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Why do people do stories instead of posts on Facebook?

Why do people do stories instead of posts on Facebook?

Facebook introduced Stories as a new way for people to share photos and videos in 2017. Since then, Stories have become increasingly popular, especially among young people. There are several reasons why people have gravitated towards Stories rather than traditional Facebook posts.

Stories Are More Casual and Fun

Stories provide a format that is more casual, playful and fun compared to regular Facebook posts. People often use Stories to give their followers a behind-the-scenes look at their daily lives or to share silly photos and videos that they might not put in a regular post.

With Stories, people don’t feel like they have to only share polished, perfect content. The ephemeral nature of Stories – they disappear after 24 hours – reduces the pressure to post high-quality content. Stories have a more raw, authentic and unfiltered feel compared to posts.

Stories Are Easy and Quick to Create

Facebook designed Stories to make photo and video sharing quick and straightforward. You don’t have to mess around with filters, editing tools, captions or hashtags. Just snap a photo or shoot a quick video, and upload it to your Story in seconds.

The simplicity of Stories makes them the perfect way to share fleeting moments or spontaneous content. People appreciate the ability to give their followers a glimpse of their daily activities without having to spend time editing a post.

Stories Allow More Creativity and Self-Expression

While Facebook posts tend to be more text-based, Stories put the emphasis on visual content. This allows for greater creativity and self-expression through photos, videos, drawings, stickers, filters and more. Stories have a wide range of creative tools that people can use to make visually compelling content.

Many users, especially young people, enjoy experimenting with all the options available in Stories. Applying fun filters, stickers and effects allows them to put their own spin on photos and videos before sharing them.

Stories Feel More Personal and Intimate

The full-screen, vertical format of Stories makes them feel more personal and intimate compared to regular Facebook posts. Viewers get drawn into the content and feel like they are getting a direct view into the poster’s life.

Stories also help build a sense of connection and closeness between users and their followers. Followers get to see candid glimpses of their friend’s and family’s daily routines and activities through Stories.

Stories Allow Real-Time Sharing

Facebook introduced Stories as a way to share content in real-time. Rather than crafting posts after the fact, Stories let users instantly upload photos and videos of events and experiences as they happen.

This real-time, up-to-the-minute sharing appeals to people who want to give their followers an immediate window into their lives. From concerts and vacations to meals out with friends, Stories enable real-time sharing of all kinds of experiences.

Stories Reach All Your Followers

Unlike regular Facebook posts, which only reach a portion of your followers, Stories are seen by all your followers by default. This gives Stories content a broader reach and higher visibility.

Many users prefer Stories because they know their content will be viewed by their entire follower base rather than an algorithmically determined subset. Increased visibility provides more incentive for users to share Stories.

Stories Allow Users to Be Part of Trends

Facebook frequently adds new creative tools, filters and stickers to Stories that tie into trends, holidays and current events. For example, around Halloween users can add spooky effects and stickers to their Stories.

Using relevant effects and stickers allows people to make their content tie into timely trends and themes. Being part of these collective cultural moments provides enjoyment for many Story creators.

Stories Facilitate Engagement and Interactions

Unlike traditional Facebook posts, Stories make it easy for followers to send messages and reactions as they view content. Followers can respond privately to each Story or react using emojis.

This allows for real-time engagement and interactions. People enjoy seeing responses and reactions roll in as their followers view Stories. The back-and-forth makes the experience more interactive.

Stories Allow Connection with Influencers

Many social media influencers and public figures post engaging Stories to give their followers a more personal look at their lives. Fans feel like they get to know their favorite influencers better through candid, behind-the-scenes Stories.

Forms of influencer marketing and promotion that feel overly salesy or inauthentic typically flop on Stories. Users want to see vulnerability and authenticity from the influential figures they follow.

Stories Are Inspiring and Aspirational

While people primarily share their own content on Stories, they also enjoy discovering and watching Stories from accounts that inspire them. Seeing glimpses into the lives of motivational figures can be uplifting.

Stories allow people to get inspired by following figures who promote body positivity, mental health awareness, activism, healthy lifestyles and more. The advent of Stories opened up new avenues for users to find inspirational and aspirational content.

