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Why does an error occurred when sending friend request on Facebook?

Why does an error occurred when sending friend request on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why you may get an error when trying to send a friend request on Facebook:

The recipient’s privacy settings

The most likely reason is that the person you are trying to add as a friend has their privacy settings configured so that they have to approve all friend requests. This means when you try to send them a request, it will fail and give an error until they have accepted your request.

Many users enable this setting so that they can control who sees their profile and can friend them. It allows them to avoid getting spammed with requests from people they don’t know.

So if you try to add someone as a friend and get an error, it usually just means you need them to approve your request first.

Your account restrictions

In some cases, there may be restrictions on your own Facebook account that prevent you from sending friend requests. This can happen if you have violated Facebook’s terms of service in the past, such as sending spam requests or harassing other users.

As a penalty, Facebook may limit your account’s abilities, including being able to send new friend requests for a period of time. Attempting to send a request during this probation period would result in an error.

Temporary technical issues

Sometimes there may be a temporary technical glitch on Facebook’s end that is preventing friend requests from going through. The servers that handle these requests could be down or overloaded, resulting in errors even when both users have the right permissions.

These types of issues are usually resolved within a few hours. Trying again later often fixes it once Facebook’s engineers have worked out the problem.

Troubleshooting Steps

If you encounter an error when trying to send a Facebook friend request, here are some troubleshooting steps to take:

Check the recipient’s privacy settings

The first step is checking that the recipient user has not disabled the ability to receive friend requests. You can have a mutual friend check this setting for you if you are not friends with the user yet.

Go to the recipient’s profile, click the three dots icon in the top right corner, choose Friend Settings and see if the option to approve friend requests is disabled. If it is, this is likely the issue.

Make sure you are not blocked

Another possibility is that the target user may have specifically blocked you from sending a friend request. This results in an error if you try.

Have a mutual friend check the recipient’s blocked users list to see if you are on it. If so, you will not be able to send a request until the block is removed.

Confirm your account status is in good standing

Check that your own account does not have restrictions in place due to past violations that could limit your ability to send requests.

You can do this by going to your account settings and looking for any notifications about limitations or probationary periods. If none are shown, your account is likely in good standing.

Try again later

If the recipient’s settings are all correct and your account is fine, the issue may be a temporary glitch. Wait an hour or two and try sending the request again when Facebook’s servers may be less busy.

Report the problem to Facebook

If you still cannot send a request after trying all troubleshooting, report the problem to Facebook through their Help Center. There may be a technical issue they need to resolve on their end.

Reasons Why a Facebook Friend Request May Fail

Here are some of the most common reasons why a Facebook friend request could fail or result in an error:

You are not fully connected to the Internet

Make sure that you have a stable Internet connection when trying to send a friend request. If your connection drops while sending, it may cause an error. Try disabling WiFi and using mobile data instead – or vice versa.

Your Facebook account is temporarily locked

Facebook may lock your account if they suspect suspicious activity, requiring you to change your password to unlock it. A locked account will fail any friend requests.

You have hit Facebook’s friend request limit

Facebook limits the number of requests you can send per day as an anti-spam measure. If you go over the limit, further requests will fail until the next day.

The recipient’s friends list is full

Facebook caps the maximum number of friends a user can have at 5,000. If someone already has the maximum, your request to them will result in an error.

You are not Facebook friends with the recipient

You can only send friend requests to users who you are not already connected to on Facebook. If you try to re-send a request to an existing friend, it will fail.

Temporary technical issue

A bug or glitch in Facebook’s systems can sometimes break features like friend requests. Most fixes themselves within a few hours.

Recipient has a restrictive privacy setting

If another user has enabled privacy settings that limit who can send them requests, your request may get rejected by their account settings.

Recipient has blocked you

A user can block your account from sending them a friend request or interacting with their profile at all. Attempts to connect will then fail.

Your account was reported for spam

If multiple people report your account for sending spam, Facebook may restrict your ability to send requests for a period of time.

How to Correctly Send Friend Requests on Facebook

Here are some tips to ensure your friend requests on Facebook go through successfully:

Use the mobile app or desktop site

Send friend requests from the official Facebook app or website. Third-party apps often have issues interacting with Facebook’s APIs.

