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Why do some Facebook friends have followers?

Why do some Facebook friends have followers?

Facebook launched in 2004 as a social networking site for college students. Over time, it has evolved into a platform used by billions of people around the world to connect with friends, family, brands, businesses, groups, and public figures. As Facebook has grown, it has introduced new features that allow users to customize their experience. One of those features is the ability for some users to have followers, similar to other social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram.

What are Facebook followers?

On Facebook, followers allow some users to have a one-way connection with people who want to see their public posts and updates in their News Feed. Unlike friends on Facebook where a connection must be mutually confirmed, followers can subscribe to a user’s public profile without needing approval from that person. This gives certain users the ability to amass large followings with thousands or even millions of followers.

Here are some key things to know about Facebook followers:

  • Only public figures, businesses, brands, and creators can have followers. Regular personal accounts are not given the follower option.
  • A user has to convert their personal profile into a public profile or Page in order to unlock the followers feature.
  • Followers see the public posts from accounts they follow in their News Feeds.
  • Users with followers have no obligation to follow their followers back.
  • There is no limit to how many followers a user can have.

In summary, Facebook followers allow public figures, businesses, brands and creators to broadcast content in a simple one-way connection to fans who want to stay updated on their public posts. It provides a way for certain users to rapidly grow an audience on Facebook.

Why do some accounts have the followers option?

Not all Facebook accounts are given the option to have followers. Facebook enables the followers feature only for accounts that represent:

  • Public figures – Such as celebrities, politicians, journalists, activists, religious leaders, and other notable people.
  • Businesses – Brands, companies, stores, restaurants, and professional services can convert to a Facebook Page with a followers option.
  • Creators – Influencers, artists, musicians, bloggers, videographers, coaches, and public content creators.

Facebook does this to ensure the followers feature is being used responsibly and as intended. Public figures and entities have an interest in broadcasting content widely to fans, vs regular personal accounts that may only want to connect with close friends and family.

Any Facebook user can technically convert to a public profile and unlock followers. However, Facebook monitors improper use of followers and may remove the feature for accounts that do not represent an actual public persona, brand or business.

How to get followers on Facebook

If your account is eligible for followers, here are some tips on how to get more followers on Facebook:

  • Convert to a public profile or Facebook Page – This unlocks the follower option under your name or Page title.
  • Add an easy to find follow button – Make it simple for new visitors to see the follow option.
  • Share compelling content – Post updates your target audience would find interesting.
  • Go live frequently – Live videos can help you gain new followers.
  • Run follower contests/giveaways – Offer prizes to new followers.
  • Cross-promote your other social channels – Direct your existing audiences to also follow you on Facebook.
  • Use Facebook ads – Run follower campaigns targeting your ideal demographics.
  • Engage with your followers – Reply to comments, answer questions, and interact to build community.

Gaining followers takes time and a multi-prong strategy. Leverage a mix of creating great content, engaging your current audience, advertising, and converting visitors in order to build your followers.

Benefits of having followers on Facebook

Here are some of the key benefits that public figures, businesses and creators can achieve by gaining followers on Facebook:

  • Increased reach – Followers receive your posts in their News Feeds, helping you reach more people.
  • Brand awareness – Followers help increase awareness about your brand, products, services or causes.
  • Direct connection – You can communicate directly with followers who opt-in to your content.
  • Data and insights – Facebook provides data and analytics about your followers and their engagement.
  • Monetization – Accounts with large followings can leverage opportunities like advertising, sponsorships, and more.
  • Credibility – A large base of followers can establish authority and trustworthiness.

The main goal for most accounts with the followers option enabled is to build an engaged audience. Followers signify people who want to connect with the content you share. Using followers strategically can amplify your reach, visibility, and impact on Facebook.

Drawbacks and risks of having followers

While gaining followers provides many upsides, there are also some potential downsides to keep in mind:

  • It takes consistent effort to keep followers engaged and grow your audience.
  • Those with large followings often deal with more criticism, harassment, and trolling.
  • Overly promotional messaging may cause followers to disengage or unfollow.
  • You lose some control over who can follow you compared to Facebook friends.
  • Your content is broadcast widely, which increases risk of gaffes or PR crises.
  • Facebook algorithm changes may impact reach to followers without warning.
  • Fake follower services may artificially inflate followings with bots or fake accounts.

Maintaining an active base of authentic followers requires careful social media management. Those seeking fame or fortune through followers may find it fleeting or accompanied by new challenges. However, for public figures, businesses and creators focused on their true audience, followers enable greater connection and impact.

Examples of Facebook accounts with followers

To illustrate how different entities use Facebook followers, here are some examples of popular accounts from various fields that have cultivated large followings:

Account Category Followers
Cristiano Ronaldo Celebrity 148 million
Nike Brand 36.5 million
NY Times Publisher 27.4 million
Snoop Dogg Musician 26.5 million
Sandra Bullock Actor 12.4 million

As shown, celebrities like athletes and musicians can amass followers in the tens of millions. Big consumer brands can also build large audiences of millions. While individual creators may only have thousands of followers, they can still effectively engage a niche audience.

Should you care about having Facebook followers?

Whether deliberately building an audience through followers is worthwhile for you on Facebook depends on your goals and circumstance:

  • For personal profiles, focusing on real-life friends is likely more rewarding than amassing followers.
  • Public figures can utilize followers to directly interface with fans and constituents.
  • Businesses and creators can leverage followers to achieve visibility, leads and sales.
  • Having quality engagement from a small follower base is better than a large disengaged base.
  • Those uncomfortable dealing with criticism from the public may want to avoid seeking followers.

Gaining Facebook followers tends to benefit those who want to share their work and content with the broad public. If your primary goal is close connections with friends and family, you likely do not need followers.


Facebook originally did not have a follower feature, but introduced it over time to give public figures, businesses and creators the ability to broadcast more widely. Followers allow certain accounts to build an audience that wants to connect with their brand and content.

While the followers feature enables increased reach and impact for public profiles, it must be used strategically and with realistic expectations. Developing an authentic, engaged follower base takes concerted effort. The increased visibility also invites more scrutiny. Ultimately, amassing an arbitrary follower count matters less than actually connecting with fans and followers who appreciate your work.