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Why does Facebook keep saying it can’t find my account?

Why does Facebook keep saying it can’t find my account?

If you are seeing a message from Facebook saying they can’t find your account, there are a few potential reasons why this might be happening.

You entered the wrong email or password

The most common reason for the “can’t find your account” error is that you have entered an incorrect email or password when trying to log in. Double check that you are using the right login credentials associated with your account. Here are some tips:

  • Make sure you are logging in with the primary email associated with your Facebook account. This is likely the email you used when you first signed up.
  • If you have multiple emails on your account, try logging in with each one to see if another email works.
  • Reset your password if you think you may be entering an incorrect password. Use the “Forgot password?” link on the Facebook login page.
  • Be sure you are spelling your email and password exactly right with no extra spaces or capital letters.

Taking the time to carefully enter your credentials or reset your password can help resolve simple login issues.

Your account was disabled

If you enter the right login information but still see the “can’t find your account” message, it’s possible your account has been disabled by Facebook. There are a few reasons this could happen:

  • You violated Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards in some way. This could be due to sharing inappropriate content, spamming others, or harassing users.
  • Suspicious activity was detected on your account, such as many login attempts from unknown devices or locations. This triggers Facebook’s security protocols.
  • Someone reported your profile or content and a Facebook rep disabled your account on review.

If you think your account was wrongly disabled, you can appeal the decision through Facebook’s Help Center. However, if you did break any rules, you will need to go through their account reinstatement process before regaining access.

You have multiple Facebook accounts

Having more than one Facebook account can complicate the login process. If you know you have multiple accounts with the same email address, here are some tips:

  • When logging in, click the small “Use Another Account” link under the password field. This will allow you to switch accounts associated with that email.
  • Try logging in with your other emails if you have separate accounts unassociated with each other.
  • Use Facebook’s Find Your Account tool by entering your name, email, or phone number. This can help merge multiple accounts.

Keeping your accounts and login information organized will help ensure you can access all of your profiles.

Your account was hacked

If someone else gained access to your account, they may have changed the login credentials or contact email causing you to no longer have access. Here are signs your Facebook was hacked:

  • You have emails saying your email or password was changed without your knowledge.
  • You see posts, messages, or friend requests from your account you didn’t make.
  • Your profile information like your name or bio has been altered.
  • Your friends report seeing strange activity from your account.

If your account has been hacked, first secure all other accounts that use the same password. Then follow Facebook’s steps to regain access including identifying compromised information, resetting your password, and submitting valid ID.

Your account was memorialized

If someone has reported your account was for someone who has passed away, Facebook may memorialize or permanently disable the account. Memorialized accounts have limited functionality in order to preserve their legacy online. Here are some things to know about memorialized accounts:

  • No one can log into a memorialized account.
  • Profile and cover photos remain, but other information and posts may be removed.
  • Friends can still share memories on the memorialized Timeline.
  • Memorialized accounts do not appear in public spaces like ads or recommendations.

If you believe your account was memorialized by mistake, you or a verified family member can request to have it reinstated by contacting Facebook.

Your account is temporarily locked

If you see a message about your account being temporarily locked when trying to log in, it means Facebook has detected suspicious activity and has locked the account as a security precaution. Some reasons this might happen:

  • Too many login attempts in a short time period from unknown devices.
  • Activity from a device or location that’s not usually used to access the account.
  • Entering an incorrect password multiple times.

To unlock your temporarily locked account, you will need to follow the steps Facebook provides to confirm your identity. This usually includes identifying friends in photos or providing a code sent to your email or phone number. Taking security precautions like enabling two-factor authentication can help prevent temporary lockouts.

You deactivated your account

If you chose to deactivate your Facebook account, either temporarily or permanently, this makes your profile and info inaccessible until you reactive it. Here’s what you need to know about deactivated accounts:

  • No one can view or search for your deactivated account.
  • You have 30 days to reactivate your account before it is permanently deleted.
  • You can reactive your account by logging in with your credentials if within 30 days.
  • If over 30 days, you’ll have to create a new account and start fresh.

Deactivating your account essentially puts it into a temporary mode. So you won’t be able to access it again until reversing the deactivation process.

