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Why does Facebook keep asking to upload my ID?

Why does Facebook keep asking to upload my ID?

Facebook has recently begun asking some users to upload a form of identification in order to continue using their accounts. This has left many users confused and concerned about why Facebook needs this information and what they plan to do with it.

Why is Facebook Asking for ID?

Facebook states that asking users to provide ID is part of an effort to increase security and prevent fake accounts. By verifying users’ identities, Facebook hopes to reduce harmful and inauthentic behavior on the platform.

Here are some of the specific reasons Facebook is asking users to upload ID:

  • To confirm users are using their real names and prevent fake accounts
  • To verify age and prevent underage users
  • To detect and prevent bot accounts
  • To reduce spam, scams and malicious content
  • To comply with legal requests and regulations

Requiring ID helps Facebook ensure each account is tied to a unique, authentic identity. This allows them to enforce their terms of service and community standards more effectively across the over 2.5 billion users on the platform.

What Kind of ID Does Facebook Accept?

Facebook allows users to upload several types of identification documents to confirm their identity:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • National identification card
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Personal identification card
  • Green card/residency permit

The ID must be a valid, unexpired document that clearly shows your name, date of birth, photo and other identifying information. Facebook also requires the ID to be high resolution and legible.

How Does Facebook Use Uploaded IDs?

When you upload an ID to Facebook, here is how the company uses it:

  • The ID photo is compared against your profile photos using facial recognition software to verify it is really you.
  • Your personal details are checked against information you provided when creating your account.
  • Your ID may be run through third-party identification verification services contracted by Facebook.
  • Once verified, your ID details are stored by Facebook for security and identification purposes.

Facebook states they do not use your uploaded ID information for any other purposes beyond identity verification. They do not sell or share your personal ID data with external parties either.

What Happens if You Don’t Upload ID When Asked?

Here is what may occur if you refuse to upload your ID when prompted by Facebook:

  • You may be unable to access your account until providing ID.
  • Some account features may be restricted or limited.
  • Facebook may permanently disable your account due to unverified identity.
  • You will continue receiving requests to upload your ID when logging in.

Essentially, Facebook will persistently block you from using their platform until you comply with their ID verification requests. There is no way to permanently avoid uploading your ID at this time if you wish to keep accessing your account.

Does Asking for ID Violate Facebook’s Data Policies?

Facebook asking users to provide official identification does not violate their own data policies or terms of service. When you created a Facebook account, you agreed to their Terms of Service which state:

If we ask you to provide an ID, such as an official ID card, driver’s license, or passport, to us to verify your identity, we require you to do so.

Their Data Policy also covers collecting IDs, names, age, and other personal information for identification and security purposes. So requiring IDs is permitted according to the policies you consented to when signing up.

Is Uploading ID to Facebook Safe?

Sharing personal identification comes with inherent privacy and security risks. However, Facebook claims they take precautions to safely handle users’ ID information:

  • IDs are encrypted in transit and storage using industry-standard encryption.
  • Access to ID data is limited to a small team of specialized reviewers.
  • IDs are permanently deleted within 30 days after review.
  • Facial recognition data is not stored after verification.
  • Users can report concerns if they feel Facebook has mishandled their information.

While no system is completely impenetrable, Facebook has strong incentives to keep ID data secure and confidential. Still, users must weigh the privacy tradeoffs themselves when deciding whether to comply.

Alternatives to Uploading Your ID to Facebook

If you are extremely uncomfortable providing your ID, here are a few alternatives to consider:

  • Provide partial identity information instead of full ID (may not work).
  • Delete your existing Facebook account and make a new one.
  • Suspend your account temporarily until you are ready to upload ID.
  • Download an archive of your Facebook data and deactivate your account.
  • Move your social media activity to other platforms like Twitter.

But keep in mind, Facebook will continue requesting your ID whenever you access your account. The only way to permanently stop ID requests is to delete your account entirely. There is no workaround within their platform at this time.

Should You Upload Your ID to Facebook?

Whether or not to provide your ID is a personal decision every user must make based on their own privacy priorities and willingness to comply with Facebook’s rules. Consider your options carefully.

Potential reasons to upload your ID include:

  • Maintaining access to an account you regularly use to connect with friends/family.
  • Having your identity definitively confirmed can increase account security.
  • Conforming to Facebook’s policies which you agreed to.
  • Contributing to a more trustworthy community free of spam and fakes.

Reasons you may refuse providing ID to Facebook:

  • Discomfort sharing personal ID with a private company.
  • Concern your data may be misused or exposed in a breach.
  • You only use Facebook casually and don’t mind losing access.
  • Objection on principle to Facebook’s data collection practices.

There are good faith arguments on both sides of this issue. Evaluate your personal situation carefully before deciding whether or not to comply. Seek out additional perspectives to determine what is right for you.


Facebook requesting users’ IDs has triggered significant controversy. But providing identification may be necessary to continue accessing the platform as per Facebook’s rules. Take time to fully understand their reasons for requiring ID and what it entails before reaching your decision. Consider alternatives like leaving Facebook if you remain unwilling to provide your personal information. While uploading ID does incur privacy risks, Facebook claims they secure data and don’t misuse it. Ultimately you must weigh the tradeoffs of complying vs. the consequences of refusal based on your own priorities.