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Why does Facebook cancel accounts?

Why does Facebook cancel accounts?

Facebook is one of the largest and most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2 billion monthly active users as of 2022. However, the company is also known for enforcing strict policies and regularly disabling or restricting accounts that violate its terms of service.

Common Reasons for Account Cancellation

There are several common reasons why Facebook may disable or permanently delete a user’s account:

Fake accounts

Facebook has a strict “real name” policy – users are required to provide their real first and last name on their profile. Accounts using fake or misleading names are often disabled. This includes names that appear fake (like “John Smith”), as well as names intended as jokes or pranks.

Duplicate accounts

Facebook prohibits users from maintaining more than one personal account. If they detect duplicate accounts for a single user, they will disable all of the accounts except for the oldest or most active one.

Abusive behavior

Accounts that bully, harass, or threaten other users will be promptly disabled. This includes sending threatening messages, posting nude photos of someone else without their consent, making racist/sexist statements, and other violations of Facebook’s bullying policies.


Accounts primarily used for spamming or sending unsolicited commercial messages are likely to get suspended. This includes repeatedly posting clickbait links, mass messaging unrelated users, and other spam-like behaviors.

Inauthentic activity

Accounts that engage in “inauthentic behavior” like bots, coordinated spam attacks, and influence operations (trying to manipulate public opinion) will get removed. Facebook has been cracking down on fake news and misinformation campaigns in recent years.

Hate speech

Accounts promoting hate speech or attacks against protected groups will get banned. Specific violations include dehumanizing speech, mocking victims of tragedy, and statements supporting dangerous organizations or individuals.

Graphic violence

Posts depicting graphic violence are strictly prohibited. Accounts sharing violent images, videos, or messages promoting violence risk getting disabled.


Facebook has strict policies against nudity and sexual content. Accounts posting pornographic content or nude photos not permitted on the platform are likely to get suspended.

Underage users

Children under 13 are not allowed to have Facebook accounts. If they discover underage users, Facebook will disable the account until they reach the appropriate age.

Violating promotion policies

Facebook has strict rules for running ads or promotions on its platform. Accounts that violate these policies by running deceptive ads or promotions risk getting banned.

Infringing intellectual property

Accounts sharing copyrighted content without permission or impersonating trademark brands and figures may get removed. Facebook respects IP rights and cooperates with rights holders.

Account Disabled vs. Deleted

There are two main ways Facebook can remove your access to your account:


A disabled account is locked so you cannot access it. The content and information remain stored in Facebook’s systems. Accounts are usually disabled temporarily for violating minor policies or while awaiting verification.


A deleted account is permanently removed so it is no longer accessible. Most content and information gets erased from Facebook’s servers. Accounts typically get deleted after repeat or severe violations.

How to Appeal Account Disabling or Deletion

If your account gets disabled or deleted, you can submit an appeal to Facebook:

  1. Go to the Help Center and search for “disabled account.”
  2. Click the link to appeal the disabling of your account.
  3. Select the option that best describes why your account was disabled.
  4. Provide any details about why you believe the account disabling was a mistake.
  5. Upload a photo of your valid government ID to confirm your identity.

It may take Facebook up to 24 hours to respond to your appeal. If they determine the account was wrongly disabled, they will restore your access. However, if the violation is confirmed, the account will likely remain disabled or get permanently deleted.

Avoiding Account Cancellation

You can reduce the risk of having your Facebook account disabled or deleted by following these tips:

  • Use your real identity and only maintain one personal account.
  • Do not harass, bully, or threaten other users.
  • Do not post graphic, sexual, or violent content.
  • Do not engage in spammy behavior or coordinate inauthentic activity.
  • Do not share copyrighted content without permission.
  • Follow Facebook’s terms of service and community standards.
  • Report impersonation accounts pretending to be you.
  • Secure your account with two-factor authentication.
  • Be cautious about sketchy messages, friend requests, pages and apps.


Facebook cancels accounts for many reasons, most commonly: using fake identities, harassment, spam, nudity, hate speech, violence, and other terms of service violations. Accounts may get temporarily disabled or permanently deleted depending on the severity and frequency of violations. If your account gets disabled, you can appeal the decision and potentially have your access restored. However, it’s best to avoid violations in the first place by being mindful of Facebook’s policies when using the platform.