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Why does Facebook Marketplace say I have an unread message?

Why does Facebook Marketplace say I have an unread message?

If you are seeing a notification on Facebook Marketplace that says you have an unread message, there are a few possible reasons for this:

You Have a New Message

The most obvious reason is that you simply have a new message from another Facebook user about an item you have listed for sale on Marketplace. This could be someone inquiring about the details of your item, negotiating price, asking questions, or expressing interest in buying it.

Whenever you receive a new message on Marketplace, Facebook will display a notification to let you know. The notification will persist until you open the message thread and view the new message.

Someone Commented on Your Item

In addition to direct messages, users can also leave public comments on Marketplace listings. If someone comments on your listed item, it will also show up as an unread message notification.

For example, a user might ask a question or make a comment directly on your Marketplace post if they don’t want to send a private message. You will be notified in the same way as if they sent a direct message.

You Have an Unread Message Thread

If you have previously been conversing with another user via Marketplace messages but have not viewed the latest replies, this will also trigger the unread message notification.

For example, if you are negotiating with a buyer and there have been multiple messages sent back and forth, you may see the unread message indicator if you have not opened the message thread to view the latest replies.

A Message Request is Awaiting your Response

On Facebook Messenger, if you receive a message from someone who is not in your friends list, it will go into a “Message Requests” folder instead of your main inbox. You will get a notification that you have a new message request.

The same thing can happen on Facebook Marketplace. If a user who is not your Facebook friend sends you a message, it may go to your message requests folder rather than your main Marketplace message inbox.

You Have Messages Filtered to Hidden

Facebook allows you to filter your messages on Marketplace and hide ones you don’t want to see, for example messages from specific users. However, hidden messages still count as unread.

If you have messages filtered and hidden in your Marketplace inbox, the unread message counter may still show them as unread messages, even though they are hidden from view in your inbox.

It’s a Bug or Glitch

Like any software, Facebook Marketplace isn’t perfect. Sometimes the unread message indicator persists due to a bug or glitch even when there are no new messages.

Trying refreshing the page or app and seeing if the notification goes away. If not, you can try clearing your Marketplace messages cache and data to reset it. If it still persists, it may be a temporary glitch that will resolve itself.

What Should You Do About Unread Facebook Marketplace Messages?

When you see the unread message notification on Facebook Marketplace, here are some tips on what to do:

  • Open your Marketplace message inbox and view any new messages
  • Check for message requests that may need accepting
  • Open any existing message threads with further replies
  • Review filtered/hidden messages to see if any need addressing
  • Refresh or clear cache if you think it’s a glitch
  • Reply promptly to any new inquiries about your listed items

Staying on top of Marketplace messages will lead to faster sales and happier customers!

Why Do Facebook Marketplace Messages Matter?

Responding to Facebook Marketplace messages promptly and professionally is important for several reasons:

  • Buyers may be comparing sellers – quick replies show you’re active and interested in selling.
  • Answering questions builds trust and rapport with potential buyers.
  • Fast communication conveys you’re an honest seller with nothing to hide.
  • Prompt replies reduce the chance of buyers moving on to other listings.
  • You can negotiate sales more effectively by messaging back and forth.
  • Friendly, helpful service encourages buyers to leave positive reviews.

Checking your messages frequently and replying as soon as possible is good Marketplace etiquette and will maximize your chances of making sales.

How to Manage Facebook Marketplace Messages

Here are some tips for effectively managing your Marketplace messages:

  • Check for new messages at least daily – This ensures you don’t leave buyers waiting long for a response.
  • Reply to inquiries within 24 hours – Quick replies make sellers look professional and reliable.
  • Keep communication thread in the app – Don’t continue conversations outside of Marketplace messaging.
  • Personalize your messages – Use the buyer’s name and add some friendly phrases to build rapport.
  • Stay patient and polite – Even difficult customers deserve civil, thoughtful replies.
  • Avoid overselling – Let the item listing speak for itself and focus on buyer questions.
  • Move negotiations offline – Once terms are agreed, exchange numbers or set a meetup.

Proactively messaging buyers about offers, discounts or other updates is also a great way to drive engagement and sales.

What to Do If Someone Doesn’t Reply to Your Facebook Marketplace Message

If you don’t receive a reply to a Facebook Marketplace message you sent, here are some things you can try:

  • Wait at least 24 hours before following up – they may just need more time to respond.
  • Double check you contacted the right account – make sure you didn’t misspell their name.
  • Send a polite follow-up message – restate your original question or offer.
  • Make sure your message didn’t end up in their Message Requests.
  • See if they posted an update on the listing saying item is sold.
  • Consider moving on to other listings if they are unresponsive.
  • Don’t take it personally and avoid negative feedback on their listing.

If there is still no reply after a follow-up message, it may be best to move on. Sellers are not required to respond to every inquiry, as annoying as that may be!

Warning Signs of a Facebook Marketplace Messaging Scam

When communicating on Facebook Marketplace, watch out for these common scam red flags:

  • They message you out of the blue without discussing a specific item.
  • Their account seems fake – no profile photo, few friends/posts.
  • The conversation shifts quickly to outside platforms or phone/email.
  • They offer to pay significantly above asking price without seeing the item.
  • They propose pickups by third-party shipping companies.
  • Payment will require upfront fees, wire transfers, gift cards or cryptocurrency.
  • Their messages contain spelling/grammar errors or sound scripted.
  • They try pressuring you to act quickly or keep it secret.

Use caution if you notice any of these red flags – the “buyer” could be trying to scam you. Politely disengage and report them if necessary.

How to Report Suspicious Facebook Marketplace Messages

If you receive shady messages on Facebook Marketplace, you can report them:

  1. Open the message thread from the suspicious user.
  2. Click the three dots in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Report Messages”.
  4. Choose option “Message contains scam or fraud”.
  5. Explain details of why you are reporting the message.
  6. Click “Submit Report”.

Facebook will investigate and take appropriate action, including warning or banning offending accounts. Reporting scams helps keep Marketplace safer.


Unread Facebook Marketplace notifications are typically new messages, comments, hidden messages or message requests. Quickly responding separates good sellers from the rest. Manage communication professionally, watch for scams, and don’t take non-replies personally. With some common sense, Marketplace messaging can lead to successful connections and sales.