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Why do some Facebook videos show views?

Why do some Facebook videos show views?

On Facebook, when you watch a video, you may notice that some videos show a view count while others do not. This is due to a feature Facebook launched in 2016 called View Count. With View Count enabled, Facebook publicly displays the number of views a video has received. However, View Count is not enabled by default for all videos – it is an optional setting that page owners can choose to turn on.

There are a few key reasons why some Facebook videos have public view counts and others do not. Understanding how View Count works and why page owners choose to enable it can help explain the inconsistencies.

What is View Count on Facebook Videos?

In 2016, Facebook launched View Count as a new metric for video. Prior to this feature, Facebook did not display the number of views on videos publicly. With View Count, page owners and video creators have the option to make the view count publicly visible on their videos.

When View Count is enabled, the number of views a video has received will be shown right below the video. This gives viewers insight into how many times that video has been watched.

View Count reflects the number of times a video has been viewed for at least 3 seconds. This metric includes both organic and paid views.

Why Would a Page Owner Enable View Count?

Displaying view counts can have benefits for content creators and pages posting videos on Facebook:

  • Shows popularity and interest in a video. High view counts may make videos seem more appealing and “trending.”
  • Provides social proof. People are more likely to watch videos that already have high viewership.
  • Helps gauge which videos are performing well. View counts give creators insight into which content resonates most.
  • Allows tracking of video performance over time. Pages can monitor how view counts increase to identify spikes in interest.
  • Transforms videos into social currency. Having a “viral” video with many views can improve a brand’s image and social media influence.

For these reasons, many page owners choose to enable public view counts in order to take advantage of the benefits. Displaying the popularity of high-performing videos can lead to more engagement, views, and shares.

Why Would a Page Owner Disable View Count?

Conversely, some pages opt to keep view counts disabled for their videos. There are a few reasons a Facebook page may want to keep view counts private:

  • Avoid drawing attention to poorly performing videos. Low view counts may dissuade people from watching.
  • Maintain consistency with old videos. Avoid having some videos with view counts and others without.
  • Reduce social comparison. Page owners may not want viewers fixated on view count metrics.
  • Prevent misinterpretation. View counts may seem inconsistent or inaccurate in some cases.
  • Avoid over-emphasis on viewership. For some pages, views aren’t the priority and focusing on counts may seem at odds with brand values.

Disabling view counts can create a more consistent look across videos and reduce excessive focus on popularity metrics. This allows pages to emphasize video quality over viewership numbers.

How Can You Tell if View Count is Enabled?

Checking whether View Count is enabled for a Facebook video is simple:

  • Look below the video. If a view count is shown, View Count is enabled. For example: “15K views.”
  • If no view count appears, View Count is disabled and views are private.

You can also typically notice patterns around which pages and account types tend to enable View Counts more frequently:

  • Large media publishers and content creators often enable counts.
  • Public figures and celebrities frequently have view counts turned on.
  • Businesses may be less likely to enable View Count due to inconsistencies.
  • Personal accounts typically do not have view counts displayed.

So if you visit a major news site or celebrity page, you’ll generally see public view counts, while local business or personal profiles tend not to show video view metrics.

Why Are View Counts Sometimes Inaccurate?

One common complaint around Facebook’s View Count feature is that the numbers seem erratic or inaccurate at times. There are a few possible reasons for this:

  • Delays in updating. View counts only refresh every 4-8 hours, so the number may be outdated.
  • Algorithms approximate numbers. The view count is not an exact, real-time measure.
  • Paid views may be included. Ad views can inflate the count higher than organic views.
  • Bots and fraudulent views could also impact the figures.
  • Views under 3 seconds are not counted, leading to lower numbers.
  • Views from embedded videos or external sites don’t always register.

Due to these inconsistencies, Facebook advises that View Counts should be considered estimates and may not precisely represent an exact view tally. The numbers give a general sense of viewership rather than being a definitive metric.

Best Practices for Using View Counts

Here are some tips on best practices for leveraging View Counts as a Facebook page owner or video creator:

  • Enable View Count selectively – only for high-quality videos where you want to showcase popularity.
  • Use View Counts more for trend analysis than exact figures. Look at comparative engagement rather than obsessing over the numbers.
  • Complement View Count with other metrics for a fuller picture, like Shares, Comments, Completion Rate, etc.
  • Review View Counts on a desktop browser for more reliable numbers than mobile.
  • Remember that higher view counts can aid discoverability and sharing. But focus first on video quality.

Used judiciously, View Counts can provide valuable insight into how your video content resonates with viewers. But the numbers should be considered rough estimates for general guidance rather than exact statistics. The most important factor remains creating compelling videos that engage your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I see view counts for all Facebook videos?

No, view counts are only shown publicly if the video owner has enabled the View Count feature in Video Settings. For most personal profiles and pages, view counts remain private.

Do deleted views count towards the view count?

No. If a video view is deleted or removed as spam or fraudulent, it is subtracted from the video’s view count.

Why does my view count freeze at 301+ views?

This is a limit Facebook implements while the video’s views are being verified. View counts will unfreeze after reviews and rise above 301 once confirmed legitimate. Pages with sufficient history and engagement can be whitelisted to view exact view counts as they rapidly increase.

Can I see more metrics besides the view count?

Yes, creators can access additional analytics like unique viewers, completion rate, demographics, traffic sources and more in Facebook Insights by connecting their page to a Business Manager account.

Do Live views also get counted in the view count?

Initially no, but once the Live broadcast ends, views of the archived video will start counting towards the view total. Live views are shown separately at first.

How often does the view count update?

Facebook refreshes video view counts approximately every 4-8 hours. The numbers do not update in real time but will gradually increase as people watch the video.


In summary, Facebook’s View Count feature allows but does not require video creators to display a public view count. Pages enable View Counts to showcase their popular videos, but inaccurate numbers and other factors lead some to keep counts private. Check for a view tally below videos to see if counts are public. While helpful directionally, treat Facebook’s View Counts as estimates given delays and approximation algorithms. Focus on creating great content, and let the views come naturally.