate just your voice.

Glitches in The Messenger App

Despite Facebook’s best efforts, occasional bugs in the Messenger app may still cause calling issues like unexpected disconnects. These problems may occur due to:

– Issues on Messenger’s backend infrastructure disrupting call services.
– Code defects accidentally interrupting calls during app updates.
– Memory leaks, caching problems, or other performance issues.
– Conflicts with specific smartphone models, OS versions, or components like custom ROMs.

Since these glitches originate from Messenger itself, there is not much you can do besides waiting for Facebook to patch the bugs with app updates. Keeping Messenger updated and reporting issues when they occur helps improve the app. Trying common troubleshooting steps may also fix some generic glitches.

How to Prevent Facebook Messenger Calls From Disconnecting

Use these troubleshooting tips to help avoid Messenger call drops:

Ensure Stable Internet Connection

– Connect to reliable WiFi or cellular data before calling.
– Disable VPN connections temporarily if they cause lag.
– Move closer to WiFi router or windows for best signal.
– Test internet speeds to check if an upgrade is needed.

Close Unnecessary Apps

– Apps running in the background can disrupt Messenger call connectivity.
– Swipe away or force quit all apps not being used.
– Restart device to clear memory and start fresh.

Update Messenger to Latest Version

– Outdated Messenger versions may have unpatched bugs.
– Install app updates as soon as they become available.
– Update your smartphone OS as well for compatibility.

Disable Battery Optimization for Messenger

– Battery saver settings may forcibly close Messenger.
– Whitelist Messenger to stay active in the background.
– Keep your phone charged to prevent Messenger termination.

Reboot Your Phone Before Calling

– Quick reboot helps clear up temporary glitches.
– Remember to save work first before restarting device.
– May help resolve crashed OS, memory issues, etc.

Clear Messenger App Cache & Data

– Corrupted data and caches can cause instability.
– Backup chats before clearing Messenger app data.
– Refreshing the app data gives it a clean slate.

Preventative Measure How it Helps
Ensure stable internet connection Avoids connectivity problems disrupting call
Close unnecessary apps Stops apps interfering with Messenger
Update Messenger to latest version Patches bugs that may cause call drops
Disable battery optimization for Messenger Prevents OS forcibly closing Messenger
Reboot phone before calling Clears up temporary glitches and crashes
Clear Messenger app cache & data Fixes corrupted data or cache issues

What to Do When Facebook Messenger Call Disconnects

If a Messenger call still gets disconnected unexpectedly, try these steps:

– If on mobile data, switch to WiFi or vice versa in case one network is having issues.

– Turn your phone on airplane mode briefly to reset connectivity, then reconnect to the network.

– Force quit Messenger and other open apps, then relaunch Messenger.

– Power cycle your phone and router if connectivity problems persist.

– Clear Messenger app cache and data to refresh its internal state.

– Uninstall and reinstall the latest Messenger if severe call dropping persists.

– Contact your friend to confirm it is not an issue only on their end disrupting connectivity.

– Report the call quality issue to Facebook through Messenger’s feedback options.


Facebook Messenger provides a convenient way to make video calls over the internet. However, reliance on connectivity makes it prone to call drops when network issues arise. Problems with devices, apps, settings, and background noise can also interfere with call stability.

Following the tips outlined here should help narrow down and address the root cause when your Messenger calls prematurely disconnect. But even with optimal settings, the occasional call failure due to circumstances outside your control may still occur. Having patience and trying again later often resolves transient issues.