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Why do some Facebook friends only show mutual friends?

Why do some Facebook friends only show mutual friends?

There are a few potential reasons why some of your Facebook friends may only show mutual friends on their profiles:

They have their privacy settings set to only show mutual friends

The most common reason is that they have adjusted their privacy settings to limit who can see their full friends list. Under the “Who can see your friends list?” setting, users can choose options like “Friends except…” or “Only Me” to restrict their full friends list visbility.

Choosing “Friends except…” and then excluding specific people or groups is a way to show mutual friends only. This hides your full friends list from everyone except those you have friends in common with. It allows you to preserve some privacy while still allowing friends of friends to connect.

They have a limited friends list

Some people maintain small Facebook friends lists with people they know well in real life. For example, they may only accept friend requests from close family and friends. If your own friends list is much larger, you may end up as Facebook friends but only see mutuals on their smaller list.

You aren’t actually Facebook friends

Double check that you are actually Facebook friends with the people whose full friends list you can’t see. It’s possible you may have met them through mutual friends and assumed you were connected on Facebook when you actually aren’t. Send them a friend request and see if that gives you access to their full friends list.

Their account privacy has been compromised

In some cases, a Facebook account may get hacked or compromised in some way. The hacker may change privacy settings to limit visibility. If you notice a friend’s account behaving strangely in other ways, it may be a sign their account security has been impacted.

They have restricted friends list visibility specifically from you

Using the “Friends except…” option, people can exclude specific individuals or groups from seeing their full friends list. If someone has unfriended or blocked you this way, it would appear as if you can only see mutual friends on their profile.

This is less common, but can happen if someone wishes to quietly unfriend or block someone without them realizing it. Rather than getting unfriended, the person just gets excluded from full profile visibility.

They interact with you mostly within groups or pages

Some Facebook friend connections are based primarily around group or page interactions rather than personal profile relationships. For example, you may be in several of the same hobby groups or like similar local businesses.

In these cases, that person may restrict full friends list visibility to only closer personal connections. But you are still able to interact through your mutual group or page memberships.

Their profile is for professional use only

Some Facebook users maintain professional profiles separate from their personal ones. They add professional contacts like coworkers, clients, recruiters etc. as friends to build their professional network.

To keep the two worlds separate, they will limit visibility of their personal connections and full profile. So their professional contacts will only be able to see mutual friends in common.

They limit Facebook activity in general

Some people in general use Facebook in a very limited, infrequent way. They may rarely post, log in briefly only every so often, and restrict visibility a lot due to privacy concerns.

These types of inactive or private users are more likely to have visibility limited only to mutual friends across their profiles. It may simply be a side effect of not really using Facebook actively very much.

They are a Facebook “friend collector”

There are some Facebook users who try to amass as many friends as possible, even adding connections randomly and indiscriminately. They may add thousands of people just to increase their friend count.

However, for privacy reasons they very likely restrict full friends list visibility. Otherwise it would become obvious they have added tons of random strangers to boost their numbers.

They are popular with a very large friends list

Some extremely active and popular Facebook users can accumulate friends lists of several thousand people or more. Celebrities, public figures, influencers etc. may have huge networks.

At a certain point, having tons of friends can become unwieldy and they are likely to restrict visibility. Showing several thousand friends publicly could just clutter their profile and interface too much.

Other potential factors

Here are a few other potential factors that could result in only mutual friends being visible:

  • Recently deactivated and reactivated their account
  • Switched over from an old, deleted account
  • Went through a messy breakup or divorce
  • Went through a dramatic change in beliefs or politics
  • Recovering from an addiction and cutting old ties
  • General social anxiety and desire for more privacy

Ways to troubleshoot and see the full friends list

If you are seeing only mutual friends for someone you expected to be fully connected to, here are some troubleshooting steps:

  1. Double check you are Facebook friends and haven’t been unfriended
  2. See if you have been excluded under their privacy settings
  3. Ask them directly why you can’t see their full friends list
  4. Suggest comparing friends lists to identify what privacy settings may be affecting visibility
  5. Consider whether the relationship warrants being full profile friends vs. just mutual acquaintance level

However, you ultimately may need to respect their privacy wishes if they want to limit broad friends list visibility. Don’t take it personally, as many factors from security to anxiety to simple preference come into play.


Some of the most common reasons Facebook friends restrict full friends list visibility include privacy settings, having a smaller friends list, infrequent Facebook use, maintaining separate personal and professional profiles, or collecting massive numbers of friends. Other personal factors like life changes, breakups, anxiety, or simple preference also come into play.

Troubleshooting steps can help identify restrictions and their underlying causes. However, respecting privacy wishes is important, as many motivations exist for limiting the visibility of a full Facebook friends list.

Reason Description
Privacy Settings They have configured settings to show only mutual friends or exclude specific people
Limited Friends List They maintain a small, selective friends list in general
Not Actually Friends There is no confirmation you are actually connected on Facebook as friends
Compromised Account A hacked account has potentially changed privacy settings
Specifically Restricted You You have been personally hidden from seeing their full friends list
Mostly Group Interactions Your primary connection is through mutual groups, not personal profiles
Professional Profile They maintain a separate professional persona and network
Infrequent Facebook Use They rarely post or log in, and keep visibility limited
“Friend Collector” They have amassed huge numbers of random friends
Very Large Friends List Celebrities and public figures may limit visibility of thousands of friends