Stories Allow People to Follow Niche Interests

Facebook users can create accounts solely devoted to their Story content around specific niches and topics. This allows people to follow accounts related to niche interests like fitness, food, psychology, interior design and more.

Stories provide a format for meme accounts, niche influencers, local businesses and community groups to engage their target audiences around shared interests. People appreciate having Story content tailored to their hobbies and passions.

Stories Give People Recognition and Attention

Human beings have an inherent desire to feel seen, recognized and validated by others. Posting engaging Stories provides a way for people to get attention in the form of views, reactions and comments from their followers.

The instant feedback and recognition that comes with Story engagement triggers the brain’s reward centers. People feel good when their Stories get a lot of views. Stories provide quick hits of attention and validation.

Stories Allow People to Showcase Experiences

Well-crafted Stories enable people to showcase memorable life experiences like traveling, special events, nights out with friends, new creative projects and more. Users can frame themselves and their lives in an aspirational manner through Stories.

Showcasing experiences is a way for people to demonstrate what makes their lives joyful and envy-inducing. Stories provide a space to put together photo and video narratives of experiences users want to remember and have others appreciate.

Stories Help People Feel Involved and Included

Viewing others’ Stories on social media allows people to feel involved in their lives and included in shared experiences. This provides a sense of connection and belonging, even if the people posting Stories are acquaintances or strangers.

Knowing what is going on in other people’s lives through their Stories gives followers a feeling of being part of a community. Stories help facilitate indirect social interactions that people crave due to innate social needs.

Stories Facilitate Friendships and Relationships

Close friends frequently interact via Stories by reacting to and commenting on each other’s content. These back-and-forth Story exchanges strengthen social bonds and friendships.

Couples also develop their relationships through Stories by giving each other a glimpse into their daily lives when apart. Stories provide a lightweight, low-pressure way for any type of relationship to deepen through regular interaction.

Stories Allow Self-Expression and Experimentation

Stories enable self-expression by allowing people to present filtered versions of themselves and their lives. Users carefully curate what they share on Stories, choosing the elements they want to put forward.

The ephemeral quality of Stories also encourages experimentation with identity. People feel comfortable posting bolder, sillier or more provocative content, knowing it won’t be part of their permanent social media history.

Stories Provide Entertainment and Escape

Aimlessly viewing Stories can entertain people and provide an escape from boredom or stresses. The constant influx of new visual content stimulates the brain’s reward system in a dopamine-triggering way that users find pleasurable.

Watching others’ Stories allows people to live vicariously through their experiences. This provides temporary distraction and entertainment when people need a mental break from their own lives.

Stories Facilitate Business Promotion

Businesses utilize Stories as a promotional channel to attract customers. Brands craft Stories that give people behind-the-scenes looks at products and services. The casual Story format feels lower pressure than traditional ads.

User-generated Stories also benefit businesses when customers showcase products in their Stories. This provides word-of-mouth promotion that feels authentic due to the customer creating the content.

Stories Allow People to Observe Others’ Lives

Humans are inherently curious about other people’s lives. Social media Stories provide windows into the daily activities, interests and environments of other users’ lives. People enjoy passively observing others’ worlds through glimpses into their Stories.

Voyeuristic impulses make the practice of peering into others’ realities through Stories compelling for many users. People justify the nosiness by framing it as mere entertainment.

Stories Provide Short-Form Variety

The caps on length for Story posts create built-in variety, as no single photo or video can dominate the stream. The constant turnover of content from different users keeps Stories feeling fresh and fast-paced.

People appreciate having an ever-changing flow of brief, eye-catching content. The brevity allows users to digest numerous Stories in quick succession without their attention waning.

Stories Allow People to Share Tips and Hacks

How-to style Stories enable people to share useful life tips, tricks and hacks with their followers. This content helps viewers learn new skills and life shortcuts across topics like cooking, beauty, health, productivity and more.

People enjoy benefiting from practical advice distilled into easily digestible Story posts. Quick tutorial-style Stories provide value, especially when the tips come from trusted accounts.

