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Why do my Facebook reels freeze?

Why do my Facebook reels freeze?

If you are experiencing issues with Facebook reels freezing or stuttering when you try to watch them, there are a few potential causes and solutions to try. The most common reasons Facebook reels may freeze and some troubleshooting tips include:

Internet Connection Issues

One of the most common reasons Facebook reels freeze is problems with your internet connection. Reels require a stable, fast internet connection to stream properly. Here are some tips for troubleshooting internet connection issues:

  • Check your wifi connection – Make sure you have a strong wifi signal where you are watching reels. Move closer to your router or modem if possible.
  • Restart your router – Unplug your router, wait 30 seconds, and plug it back in. This can help clear out any glitches.
  • Switch to mobile data – If you’re on wifi, try loading reels using mobile data instead to see if they work better.
  • Test your internet speed – Run a speed test to check your download and upload speeds. You’ll want at least 5-10mbps download speed for smooth video streaming.

If your internet connection checks out, the issue may be:

Server or App Issues

Problems on Facebook’s end can also cause reels to freeze up. Here’s how to check if the issues are with Facebook:

  • Try watching reels while connected to a different wifi network – If reels freeze up the same way, that indicates a broader issue.
  • Check the Facebook status page – This page reports any known issues with Facebook services.
  • Update the app – Make sure you’re running the latest version of the Facebook app.
  • Try watching on desktop – See if reels freeze when watching via Facebook in a desktop browser.

If reels aren’t working properly across devices and networks, there are likely widespread technical issues on Facebook’s end. The only solution is to wait for Facebook to resolve them.

Corrupted Reels

In some cases, freezing or glitching can be caused by problems with the individual reel’s video file itself. This can happen if the reel wasn’t processed properly when it was uploaded. Things to try include:

  • Refresh the reel – Pull down to refresh the reel and try watching again.
  • Close and reopen the app – Force quit the Facebook app and restart it to clear the cache.
  • Try watching the original video – See if you can watch the full original video posted by the creator outside of reels.
  • Report the reel – Let Facebook know there is an issue with that particular reel.

If the original video works fine outside of reels, the reel version is likely corrupted. Reporting it to Facebook can help get it fixed.

Account Restrictions

In rare cases, freezing issues may result from restrictions Facebook has placed on your account. This can happen if you violated Facebook’s terms of service. Check the following:

  • Account status – Check if your account has been temporarily suspended or restricted.
  • Age restrictions – Facebook may limit accounts for younger users.
  • Region blocking – Content may be limited in certain countries and regions.

If your account access has been intentionally limited by Facebook, you will need to resolve any violations before reels will work properly again.

App Permissions

To function properly, the Facebook app requires access to certain features and information on your device. If permissions have been disabled, it can cause problems. Try the following:

  • Check app permissions – Make sure the Facebook app has permission to access your camera, photos, media files, wifi, storage, etc.
  • Update permissions – Go into your device settings and make sure all required Facebook app permissions are enabled.
  • Reinstall the app – Deleting and reinstalling the app will reset all permissions.

Granting the proper app permissions and access can help resolve issues if they are caused by disabled permissions.

Update Your Device Software

Outdated device software can also cause performance issues with reels. Try updating your device to see if that helps:

  • Update your iOS – Go into Settings > General > Software Update on your iPhone.
  • Update Android OS – On your Android phone, go into Settings > System > System Update.
  • Restart your device after updating to clear any glitches.

Keeping your device’s operating system up-to-date will ensure maximum compatibility with the Facebook app.

Facebook Reels Spec Requirements

Facebook reels require your device to meet certain hardware and software specifications. If your device is too old or underpowered, reels may have performance issues. Here are Facebook’s requirements:

OS Version iOS Android
Minimum iOS 11 Android 5
Recommended iOS 15 Android 8 or newer

Checking your device against these requirements can help diagnose compatibility issues causing reels to freeze. Upgrading to at least the minimum supported OS version may help.

Overloaded Servers

Major outages that affect Facebook as a whole are rare, but do occur. Traffic spikes from popular events can overwhelm Facebook’s servers, causing widespread glitches including reels freezing. When this happens, there is unfortunately little you can do besides wait for Facebook to get things back up and running again. Checking Facebook’s status page can confirm if overloading is the issue.

Bad Caching and Cookies

Cache and cookie files help loaded Facebook reels faster, but can sometimes become corrupted and cause performance issues. Clearing these files forces loading fresh copies and can fix freezing. Here’s how to clear cache and cookies for Facebook:

  • Desktop – Open your browser settings and find the options to clear cache and cookies. Location varies by browser.
  • Mobile – In app settings, find the option to clear cache or delete app data. Or uninstall and reinstall the app.

Clearing this temporary app data can eliminate any corrupted files that might be causing reels to freeze.

Problems with Your Phone

Issues with your smartphone itself can also lead to problems with Facebook reels. Some things to check include:

  • Available storage space – Low storage can cause performance issues. Delete unused apps and files to free up space.
  • Overheating – Heat throttles your processor speed. Let your phone cool off if overheated.
  • High CPU/RAM usage – Close unused apps and limit multitasking to free up resources.
  • Malware or viruses – Run anti-virus scans to check for infections harming performance.
  • Hardware defects – Physical device damage may require repair or replacement.

Diagnosing wider smartphone problems can help pinpoint their effects on Facebook reels freezing up.


In summary, there are many potential causes of Facebook reels freezing, stuttering, or glitching during playback. Start by troubleshooting your internet connection and Facebook app issues. Check for account restrictions or disabled permissions affecting access. Make sure your device meets the minimum requirements and software is up-to-date. Clearing temporary app files and data can resolve corrupted issues. And diagnose any wider hardware or performance problems on your device. With patience and methodically working through possible solutions, you should hopefully be able to resolve any reel freezing issues.