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Why do my Facebook pictures say something went wrong?

Why do my Facebook pictures say something went wrong?

It can be frustrating when you try to view or upload pictures on Facebook, only to see the message “Sorry, something went wrong” or “This photo can’t be displayed”. There are several potential reasons why this happens, which we’ll explore in more detail below.

Your Picture File May Be Corrupted or Damaged

One of the most common reasons for the “something went wrong” error on Facebook is that the picture file itself is corrupted or damaged in some way. This can happen for a few different reasons:

  • The image was edited and re-saved multiple times, which degraded the quality
  • There was an issue when the picture was taken, like the camera glitching
  • The file was corrupted during upload or download

If the image file is corrupted, unfortunately there is not much you can do to fix it. Your best option is to replace the problematic picture with another version that is not damaged or glitched. If possible, re-upload a fresh, unmodified version of the photo from your computer or camera.

Facebook’s Servers Are Having Issues

While it may seem like an issue with your specific photos, sometimes the “something went wrong” error is actually due to problems on Facebook’s end. Their servers could be down, overloaded, or having intermittent technical issues that disrupt photo loading.

Some signs that it’s a Facebook server problem and not your photos include:

  • You cannot view or upload any photos, not just one specific image
  • Your Facebook newsfeed is not loading at all
  • Your Facebook friends report similar photo viewing issues
  • The Facebook website or app is slow and laggy overall

If Facebook is experiencing a widespread outage or server troubles, unfortunately all you can really do is wait it out. The issue should resolve itself once their technical teams address the problem. You may want to try again in a few hours or the next day.

Your Upload Exceeded the File Size Limit

Facebook places a cap on the maximum file size for images you can upload. If your photo exceeds that limit, it will fail to upload and show the “something went wrong” message.

Here are Facebook’s size restrictions as of October 2023:

  • Cover photos: 8MB max file size
  • Profile pictures: 5MB max file size
  • Photos uploaded to a post or album: 4MB max file size

If your picture is particularly large, double check that it falls within Facebook’s size limits. You may need to use image editing software to reduce the file size before re-uploading.

Your Internet Connection Is Unstable

Uploading and viewing photos requires a reasonably fast and stable internet connection. If your connection drops out or is intermittent, you may see frequent “something went wrong” errors on Facebook.

Check that your internet is working properly when the error appears. Reconnect to the network or switch to a different wifi network or cellular data if needed. Try uploading the photo again once you have a strong, steady connection.

Your Browser Has an Issue with Facebook

In some cases, the issue may lie with your web browser rather than Facebook itself. Browsers like Chrome can sometimes glitch or have conflicts with Facebook’s coding that prevents images from loading.

Try the following browser troubleshooting steps:

  • Clear your browser cache and cookies
  • Force quit and relaunch your browser
  • Try a different web browser like Firefox or Safari
  • Update your browser to the latest version

If the photo starts working in a different browser, you know the cause is something specifically wrong with your usual browser.

You Don’t Have Permission to View the Photo

If another Facebook user has uploaded a photo and applied privacy settings, you may not have permission to view it. This would show the “something went wrong” message when you try to open the image.

Check if the photo you are trying to see has stricter privacy settings like being visible to friends only. If you are not connected to the user on Facebook, or they have not approved your friend request, you cannot access their limited-access photos.

Facebook’s Photo Servers Are Overloaded

During times of heavy Facebook usage, their servers that handle photo storage and display can become overloaded. This may cause intermittent glitches with viewing or uploading images when traffic is spiking.

Try waiting and coming back to the photo later when usage is lower. The ability to view and upload the image should be restored once the servers are less congested.

The Photo Was Deleted

If another Facebook user originally posted the photo you are trying to view, they may have since deleted it from their profile or album.

When the original is removed, any shared instances will also show the “something went wrong” message. You will need to speak to the original poster to see if they can re-upload the lost photo if you would still like to view it.

How to Troubleshoot Facebook Photo Errors

If you are regularly seeing the “something went wrong” message when trying to view Facebook photos, use these troubleshooting tips to identify the cause:

  • Check if the issue is only happening for one specific photo or all photos. A single photo points to corruption, while a widespread issue indicates a problem with Facebook or your device/connection.
  • Try uploading and viewing the photo using your phone’s cellular data instead of wifi to see if your network connection is to blame.
  • Look at your Facebook newsfeed to see if others are commenting about photo issues or saying Facebook is down. This suggests a broader outage.
  • Upload a fresh, unmodified version of the photo file from your computer or camera.
  • Reduce the file size of the image through compression or resizing if it is very large.
  • Force quit and relaunch your browser, clear its cookies/cache, or try a different browser.
  • Check the privacy settings on the photo if posted by someone else.

Following basic troubleshooting steps can help narrow down the reason for the error and point you in the right direction to resolve the Facebook photo issues.

What to Do If the Issue Persists

If you still continually see the “something went wrong” message after troubleshooting, here are some next steps:

  • Wait and try again later – temporary glitches may resolve over time.
  • Report the problem through Facebook’s Help Community so they are aware.
  • Post on your newsfeed or contact Facebook support to see if others are experiencing the same problem.
  • Update your device and browser to eliminate software issues.
  • Clear your browser’s cookies, cache, and data for Facebook.
  • Uninstall and reinstall the Facebook mobile app if errors occur there.
  • Log out then back into Facebook to refresh your credentials.
  • As a last resort, delete then reactivate your Facebook account.

With patience and gradually escalating steps, you should be able to uncover the reason for the recurring photo errors. Just be sure to back up any important photos before taking drastic troubleshooting measures like reactivating your account.


The ambiguous “something went wrong” message can certainly be frustrating when you simply want to view photos on Facebook. However, a methodical troubleshooting approach examining your device, browser, connection, and Facebook’s servers should reveal what is amiss. With the right fixes, whether modifying your photos, changing settings, or just waiting patiently, you should once again be able to enjoy hassle-free photo sharing on Facebook.