Your account is permanently deleted

If you requested Facebook permanently delete your account, then there is no way to regain access to it. Here’s what happens when an account is permanently deleted:

  • All profile information, photos, posts, videos, and data are erased.
  • Friends and followers will no longer see your account pop up in their feeds.
  • No one will be able to search for or view your old profile.
  • You cannot reactivate, retrieve, or merge the account in the future.

Permanently deleted accounts are removed entirely from Facebook’s systems. The only way to have an account again is to create a brand new profile using different login credentials.

You violated Facebook’s real-name policy

Using your real identity is a requirement on Facebook. If you sign up with a fake name, nickname, or business name, Facebook may suspend your account until you provide your real identity. Here are some tips for abiding by the real-name policy:

  • Use the name your friends and family know you by in everyday life.
  • Enter your real full name even if you prefer a nickname.
  • Avoid adding extra information like symbols, titles, or qualifications.
  • Create a Page rather than a profile if representing a business or organization.

If Facebook disables your account for using a fake name, you will need to submit a copy of your photo ID to prove your identity before regaining access. Using your real first and last name from the start can prevent issues.

You’re entering your login information incorrectly

In some cases, the “can’t find your account” error is simply caused by incorrectly entering your login information when trying to access Facebook. Here are tips for avoiding mistakes:

  • Double check you are entering the correct email, mobile number, or username associated with your account.
  • Make sure auto-fill didn’t enter an old or wrong email or password for you.
  • Verify caps lock is not on accidentally making your password incorrect.
  • Use the “Show password” feature to see what you are typing.
  • Go slowly and carefully type your credentials to avoid typos.

Entering anything slightly wrong when logging in will make it appear as if Facebook can’t find your account. Taking an extra minute to enter your information can prevent login errors.

Facebook is experiencing technical issues

In rare cases, the “can’t find your account” message may be caused by a widespread technical problem on Facebook’s end. Severe bugs or server outages can sometimes disrupt the login process. Here are some signs of Facebook technical issues:

  • You cannot access Facebook at all on any device or browser.
  • Friends and other users are also reporting login problems.
  • Facebook has posted a statement about known issues on its other social media accounts.
  • Technology websites publish stories on the outage with details.

If Facebook is having widespread technical difficulties, there is usually nothing you can do except wait it out. These problems are typically resolved within a few hours. You will be able to login normally again once the issues are fixed.

Your browser cookies or cache need to be cleared

Technical problems on your own computer could prevent you from logging in. Trying clearing your cookies and cache to see if that fixes the issue:

  • Cookies store login info and site preferences. Over time, corrupted cookies may prevent you from accessing your account.
  • Cached files can also disrupt the login process if outdated or buggy.
  • Clearing this data forces your browser to reload fresh files from Facebook’s servers.
  • Refer to your browser’s Help section for instructions on how to clear cookies and cache.

After clearing your browser data and restarting your computer, try logging into Facebook again. Often this simple troubleshooting step resolves “can’t find your account” problems.

You need to update your Facebook app

If you are trying to login to Facebook through a mobile app, an outdated version could be the culprit. Here are some signs you may need to update your Facebook app:

  • You cannot access Facebook through the app but can on your computer.
  • Other apps are working fine on your device.
  • You have automatic app updates disabled on your phone or tablet.
  • It has been a long time since you updated the Facebook app.

Check your device’s app store to see if any Facebook app updates are pending. Installing the latest version can often resolve technical issues that prevent logging in.

Your device’s date and time settings are incorrect

Facebook relies on your device’s date and time settings being accurate in order to function properly. If these are off, it can sometimes lead to the “can’t find your account” error during login. Here’s how to check your settings:

  • On your phone, tablet, or computer, make sure the date and time match the current date and time in your timezone.
  • Toggle “Set automatically” or “Use network-provided time” options on to sync time via the internet.
  • If changing time zones, be sure your device updates location so time matches.
  • Check clock format is set to 12-hour vs 24-hour if using AM/PM login.

Correct date and time information is required for many Facebook features. Double check your device’s settings if login isn’t working.


There are many potential reasons you may see the “can’t find your account” message when trying to login to Facebook. Start by double checking your email/password, resetting your password if needed, and making sure all login credentials are entered correctly. If it still doesn’t work, your account may be disabled, memorialized, or deactivated requiring you to go through Facebook support. Technical issues, outdated apps, incorrect settings, or device bugs could also be preventing access. Carefully going through the troubleshooting tips above can help identify and resolve the issue so you can access your Facebook account again.