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Why does a Facebook profile say view profile?

Why does a Facebook profile say view profile?

When you visit someone’s Facebook profile, you may notice that instead of seeing their full profile, it simply says “View Profile” with a button to click to actually view the profile. This is a common occurrence on Facebook and there are several reasons why this happens.

Privacy Settings

One of the main reasons a Facebook profile may show “View Profile” is due to that user’s privacy settings. Facebook allows users to control who can see certain parts of their profile. For example, a user can make their profile fully public so anyone can see it, or they can limit viewing to just their friends or a customized group.

If a user has their profile privacy set so that you are not in the allowed viewing group, you will see the “View Profile” message instead of their actual profile. You have to send them a friend request or be added to their allowed viewing list to fully see their profile.

Friend Lists

In addition to overall profile privacy settings, Facebook users can also create customized friend lists and limit certain information to just those friend lists.

For example, you may be friends with someone on Facebook but they have you on a “Acquaintances” friend list that has limited profile access, while their “Close Friends” list has full access. In this case, you would see the “View Profile” message when visiting their profile.

Individual Post Privacy

Facebook users can also set privacy for individual posts and photos. So even if you can see the overall profile, certain posts or photos may be limited to certain friend lists or viewers. When you come across one of these individual items set to private from your viewing access, it will say “View Post” or “View Photo” rather than showing you the actual content.

New Friends

Another common reason you may see the “View Profile” message is if you recently became friends with someone on Facebook. When you first add or accept someone as a friend, you may still see the limited profile view until the new friend confirms your friendship from their end. This is to prevent people from spamming friend requests just to gain access to private profiles.

Once the two-way confirmed friend connection is made, you’ll be able to view the full profile as allowed by that user’s privacy settings.


In some cases, the “View Profile” message may appear incorrectly due to a glitch or bug. Facebook’s site has millions of lines of code, so errors can happen. Some reported cases of the “View Profile” message appearing mysteriously for friends and others who should have access include:

  • Page failing to fully load and refresh properly
  • Cached versions of the profile showing improperly
  • Mobile app glitches
  • Issues after Facebook platform updates and changes

Trying refreshing the page or app to see if the full profile loads. If not, the issue may resolve itself eventually or you can try contacting Facebook support.

Banned or Deactivated Profiles

If a Facebook profile you previously had access to suddenly shows the “View Profile” message, it could be because that user was banned or deactivated by Facebook.

Facebook bans profiles that violate its terms of service, such as using fake names or harassing other users. Deactivations occur when a user chooses to temporarily disable their account.

In both cases, the profile will display the limited view with no access to posts and information until the account is reinstated.

New Users

When someone first joins Facebook, their profile may display the “View Profile” message at first until they’ve added info and customized their privacy settings. Facebook does this so new users can control who sees their profile right from the start.

Once the person engages with Facebook more by adding posts, photos, and friends, their profile will become fully visible based on their chosen settings.

They’ve Blocked You

Unfortunately, if you find you suddenly can’t view a Facebook friend’s full profile that you previously had access to, it could be because they blocked you. When you block someone on Facebook, they can no longer see any part of your profile.

There are a few reasons someone may have blocked you, including:

  • Conflicts or disagreements
  • Unwanted friend requests or messages
  • Oversharing on your part
  • General change in the friendship/relationship

If you think you may have been blocked but aren’t sure why, you can try reaching out on another platform like text or email to resolve any issues.

How to View Full Profiles

If the “View Profile” message is appearing due to someone’s privacy settings or your new friend status, here are some tips for gaining access:

  • Send a friend request if you aren’t already connected on Facebook
  • Confirm any pending friend requests you may have from that person
  • Change your profile privacy settings to be more open to friends
  • Interact sincerely with that person through posts, messages, etc.
  • Ask politely if the person will add you to their friend list or adjust privacy settings
  • Be patient as new friends and privacy changes take time

With new friends in particular, genuine interaction over time is key to gaining full profile access in most cases.


The “View Profile” limitation on Facebook simply means there are privacy hurdles in place before you can see the full profile. This could be due to privacy settings, new friends, blocks, bans, glitches, or other reasons. In many cases, honest communication and building connections can help remove these barriers where appropriate. Be thoughtful about who really needs full access to your profile and respect others’ privacy in return.