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Why does Facebook limit the use of certain features and what are the limits?

Why does Facebook limit the use of certain features and what are the limits?

Facebook limits the use of certain features on its platform in order to maintain the quality of the user experience, prevent abuse, and comply with legal regulations. Some of the key features that Facebook restricts include friend requests, messages, posts, live videos, ads, and more.

Why Does Facebook Limit Features?

There are several reasons why Facebook limits certain features:

Maintain Quality of Experience

Facebook wants to ensure its billions of users have a positive experience on the platform. If features were completely unrestricted, it could lead to things like spam friend requests, repetitive posts, abusive messaging, etc. By setting limits, Facebook aims to maintain the overall quality of the platform.

Prevent Abuse

Restricting features helps prevent abusive behavior like spamming, harassment, hate speech, false information, etc. For example, limiting the number of messages one person can send helps curb bullying/harassment. Setting limits on ad targeting prevents discrimination.

Comply with Legal Obligations

Facebook has to comply with laws and regulations around privacy, data usage, advertising, copyrighted content, etc. Restricting certain features helps them meet legal requirements. For instance, limiting ad targeting for housing, employment and credit ads complies with anti-discrimination laws.

Reduce Server Load

With billions of active users, Facebook has massive server demands. Rate limiting features spreads out usage so servers aren’t overwhelmed. This helps maintain performance and stability.

Create Fairness

Limits create a more fair and even playing field on Facebook. If features were unrestricted, bad actors could abuse them at the expense of regular users. Reasonable limits help democratize the platform.

Friend Requests

Facebook limits how many friend requests you can send per day to prevent spamming and abuse. Here are the current limits on sending friend requests according to Facebook:

– You can send a maximum of 100 friend requests per day.
– If you send friend requests to too many people who aren’t connected to you, your ability to send requests may be temporarily limited.
– If your friend requests get frequently rejected, your ability to send requests may be limited for a few days.

These limits refresh daily at 12am UTC. Restricting friend requests helps ensure people aren’t bombarded with unwelcome requests. It also curbs fake accounts trying to mass collect friends.


Facebook Messenger has limits on how many messages you can send per day to stop spam and harassment. Here are the limits:

– You can only send a maximum of 200 messages per day to a single person/page.
– If you send significantly more than 200 messages per day to someone, you may be temporarily blocked from messaging entirely.

In addition, if you send messages too quickly you may trigger Facebook’s automated systems and have to complete a Captcha to continue messaging.

These message limits create a safer, less spammy experience. They help prevent bullying/harassment and ensure meaningful conversations.


Posting on Facebook too frequently could be perceived as spammy. As a result, Facebook has implemented the following limits:

– If you post too often, Facebook will temporarily limit your ability to post for a short period of time (a few hours).
– If you exclusively post the same content repeatedly, your posts may be temporarily blocked.
– If your posts frequently get reported and deleted as abusive/spam, you may be temporarily banned from posting.

These limits force you to post meaningful, non-repetitive content. They ensure your followers see a variety of engaging posts from you.

Live Videos

Facebook Live has the following restrictions in place:

– You can only live stream videos up to 4 hours long. After 4 hours, the video will automatically end.
– Accounts deemed to have violated Facebook’s community standards may have Live privileges revoked.
– Facebook’s algorithms also look for suspicious streaming activity, like non-stop streaming or streaming at odd hours, which could trigger a ban.
– Brand new accounts have limited access to Live as a precautionary measure.

The limits on live video streaming prevent misuse like broadcasting dangerous/illegal activity, hate speech, pornography and more. It also stops people from using Live to spam followers.


Facebook Ads have extensive limits in place to prevent abuse and comply with regulations. Here are some key ad limits:

Limit Description
Targeting Ads cannot discriminate against users based on race, ethnicity, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, disability and other legally protected attributes.
Political Ads Facebook requires political advertisers to go through an authorization process and include disclaimers.
Housing/Employment/Credit Ads Cannot target based on age, gender or zip code per anti-discrimination laws.
Alcohol/Dating Service Ads Strict targeting requirements like age-gating to prevent minors from seeing these ads.
Low Quality Ads Clickbait, sensationalist and misleading ads are prohibited.

These limits ensure ads abide by laws and community standards. They protect users from unwanted, inappropriate or discriminatory ads.

Account Restrictions

If you violate Facebook’s Terms of Service too often, your account can face additional restrictions like:

– Being temporarily blocked from posting, commenting or interacting with other accounts
– Having your posts/comments need admin approval before going public
– Reduction in distribution/reach for your posts and Pages
– Removal of ability to monetize or advertise until issues are fixed
– Permanent disabling of your account in severe cases

Having clear consequences for rule-breaking encourages good behavior and prevents repeat offenders. It’s key to maintaining Facebook’s standards.


Facebook limits the use of features like friend requests, messaging, posts, live videos, ads and more in order to uphold the quality of the platform. The limits prevent spam, harassment, illegal behavior and abuse. They also help Facebook comply with various regulations related to ads, discrimination, copyright, etc. Reasonable limits create a fair environment for all users. However, if you repeatedly violate Facebook’s rules, your account could face restrictions or permanent disablement in severe cases.