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Why does Facebook allow multiple accounts?

Why does Facebook allow multiple accounts?

Facebook allows users to have multiple accounts for a variety of reasons. In the opening paragraphs, we’ll provide a quick overview of the main reasons why Facebook permits multiple accounts, before diving into more detail in the sections below.


The main reasons Facebook allows multiple accounts include:

  • Allowing separation of personal and professional profiles
  • Providing account security in case one account is hacked or disabled
  • Allowing customized profiles for different audiences or interests
  • Permitting anonymous or pseudonymous accounts for privacy reasons

While most users only need one Facebook account, the platform recognizes that in some cases multiple accounts serve legitimate purposes. However, Facebook does have rules against misusing multiple accounts, and will take action if accounts are used deceptively or maliciously.

Personal and Professional Profiles

One of the most common reasons people have multiple Facebook accounts is to keep personal and professional profiles separate. Many users prefer to have a profile for connecting with friends and family, and a separate account for work contacts and career-related networking.

Keeping personal and professional profiles apart allows users to:

  • Customize privacy settings for each audience
  • Choose what type of content to share with different connections
  • Avoid mixing conversations between friends and colleagues

For example, someone may want to share family photos and personal updates with friends on one profile, while maintaining a more formal presence for career contacts on another account.

Account Security

Having a secondary account can also provide security in case a primary account is hacked or disabled. If someone gains unauthorized access to your account, or if Facebook disables your profile for violating its policies, it can be reassuring to have a backup profile.

Secondary accounts are recommended for:

  • Public figures and celebrities at higher risk of hacking attempts
  • Users who have had an account compromised in the past
  • Anyone concerned about account security and wanting a contingency plan

This allows you to switch to a backup profile if issues arise, without losing access to Facebook entirely. Just be sure to take precautions to secure all accounts.

Customized Profiles

Facebook also permits multiple accounts to allow users to create customized profiles for different interests or facets of their identity.

For example, someone might have one profile centered around their love of music, another for fitness, and another for gaming. This allows users to curate each profile’s content, connections, groups, and feeds to match the specific interest or community.

Other reasons people may want customized profiles include:

  • Highlighting different hobbies, passions, or creative endeavors
  • Segmenting connections by topics like family, high school friends, college friends, etc.
  • Expressing diverse political opinions, social groups, or cultural affiliations

By segmenting connections and content into multiple accounts, users can avoid cluttering up a single profile and more precisely showcase different aspects of their identity.

Privacy and Anonymity

Some Facebook users choose to have additional accounts for increased privacy or anonymity.

For privacy reasons, people may want to limit what personal information or content they share with certain connections. Having a secondary profile just for close friends and family can help compartmentalize information.

Anonymous or pseudonymous accounts are also permitted on Facebook within certain guidelines. These allow people to participate in groups, follow pages, or share content without using their real identity. Reasons may include:

  • Avoiding harassment or unwanted contact
  • Discussing sensitive personal issues and experiences
  • Connecting with marginalized or stigmatized communities

However, Facebook does require all accounts to use an individual’s real first and last name. Completely fake accounts are prohibited under its Community Standards.

Facebook’s Rules on Multiple Accounts

Despite allowing people to have more than one account, Facebook does restrict how multiple accounts may be used in its Terms of Service and Community Standards. Users cannot:

  • Use misleading or false identities
  • Create accounts to impersonate others or organizations
  • Use multiple accounts to artificially boost content or deceive people
  • Avoid restrictions by opening new accounts after violations
  • Share login information between accounts or operate accounts for others

Accounts and content found violating these rules may be disabled or subject to other enforcement measures. Overall, while multiple accounts are permitted, they should be used responsibly and ethically.

Data on Multiple Accounts

Based on Facebook’s own statistics, a significant percentage of monthly active users have multiple accounts:

Year Percentage of Users with Multiple Accounts
2019 11%
2020 14%
2021 13%

This shows that around 1 in 10 Facebook users utilize multiple profiles. The rate has also remained relatively stable over the past three years.

Facebook has over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2021. So in real terms, approximately 377 million users currently have more than one account.

The United States has one of the highest percentages of users with multiple profiles, at over 15% of the user base per Facebook’s data.

Younger demographics also tend to be more likely to have secondary accounts. For example, around 20% of 18-29 year olds on Facebook maintain more than one profile. This allows them to segment content to match social groups and interests that may change frequently early in life.

Pros of Allowing Multiple Accounts

There are a number of potential advantages to Facebook continuing to allow users to have multiple accounts:

  • Customer satisfaction – Allowing separate accounts for personal and professional use, different interests, and anonymity/privacy meets diverse user needs.
  • Higher engagement – People who curate content and connections may participate more actively in their customized accounts.
  • Social value – Segmented accounts help people connect with narrower communities and niche interests on the platform.
  • User security – Backup accounts provide account security in case of hacking or disabling.

Over 380 million users make use of these benefits based on Facebook’s current multiple account rate. Forbidding multiple profiles could dissatisfy many customers.

Cons of Allowing Multiple Accounts

However, there are also potential drawbacks to permitting multiple accounts:

  • Inflated user statistics – Facebook’s total user base may seem larger than it is if people have more than one account.
  • Advertising complexities – It’s harder for Facebook to precisely target ads if people have multiple identities and interests spread across accounts.
  • Spread of misinformation – Users with anonymous accounts may be more likely to share false or inflammatory content.
  • Policy violations – Those banned for prior offenses could more easily return through new accounts.

Facebook must balance these risks against the benefits. Strong terms of service enforcement also helps mitigate potential abuses of multiple accounts.


In summary, Facebook permits multiple accounts because there are many legitimate reasons people may want more than one profile. These include separating personal and professional content, providing account security, customizing profiles for diverse interests or groups, and allowing anonymity.

Facebook recognizes that forbidding secondary accounts entirely would dissatisfy a substantial number of users who rely on them. However, Facebook does restrict misuse of multiple profiles for deception, impersonation, artificially inflating content, or evading restrictions.

Overall, Facebook’s multiple account policy aims to strike a balance between offering users flexibility and customization, while discouraging dishonest behavior. As long as people abide by Facebook’s community standards, multiple accounts will likely continue to be permitted in order to meet diverse user needs.