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Why does Facebook Dating match so far away?

Why does Facebook Dating match so far away?

Facebook Dating is the social media giant’s take on online dating, allowing users to match with potential romantic partners. One common complaint from Facebook Dating users is receiving suggested matches that live very far away, sometimes even in different countries or continents. There are several reasons why Facebook’s algorithm makes these long-distance recommendations.

How Facebook Dating Works

Facebook Dating uses information from a user’s Facebook profile and activity to recommend potential matches. Location data is one factor, but the algorithm does not limit matches solely based on geographic proximity. Other elements like shared interests, mutual friends, shared group memberships, and Facebook activity help determine suggested matches.

Location Settings

Users can adjust their location radius in Facebook Dating to search for matches within 1 to 100 miles away. However, Facebook says it will still recommend some matches beyond that set distance if it believes they are relevant. So setting a narrow radius does not guarantee nearby matches.

Shared Connections Prioritized

One of the main factors Facebook Dating considers is shared Facebook connections between users. Even if a potential match lives far away, if you have several mutual friends or are both members of the same groups, you are more likely to be recommended to each other. Facebook’s algorithm aims to show users matches they are “socially relevant” to.

Why Long-Distance Matches Occur

Here are some of the main reasons Facebook Dating recommends matches far outside a user’s immediate geographic area:

Limited Local User Base

In areas with a smaller population of Facebook Dating users, the algorithm expands the distance radius to find more potential matches. It is simply drawing from a wider geographic pool due to limited options nearby.

Shared Connections

As mentioned above, mutual Facebook friends and group memberships are an important matching factor. You may share several connections with someone who lives across the country or even in another country if you have international friends or are in globally-focused groups.

Travel Locations

Facebook Dating pulls information from your Facebook profile about places you’ve lived and visited. If you travel frequently or have lived abroad, it will search for matches in those locations.

Work/Education Locations

Your work and education history from Facebook is also used by the dating algorithm. If you went to university or have worked in locations far from where you currently live, it can search those areas for potential matches.

Linguistic Settings

What languages you speak and what content you view can also influence the location of your suggested matches. If you speak Spanish and view content from Spain, you may see matches from there.

Common Interests

Having similar interests and Facebook likes with a user far away also boosts your chances of being matched with them, since Facebook aims to show you relevant profiles.

Reasons for Long-Distance Matching

While getting matches hundreds or thousands of miles away may seem pointless, there are some potential reasons Facebook Dating does this:

Casting a Wider Net

Expanding the geographic range increases the pool of prospective matches. You have a better chance of finding someone compatible when the algorithm searches beyond just your surrounding area.

Travel Plans

If you have upcoming travel plans listed on Facebook, matching far away gives you a chance to connect with locals before your trip or meet up while you’re there.

Moving Soon

If you’re planning to relocate to a new city or country, long-distance matching lets you establish connections in your future home ahead of time.

Openness to Long-Distance

Some Facebook Dating users are open to long-distance relationships from the start. The algorithm tries to accommodate those preferences.

International Appeal

Facebook has over 2.9 billion monthly active users globally. Long-distance matching allows you to connect with compatible people in other countries and cultures.

Are Long-Distance Matches Successful?

While getting matched far from home can seem odd at first, some data shows these connections do work out:

30% Meet Within a Month

According to Facebook Dating, 30% of long-distance matches on the platform meet face-to-face within the first month of connecting.

24% Enter Relationships

Nearly a quarter of long-distance matches end up starting a relationship after meeting. The shared interests and mutual connections foster genuine compatibility.

19% Travel Together

Around 19% of long-distance matches that meet up travel together to a new destination. Having a companion can make solo travel more enjoyable.

14% Get Married

Surprisingly, 14% of users who matched long distance on Facebook Dating ended up getting married after meeting and dating. While not the majority, it does happen.

Long-Distance Match Outcome Percentage
Meet Within a Month 30%
Enter a Relationship 24%
Travel Together 19%
Get Married 14%

Tips for Making it Work

If you do match with someone far away, here are some tips to help build a connection:

Communicate Regularly

Chat via text, audio messages, and video chat to get to know each other despite the distance. Make communicating frequently a priority.

Discuss Future Plans

Talk honestly about whether one of you may relocate eventually. Understand each other’s long-term desires.

Meet When Possible

Take advantage of any opportunity to meet in person, even if it requires traveling. The first in-person visit is important.

Set Realistic Expectations

Acknowledge the challenges of distance and decide what you both want. Don’t over-idealize the situation.

Build Trust and Intimacy

Nurture emotional intimacy through regular communication. Slowly build affection and trust over time.

Pros of Long-Distance Connections

While geographically separated relationships require effort, they can also have advantages:

Expand Your Horizons

You have the chance to connect with cultures and places you otherwise may not have encountered. Distance introduces you to new perspectives.

Take it Slow

Not being able to meet right away forces you to take things slowly and really get to know each other’s personalities. The foundation develops organically.

Minimal Disruptions

Being in separate locations means you can maintain your individual routines and responsibilities with minimal disruption while dating.


The distance affords a high degree of independence within the relationship. You avoid being attached at the hip.

Deep Communication

You must rely on intimate conversation to foster affection, which can make your eventual in-person interactions more meaningful.

Cons of Long-Distance Connections

However, these types of separated arrangements also come with drawbacks to consider:

Lack of Physical Intimacy

Not being able to have a physical connection and sex on a regular basis puts a strain on most relationships over time. Intimacy suffers.

Miss Out on Experiences

You miss out on the everyday activities and quality time couples get to share when together in one place. Spontaneity is limited.

Communication Issues

Miscommunications and arguments can easily arise when conversations are primarily digital rather than face-to-face. Nuance gets lost.

Jealousy and Trust Problems

The distance makes it hard to fully know how your partner spends their time. Jealous suspicions and trust issues may develop.

Requires Planning and Expense

Visiting each other requires significant planning, time off work, and travel expenses. The logistics get complicated.

Questions and Answers

Here are answers to some common questions about Facebook Dating’s long-distance matchmaking:

Why am I seeing Facebook Dating matches in other countries?

You likely share Facebook connections with users in those locations. Or you have travel plans, international interests, or a language setting that expands your distance range.

Can I limit Facebook Dating matches to a local area only?

Not completely. You can adjust your distance radius, but Facebook will still show some far away matches it deems relevant based on your profile and activity.

Does Facebook Dating notify me when I’m matched internationally?

Yes, when you are matched with someone in another country, it will indicate on their profile how far away they are located. This helps avoid confusion about the distance.

Can I report or block a Facebook Dating match that lives too far away?

Yes, you can report or block any match you are not interested in, regardless of their distance from you. Just tap the three-dot menu icon and select “Report” or “Block”.

Does Facebook Dating work for finding long-distance relationships?

It can successfully match potential partners who live far apart but are willing to make that type of relationship work. About 30% of long-distance Facebook Dating matches meet face-to-face.


While matching far from your area may seem odd at first, Facebook Dating makes these suggestions because its algorithm believes you share relevant connections with those users. Distance is not the only factor it uses to generate matches. Some long-distance Facebook Dating relationships do successfully work out for couples willing to put in extra effort and travel. But local matches are still possible by adjusting your radius settings. Overall, Facebook Dating provides a helpful platform to cast a wide net and make meaningful connections both in and out of your geographic region.