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Why does Facebook keep saying incorrect password?

Why does Facebook keep saying incorrect password?

Logging into Facebook only to be met with the message “incorrect password” can be frustrating. There are a few common reasons why Facebook may claim your password is wrong even when you’re certain it’s correct.

You’ve been hacked or your account is compromised

One possibility is that someone else has gained access to your account and changed the password. Hacking into Facebook accounts is unfortunately common, often due to users reusing passwords across multiple sites. If a site you used the same password on was breached, hackers could gain access to your Facebook account with that password.

Signs your account may be hacked include posts you didn’t make appearing on your timeline, chat messages you didn’t send, and new friend requests to people you don’t know. Strange logins from unfamiliar locations are also a red flag.

If you suspect your account has been compromised, take steps to secure it immediately:

  • Change your password to something completely new that you don’t use on any other sites
  • Turn on login approvals requiring a code sent to your phone
  • Check settings for any unfamiliar linked accounts or apps and remove them
  • Scan devices used to access Facebook for malware

You have caps lock on

One of the simplest explanations is that your caps lock key is enabled, so when you type your password, it doesn’t match what Facebook has stored. Make sure caps lock is off when entering your password.

Your keyboard language settings changed

If you use multiple languages with different keyboard layouts, switching between them can alter the characters you’re typing. For example, switching from an English to Russian keyboard on your device could make your normal password keys produce Cyrillic characters instead of Latin ones.

Check your keyboard input language is set to what it was when you originally created the password. The characters should then match.

You’re entering the wrong email or username

Double check that you’re using the correct login details. It’s easy to mistake one email address or username for another, especially if you have multiple accounts.

Make sure you’re logging in with the email or username associated with the specific Facebook account you’re trying to access.

You’ve forgotten your password

It’s also possible you simply don’t remember your password correctly, especially if it’s been a while since you logged in or you don’t use Facebook frequently. Trying different variations of what you think the password is won’t work.

If you’ve exhausted other options, use Facebook’s password reset feature. You can reset the password by having a reset link sent to your email on file or entering security information like your birthday.

Facebook is having technical issues

Like any site, Facebook experiences occasional downtime and glitches. Server errors or bugs could potentially lead to password validation issues. Check Downdetector to see if other users are reporting problems logging in.

It’s also possible that Facebook is undergoing maintenance and recently restarted, temporarily disrupting logins. Try again later if the problem appears to be on Facebook’s end.

Your account was disabled

If your account has been disabled by Facebook for violating policies or terms of service, you will be unable to log in even with the correct password. Attempting to access a disabled account will produce an error about the password being incorrect.

You would need to appeal the disablement and go through Facebook’s account review process before being able to log in again.

You’re entering your password incorrectly

Sometimes the simple explanation is correct – you are likely just entering the wrong password, even though you’re convinced it’s right. Human memory can be fallible.

Typing the same wrong variant multiple times will produce the “incorrect password” message. The only way to rule this out is to reset your password and log in with the new credentials.

Your browser is auto-filling the wrong details

Most browsers can save passwords and automatically fill in login forms. This is convenient but can occasionally populate incorrect or outdated credentials.

Make sure auto-fill hasn’t inserted a old or incorrect password. Manually typing your credentials ensures you’re entering the right details.

You’re logged into another account

If you use multiple Facebook accounts on the same device or browser, you may be trying to log into one while already logged into another. Even with the right password, Facebook will indicate it’s incorrect.

Log out of the other account first before attempting to sign in. Facebook only allows one account to be logged in at a time.

Cookies or cache need to be cleared

Corrupted cookies and cached data can sometimes interfere with logging in. Clearing your browser’s cookies and cache can resolve such issues.

Try signing in from an incognito or private browsing window after clearing the browser data. This ensures no old cookies or cache are interfering.

There was a recent password change

If you recently reset your Facebook password but are entering your old password out of habit, Facebook will reject it as incorrect. Make sure to use the newly created credentials.

Allow some time after a password change for the update to fully propagate across Facebook’s servers as well.

Your account doesn’t meet password requirements

Facebook requires passwords to meet certain security criteria, such as:

  • At least 6 characters long
  • Cannot contain your name or email
  • Cannot be a commonly used password

If you changed your password to something that doesn’t meet the requirements, Facebook will prevent you from logging in until you reset to a compliant password.

You have an additional security feature enabled

If you’ve enabled two-factor authentication on your account, you need to enter a special security code after the correct password to complete login. Just the password alone will bring up the “incorrect password” message.

Similarly, if you have login approvals enabled, you need to enter a code Facebook emails or texts you each time you log in on a new device.

The site or app is unofficial or fake

Scam websites and apps pretending to be Facebook are common. Entering your login details on a fake page will always result in an error, even with the right password.

Triple check you are on the legitimate Facebook site and using the official Facebook app for your platform.

Facebook is having login issues

Login errors don’t always indicate a problem on your end. Facebook has billions of users, so hiccups with account authentication are bound to happen.

Check the Facebook login status page and Downdetector to see if others are reporting widespread login problems specific to Facebook. If so, the issue is likely temporary and will be fixed soon.

What to do if you can’t login to Facebook

If the standard password troubleshooting steps don’t resolve the incorrect password error, here are a few tips:

  • Reset your password again – this rules out any password mistakes
  • Temporarily change your password to something very simple like “123456” to eliminate special character issues
  • Update your browser or try a different browser like Chrome or Firefox
  • Clear your browser’s cache and cookies again
  • Try logging in from a different device like a mobile phone or computer
  • Make sure your internet connection is stable
  • Try connecting over a different network like mobile data instead of Wi-Fi

If nothing works, contact Facebook support through the Help Center. You can submit a report describing the login issue and any troubleshooting steps you’ve tried.

How to avoid Facebook login issues

Practicing good password hygiene can help prevent most login problems:

  • Never reuse the same password on multiple sites
  • Make passwords long, complex, and unpredictable
  • Use a password manager to store unique passwords
  • Turn on two-factor authentication
  • Change passwords periodically
  • Be cautious of scams asking for your login details
  • Keep software updated on devices used to access Facebook


Facebook wrongly indicating your password is incorrect is a common nuisance. However, the issue is typically easily resolvable by double checking your login details, clearing browser data, checking for account compromises, or resetting your password. If the problem persists, contact Facebook support for help regaining access to your account.