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Why does Facebook keep kicking me out of Marketplace?

Why does Facebook keep kicking me out of Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a convenient platform that allows users to buy and sell items locally. However, some users find themselves repeatedly getting kicked out of Marketplace for unknown reasons. There are a few potential causes for this frustrating issue.

Your Account Lacks Valid Identity Information

Facebook requires users to provide accurate identity information to create an account. This includes your real name, birthday, phone number, and email address. If your account lacks enough valid identity details, Facebook’s automated systems may flag your account as suspicious and block access to Marketplace as a precaution.


  • Confirm your name, birthday, phone number, and email address are all accurate in your Facebook account settings.
  • Verify your account and add a profile photo of yourself if you haven’t already.
  • Avoid using fake or joke information in your profile.

You Violated Facebook’s Commerce Policies

Facebook has strict commerce policies that Marketplace users must follow. Violating these policies can lead to restrictions or bans from Marketplace.

Common Policy Violations

  • Attempting to sell prohibited items like alcohol, drugs, weapons, or other illegal goods.
  • Posting spam or duplicate listings repeatedly.
  • Misrepresenting an item’s condition, features, or other details.
  • Using Marketplace to solicit non-commerce activities like surveying users.


  • Carefully review Facebook’s commerce policies and ensure your Marketplace activity aligns with the rules.
  • Delete any listings that violate policies.
  • Avoid reposting deleted listings unless you can bring them into compliance.

Your Account Has Been Flagged for Suspicious Activity

Accounts that show suspicious patterns of activity may get restricted from Marketplace. This includes:

Suspicious Activity

  • Having multiple accounts or listings from the same IP address
  • Sharing accounts or passwords between multiple people
  • Making multiple listings with very similar content
  • Logging in from an unusual location


  • Ensure you are the sole user of your Facebook account.
  • Avoid actions that may appear inorganic or dodgy.
  • Add a business name and business manager to legitimize selling higher volumes.

You Have Been Restricted Due to Past Violations

If your account has been banned from Marketplace in the past, you may find yourself blocked again quickly even after serving the initial restriction period. This is because Facebook maintains a record of prior commerce violations.


  • Wait out the full original restriction period imposed by Facebook.
  • Double check that you are following all policies before attempting to access Marketplace again.
  • Consider adding more complete identity details to your account to prove you are making a good faith effort.
  • Avoid further violations to prevent escalating restrictions.

Your Listings Were Flagged for Policy Violations

Specific listings can also be flagged for violations, which may lead to Marketplace restrictions. This can happen even if your account itself is in good standing.

Common Listing Violations

  • Including prohibited items or services in the listing content.
  • Using sensational or inaccurate descriptions to drive clicks.
  • Listing items in the wrong Marketplace category.
  • Using unauthorized branded content or intellectual property.


  • Carefully review listings to ensure full compliance before posting.
  • Delete any listings flagged by Facebook for violations.
  • Avoid reposting the same problematic listings unless edited to comply.

You Have Been Blocked by the Automated System Incorrectly

In some cases, Facebook’s automated systems may incorrectly flag your account or listings resulting in erroneous Marketplace restrictions. This is an occasional side effect of the platform’s heavy reliance on AI moderation.


  • Submit an appeal to Facebook explaining you believe the restriction was made in error.
  • Highlight any factors that prove your account and activity is in good faith.
  • Wait for a human reviewer to manually assess your appeal and override the automated restriction if appropriate.

How to Get Back into Facebook Marketplace

If you find yourself kicked out of Facebook Marketplace unexpectedly, here are some tips on how to get your access restored:

Issue Solution
Identity issues Update account with valid details
Policy violations Carefully review and comply with all policies
Suspicious activity Avoid actions that appear inorganic or shifty
Listing violations Fix or remove problematic listings
Incorrect automated ban Submit an appeal explaining the error

Following these troubleshooting tips should help identify why you have been blocked and what steps to take to regain access. Be patient, as it make take some time for Facebook to review and restore your Marketplace privileges after a restriction. Avoid further violations to prevent future issues.

Preventing Facebook Marketplace Bans

The best way to avoid getting kicked off Facebook Marketplace is to be proactive about preventing restrictions and bans in the first place. Here are some tips:

  • Maintain a complete, accurate profile with valid identity information.
  • Read Facebook’s commerce policies thoroughly and comply fully.
  • Make sure your account behavior appears organic and matches policy.
  • Only post listings that are honest, properly categorized, and policy-compliant.
  • Respond cooperatively if contacted by Facebook about any concerns or restrictions.

While Facebook should overturn any incorrect bans from their automated systems after proper appeals, avoiding policy violations and suspicious activity altogether is ideal. This minimizes your chances of wrongly triggering one of Facebook’s restriction algorithms.


Facebook Marketplace bans can be frustrating, especially if you feel they were imposed unfairly or incorrectly. The platform relies heavily on imperfect AI tools to moderate billions of users and listings. Unfortunately, automated errors do occur at times.

The best recourse is to make sure you fully understand and comply with Facebook’s commerce policies. Avoid behaviors that appear inorganic or manipulative. And use the appeal process to report incorrect automated bans so human reviewers can assess your situation and restore access if appropriate.

With some diligence on policy compliance and proper troubleshooting when issues arise, most users should be able to maintain stable access to the convenience and reach of Facebook Marketplace.