Check your Internet connection

Make sure you have a stable Internet connection without interruptions before sending a request. Use WiFi if available for a more reliable connection.

Remove existing friends if at 5,000 limit

You can only have up to 5,000 friends. If you try to exceed the limit, requests will fail. Remove existing connections if needed.

Avoid sending mass requests

Don’t rapidly send requests to many users at once, as this looks like spam to Facebook. Send requests individually.

Personalize your requests

Write a short personalized message when sending the request to show you are a real person they know.

Check for notifications about your account

Facebook may temporarily restrict accounts from sending requests if flagged for suspicious behavior. Check for any active restrictions.

Provide feedback if issues persist

Use Facebook’s Help pages to report any persistent issues sending requests even after troubleshooting.

Tips for Troubleshooting Facebook Friend Request Errors

If a friend request continues to fail even after following all troubleshooting steps, here are some additional things to try:

Restart your device and router

Power cycle your computer/phone and router to clear any cached data or connections issues that could be preventing requests.

Try on both mobile and desktop

An issue that only occurs on one platform may indicate a device-specific problem. Try on both mobile and desktop to narrow it down.

Update your Facebook app

An outdated version of the Facebook app may have bugs that affect features. Install the latest updates.

Check Facebook’s developer page for API issues

Technical issues with Facebook’s API could break friend requests system-wide. Monitor their developer pages for status reports.

See if others are reporting the same problem

Search online to see if other Facebook users have reported similar request errors recently. If it’s a widespread issue, it’s likely on Facebook’s end.

Attempt requests on a different network

Try connecting to another WiFi network or using your mobile data instead. Network firewall settings could block requests.

Clear your browser cookies and cache

Old Facebook cookies or cache data in your browser could cause conflicts. Wipe them and try sending the request again.

Common Facebook Error Messages When Sending Friend Requests

Here are explanations of some common Facebook error messages you may see when trying to send a friend request:

“Couldn’t process request. Please try again later.”

This is a generic error that typically means there is a temporary technical issue on Facebook’s end. Trying again in a few hours often resolves it.

“Please try this request again later.”

Similar to the previous error, this usually indicates a temporary problem processing the request. Wait and retry the request.

“The recipient’s limit on friend requests has been reached.”

This user has received the maximum allowed requests in a short period as an anti-spam measure. Try connecting at a later date.

“Daily limit reached. Please try again tomorrow.”

You have hit Facebook’s overall rate limit for sending friend requests per day. You will need to wait until tomorrow.

“User not visible.”

typically means the target user has blocked you or has privacy settings enabled that prevent non-friends from viewing their profile or sending requests.

“Sorry, something went wrong with this request.”

A generic error with sending the friend request. often fixed by reloading Facebook and trying again.

“The recipient is already a friend.”

Self-explanatory. You can only send requests to users who are not already connected to you as friends on Facebook.

Preventing Facebook Friend Request Errors

Here are some tips to avoid common errors when sending Facebook friend requests:

Don’t exceed the daily friend request limit

Spread out requests over multiple days. Sending too many at once will trigger anti-spam measures.

Only send requests to known contacts

Random friend requests are more likely to be perceived as spam and rejected. Only request people you know.

Make sure you are still logged into Facebook

An expired or invalid session can cause request errors. Check that you are still logged into the app before sending.

Avoid making duplicate requests

Don’t send multiple requests to the same person. Duplicate requests often fail.

Personalize each request

Include a quick hello with each request so it does not appear to the recipient as an unwanted spam message.

Check your Internet connection

Request errors can stem from poor Internet connectivity. Make sure you are connected before sending.

Update to the latest Facebook app version

Outdated apps commonly suffer from bugs and technical issues. Keep your software up-to-date.

Don’t send from third-party apps

Use the official Facebook mobile app or website when possible – third-party tools are less reliable.


In summary, Facebook friend request errors typically stem from recipient privacy settings, account restrictions, or temporary technical problems. Always first check the target user’s profile settings, your own account standing, and Facebook’s system status. Other tips are personalizing requests, avoiding duplicates, and spreading out requests over time. Persistent issues can be reported directly to Facebook for additional troubleshooting. With the right precautions, you can avoid most common friend request errors.