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Why do things post twice on Facebook?

Why do things post twice on Facebook?

It can be frustrating when you post something on Facebook, only to see it appear multiple times on your profile or news feed. Here are some common reasons why you may see duplicate posts on Facebook and what you can do to fix it:

You Accidentally Posted Twice

The simplest explanation is that you inadvertently posted your update twice by hitting the “Share” button multiple times. With a spotty internet connection, it’s easy to accidentally double-post without realizing it. Before posting again, check your recent activity to see if your update is already there.

Facebook Glitched

Facebook is a complex platform processing millions of actions per second. Occasionally a technical glitch results in a post being duplicated against your wishes. This seems to happen most often when posting from a mobile device. If you notice a duplicate post that you didn’t intend to share twice, you can safely delete the extra one.

Your Post Didn’t Go Through at First

If your initial post failed to publish due to a connectivity issue, you may have tried posting again. Later, when the connection improved, both pending posts would go live at the same time, creating two copies. When this happens, delete the redundant one.

You Shared From a Connected App

Posting to Facebook from connected third-party apps can sometimes lead to duplicates. For example, sharing an Instagram post to Facebook might result in that post appearing twice. Likewise, cross-posting a Facebook update to Twitter could also re-post it on your Facebook profile. Check connected apps settings to disable duplicative sharing.

Your Friends Reshared You

When your Facebook friends reshare your posts to their own profiles, it may reappear in your news feed. These secondary shares by friends can sometimes make it seem like your original post duplicated. But rest assured that others resharing your post doesn’t create additional copies on your own timeline.

You Posted to Multiple Groups

Actively posting the same update to various Facebook groups yourself will obviously multiply that post across your profile. Before blasting the same thing to multiple groups, consider if it really makes sense in all those different contexts.

A Facebook Bug Occurred

In rare cases, a Facebook app bug results in large numbers of duplicate posts across the platform. This happened in August 2022, when a technical issue caused thousands of users to experience repeats of their posts. Facebook engineers quickly resolved the problem. If you notice lots of duplicates beyond just your own posts, it may indicate a short-lived Facebook glitch.

You Have Multiple Facebook Accounts

Maintaining more than one Facebook profile can create synchronization issues resulting in duplicate posts. For example, using different accounts for personal and professional use can result in cross-posting duplicates if you aren’t careful. Try to stick to just one account and be cautious when managing multiple profiles.

Facebook Algorithms Resurfaced Your Post

Facebook regularly resurfaces old posts deemed to be potentially interesting again. For example, “On This Day” reminders or recycled posts from years past. While not exactly duplicates, seeing old posts re-emerge can appear like duplications.

You’re Viewing Across Devices

When browsing Facebook on more than one device, like phone and desktop, it can initially look like everything is double posting. This happens as the different devices sync up your latest activity from the servers. Give it a few minutes for the duplicates to resolve as the devices coordinate.

What Should You Do About Duplicate Posts?

Here are some tips for handling duplicate posts on Facebook:

  • Double check your recent posts to see if you shared it twice accidentally before posting again.
  • Delete any obvious duplicates that represent true double posting on your part.
  • For suspected Facebook glitches, give it some time to resolve itself before taking action.
  • Disable permissions for any external apps that are duplicating your posts.
  • Clear your cookies/cache if you notice a lot of duplicate posts appearing.
  • Switch to a stronger internet connection or use the Facebook mobile app if posting from mobile web.
  • Consider reducing the number of Facebook groups you actively post to.
  • Consolidate multiple Facebook profiles into a single account.

Why Does Facebook Allow Duplicate Posts?

Facebook wants to strike a balance between preventing unintended duplicates and allowing flexibility in how people can share and reshare content. Here are some reasons why Facebook allows some duplicate content:

  • Relevant posts sometimes warrant being reshared multiple times.
  • Friends and family may want to recirculate old posts they like.
  • Strict duplicate detection would limit ability to post to multiple groups.
  • Accidental duplicates from technical glitches are hard to predict and prevent.
  • Users appreciate frictionless sharing, and removing all duplicates would add unnecessary barriers.
  • Some amount of redundancy is useful in case the original post becomes unavailable for any reason.
  • 100% duplicate detection at Facebook’s scale would be technically challenging.

While excessive duplicate posts can be annoying, a social platform like Facebook has to accept some repeats as the cost of enabling flexible sharing. That said, Facebook is constantly evolving its algorithms to better detect and consolidate unintentional duplicate content.

How Can You Avoid Posting Duplicates on Facebook?

Here are some tips to help avoid unintended reposts on Facebook:

  • Check for recent duplicates before posting again, especially on mobile apps which can glitch.
  • Delete test posts instead of just discarding drafts which could post later.
  • Limit secondary shares of your posts from other accounts you control.
  • Pause and unplug external apps that cross-post duplicates.
  • Consolidate multiple accounts down to just one or two that you manage carefully.
  • Stick to more substantial posts instead of minor updates that can easily repost.
  • When in doubt, wait a few minutes before trying to post again if it fails initially.

With billions of users, Facebook will never be 100% duplicate-free. But you can take steps to minimize unintended reposts from your account. Post intelligently, check recent activity, and delete any slip-ups.

What Are the Risks of Too Many Duplicate Posts?

While a few errant duplicates here and there are not a big issue, excessive amounts of redundant posts come with some risks:

  • Irritating friends and followers by spamming them with repeat content.
  • Diluting your social media presence with duplicate information.
  • Looking careless and unprofessional if you fail to notice and remove reposts.
  • Potentially violating Facebook’s terms of service around spam posts.
  • Hurting your reach as Facebook may suppress over-duplicated content.
  • Making it harder to find unique information you’ve shared.

The more you double-post, the worse these downsides become. Learn to prune duplicates and be more purposeful with your social sharing to avoid these pitfalls.


In summary, common reasons for duplicate Facebook posts include accidental reposts, technical glitches, connected app cross-posting, friends reshares, and recycled old posts. While some redundancy is expected, excessive duplicates risk annoying your audience and hurting your account reach. Be proactive about periodically checking for and removing unintended reposts. Consolidate multiple accounts, disable duplicative apps, post more thoughtfully, and leverage Facebook tools to streamline your experience.