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Why do people say F on Reddit?

Why do people say F on Reddit?

The trend of commenting “F” on Reddit has become quite popular over the years, but many people may not know the meaning and origin of this odd phenomenon. In this article, we will explore the history of the “Press F to pay respects” meme and how it turned into a way for Redditors to express condolences, share empathy, or pay humorous respects in comment sections.

The Origins of “Press F to Pay Respects”

The phrase “Press F to pay respects” originated from a quick time event in the 2014 first-person shooter video game Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. In one scene of the game’s campaign mode, the player character attends a funeral, and the on-screen prompt instructs players to “Press F to Pay Respects” while standing in front of the casket. This prompted the game to play a short animation of the player character saluting.

This moment gained traction in internet gaming communities as something players found both unintentionally comedic and genuinely poignant. The concept of pressing a button to initiate an expression of mourning or respect struck many as both an earnest attempt to add emotional depth and also a symptom of the mechanical nature of quick time events in video games. Theinherent absurdity of distilling a somber act like paying respects down to a single keyboard press led to the phrase becoming an ironic meme.

The Meme Spreads on the Internet

As an in-joke among gamers, the phrase “Press F to pay respects” spread rapidly online after the release of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare in 2014. People began using the letter “F” itself as shorthand for the full phrase when reacting to tragic events or reacting to other users paying respects. For example, someone might post “F” in the comments under a news article about a tragedy.

The meme spread through gaming forums and communities like Reddit, gaining popularity within the gaming world as a concise way to acknowledge and express empathy for tragedies or other solemn events. This often occurred satirically, such as commenting “F” after a teammate failed in a multiplayer game or died in a silly way. But the meme was also used earnestly in mourning lost fellow gamers or showing support during challenging times in the gaming community.

Transition to Widespread Use on Reddit

In the following years after originating with Call of Duty, the “Press F” meme spread more widely across the internet and began being used on Reddit as well as gaming communities. It was adopted organically by Redditors who recognized its usefulness as a simple way to pay respects or signal acknowledgement of significant events occurring within Reddit communities.

For example, Redditors would comment “F” on posts that announced the death of a well-known member or significant contributor to a subreddit. The letter allowed users to recognize the loss and convey their sympathy efficiently. This use then expanded as Redditors began commenting “F” on any posts that shared sad, unlucky, or mildly unfortunate news from users’ personal lives.

Meanings and Usage of “F” on Reddit

Today, commenting “F” is common across Reddit in many contexts, having evolved beyond just paying respects. Here are some of the meanings and situations where you will see it used:

Paying Respects

The most straightforward use continues to be Redditors commenting “F” on posts about deaths or tragic events as a simple way to acknowledge and mourn the loss. This includes public figures’ deaths, users announcing deaths of loved ones, pets passing away, and more. It acknowledges the poster’s sad news and expresses empathy.

Sympathizing With Misfortunes or Failures

Redditors also frequently comment “F” on posts about disappointing failures or situations, big and small, that have gone wrong for the original poster. This includes posts about bad breakups, failures at work or school, unlucky occurrences, and minor yet frustrating problems encountered in daily life. Commenting “F” expresses that they sympathize with the poster’s misfortune.

Paying Humorous Respects

In community subs like gaming or meme subreddits, “F” is often used humorously or satirically when something silly occurs that merits over-the-top mock respect. This can be posting “F” when someone makes a foolish blunder in a game, fails in a humorous way, or shares a self-deprecating story.

Agreeing With Other Commenters

In discussion posts on Reddit, commenting solely “F” can also signify concise agreement with another commenter’s point. This indicates aligning with their perspective or cosigning their argument when it has already been clearly stated.

Acknowledging Unfortunate News

More broadly, Redditors will post “F” on any news reports or announcements sharing unfortunate, sad, or traumatic current events to acknowledge the severity or gravity of the situation.

The Letter “F” as a Versatile Response

In essence, the letter “F” has become a versatile way for Redditors to signal acknowledgement of noteworthy occasions that merit solemnity, disappointment, or empathy. It allows users to efficiently convey an appropriate tone in response to serious subject matter when simply upvoting feels too minor. The spread of this phenomenon displays both the cultural influence of gaming memes as well as Redditors’ interest in adapting shorthand techniques to facilitate the site’s commenting culture.

While originating from an absurd video game quick time event, the simple act of pressing “F” has become enshrined on Reddit as a minimalist but meaningful way to pay one’s respects. It enables users to acknowledge significant posts and join in mourning or reacting to impactful events with just a single letter.

Examples of Using “F” in Reddit Comments

Here are some examples of how Redditors actually use “F” in comment sections across the site:

Type of Post Comment with “F”
User announcing death of family member So sorry for your loss. F
Article about celebrity death F
Story about failed exam F’s in the chat boys
Meme about spilled drink F
Debate about politics I agree completely. F
News about natural disaster F. So devastating.

This demonstrates how Redditors apply the simple “F” in various scenarios to efficiently express sympathy, agreement, disappointment, acknowledgment, or any reaction fitting the tone of the content.

Criticisms of the “F” Meme

Despite its popularity, the phenomenon of commenting “F” has received some criticisms on Reddit:

Overuse Leading to Loss of Meaning

Some Reddit users complain that the ubiquity of “F” in comments has rendered it meaningless, no longer conveying real empathy, respect, or acknowledgment as it becomes an automated reaction.

Disrespectful in Serious Contexts

Others argue commenting “F” can seem flippant, trivializing, or insensitive when used on posts about deaths or tragedies, especially as the meaning has shifted away from just paying respects.

Laziness and Low Effort

Frequent use of the single-letter comment has led to criticisms that it represents the low-effort nature of much social media interaction and lazy engagement on the site in place of meaningful discussion.

The Enduring Usage of “F” on Reddit

Regardless of criticisms, the letter “F” remains widely used on Reddit in comments to serve as an efficient indicator of the commenter’s reaction or perspective, often taking on meanings ranging from sincere to ironic. This practice connects back to the video game meme origin of “Press F to pay respects” while also adapting it as a unique fixture of the way Redditors communicate.

The “F” phenomenon provides an example of how the culture of Reddit arises from memes and in-jokes as much as policy or administration. The use of this single letter has evolved into a nuanced shorthand for acknowledging fellow Redditors’ posts in a way that feels appropriate for the subject matter and aligns with the tone of specific subreddits or situations. So for the foreseeable future, expect Reddit comment sections to frequently feature this nearly universal expression of empathy, agreement, disappointment, commemoration, or humor.