Stories Provide a Sense of Community

Shared Story topics and trends foster a sense of community, as people bond over creating content around the same themes. reacting to each other’s Stories strengthens connections within friend groups or between users with shared interests.

Seeing familiar faces frequently pop up in Stories builds familiarly and rapport. Over time, regular interactions across Stories facilitate community development between users.

Stories Allow People to Find Like-Minded Groups

Hashtag Stories group content around specific topics, allowing people to easily find and join interest-based communities. For instance, users can follow #baking Stories to connect with fellow baking enthusiasts.

The grouping of Stories builds subcultures and tribes centered around hobbies, causes and other shared passions. People enjoy feeling part of a like-minded group joined by apsirations and interests.

Stories Provide Opportunities for Discovery

Stories continuously surface new accounts, brands, creators and influencers that users may enjoy following. Sampling novel Story content expands people’s horizons beyond just the posts from accounts they already follow.

Unexpectedly stumbling upon engaging new Stories provides enjoyment. People appreciate having opportunities for discovery of fresh content, products, ideas and perspectives.

Stories Facilitate Friendly Competition

People enjoy trying to post the coolest vacation Stories, most mouthwatering food Stories or most adorable pet Stories. The one-upmanship and competition around Story creation is usually good-natured and friendly.

Comparing Story metrics like views and reactions with peers provides motivation to keep upping the quality of content. People have fun competing to make the most visually appealing Stories within their social circles.

Stories Allow People to Directly Engage Fans

Public figures, artists, musicians and influencers use Stories as a channel to engage directly with fans and build parasocial relationships. Sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses makes fans feel closer to celebrities.

Stars enjoy the ability to give fans insider perspectives without relying on media filters. Directly interacting via comments and messages also helps strengthen fan loyalty and satisfaction.

Stories Facilitate Grassroots Organizing

Activist causes leverage Stories as a tool to organize grassroots movements and coordinate real-world collective action. Hashtags focus effort around issues from climate change to racial justice to voting campaigns.

Stories enable rapid dispersion of information, rallying cries, and calls to action among passoinate members of sociopolitical movements. The immediacy facilitates swift mobilization and coordination.

Stories Provide Audience Feedback to Creators

Artists, performers and other creators utilize Stories to showcase new projects and receive audience feedback in the moment. Seeing which works-in-progress resonate guides the creative process.

The interactive nature of Stories allows for more participatory, engaged arts patronage. Followers feel invested in creatives’ work by getting early previews and having input through direct conversations.

Stories Facilitate Start-Up Launches

Entrepreneurs leverage Stories to build buzz and community around new start-up ventures, especially in the early stages when brands lack awareness. Interest-specific hashtags help attract the target demographics.

Start-ups intermix behind-the-scenes development Stories with teasers and calls for feedback to organically generate curiosity and loyalty. The narrative format aids in conveying founding stories.

Stories Allow Parental Sharing of Child Moments

Parents love documenting their young children’s everyday moments through Stories. Milestones and hilarious mishaps get shared with extended family members, faraway friends, and other parent communities.

The relatability fosters social bonding with other parents. Stories also provide a historical archive of precious fleeting childhood moments that parents want to capture but not necessarily preserve permanently.

Stories Facilitate Romantic Relationships

Couples strengthen intimacy through teasing, inside joke, and flirtatious exchanges via Stories. Shared Stories weave romantic partners deeper into each other’s daily lives and routines when apart.

Partners enjoy creating collaborative Stories together that highlight their adventures as a couple for friends and family. Story responses keep the spark of romance alive even when distance separates lovers.


In summary, Stories offer a fun, casual way to give followers a peek into daily life. They facilitate more authentic, raw and real-time sharing. Interactive reactions and ephemerality reduce the pressure Stories place on creators.

Stories allow greater creativity through filters, effects and stickers. They provide inspiration and entertainment while building connections and communities. People craft Stories to showcase experiences, self-expression, interests and talents.

Businesses, influencers, activists and creators all utilize Stories to build engaged audiences. Ultimately, the Stories format scratches a human itch to both share personal moments and glimpse into others’ worlds.