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Why do my comments keep disappearing?

Why do my comments keep disappearing?

There are a few potential reasons why your comments may be disappearing from a website or forum:

Comments need to be approved

On many websites and forums, comments do not appear right away – they need to be approved by a moderator first. This is done to prevent spam and abuse. If your comments keep vanishing, it may simply be because the moderator has not gotten around to approving them yet. Be patient and wait for approval.

You are shadowbanned

Some websites and forums use shadowbanning to deal with problematic users. If you are shadowbanned, your comments will be automatically removed without any notice. You can still see your comments, but no one else can. Shadowbanning is generally reserved for spammers, trolls, and those who violate community rules. If you feel you have been shadowbanned unfairly, try contacting the moderators.

Your account lacks privileges

On many forums, new users start out with limited privileges. They may not be able to post comments right away, or their comments may require approval first. As you participate more and build up reputation points, these restrictions are lifted. Be sure to check the forum rules to see if any restrictions apply to new members.

You violated community rules

If you have broken the rules of the website or forum, your commenting abilities may be restricted. For example, abusive language, spamming, or self-promotion could result in comments being automatically removed. Read the community guidelines carefully to avoid running afoul of any rules. If you feel your comments were removed unfairly, try politely contacting the moderators.

Technical issues

Sometimes comments disappear because of purely technical reasons. Glitches, bugs, or site maintenance could all play a role. The site administrators may not even be aware of the problem. Try posting again later or contact the site owner to report the issue. Chances are good it will be resolved once it is brought to their attention.

You are using the wrong login

If you are commenting while logged into one account, but viewing the site through a different profile, your comments will be invisible to you. Make sure you are logged into the correct account when both posting and viewing comments. Staying logged into a single account across devices can help avoid confusion.

You are blocked or banned

Some users have the ability to block or ban others from commenting on their profiles or posts. If you find your comments always disappear on a particular person’s page, you may be blocked. A site-wide ban will prevent you from commenting anywhere on the site. This is generally only done for serious misconduct. If you feel a ban is unjustified, politely contact the moderators.

Your comments were deleted

Moderators have the ability to actively delete comments for violating rules or other reasons. Deleted comments disappear completely, rather than going into a moderation queue. If your comments are consistently being deleted, make sure you understand and follow all community guidelines.

You are using prohibited words

To cut down on spam and abuse, many sites automatically filter out comments containing certain prohibited words or phrases. Things like profanity, slurs, and blocked URLs may result in your comment being removed without notice. Avoid questionable language and be mindful of word filters.

Your comments are being flagged

In addition to moderator actions, user-flagged comments may also disappear. If enough users flag a comment as inappropriate or spam, it can be automatically removed. Don’t post comments intended to bait reactions or that might be considered offensive by the community.

You are posting too fast

To prevent spam, some sites limit how quickly new users can post comments. Try spacing out your comments more to avoid crossing the threshold. As you build reputation, the delay between posts should be removed.

Your comment was too long

Sites will often enforce maximum comment lengths to keep discussions manageable. Long comments may be automatically truncated or removed entirely. Check the rules and consider breaking long comments into multiple smaller ones.

You used a banned URL

For security and spam reasons, sites often do not allow comments with URLs linking to prohibited domains. Things like link shorteners, commercial sites, or known spam sites are usually blocked. Avoid using such links when commenting.

Your comment got lost

Very rarely, database issues or other software glitches could cause comments to disappear through no fault of the user. It’s possible your comment simply failed to save properly. Try reposting it and notify the site owner if the issue persists.

You are not actually logged in

Double check that you are properly logged into your account before posting comments. Cookies may have expired or been cleared, logging you out without you realizing. Always confirm your logged in status before commenting.


There are many potential reasons comments may disappear on websites and forums, ranging from automated moderation to technical glitches. Carefully review community rules, avoid prohibited content, and confirm your account status to help comments stick. If issues persist, politely contact site staff for assistance. With some diligence, you can get to the bottom of vanishing comments.

Here is a summary of the key points:

Reason Explanation
Awaiting approval Comments need moderator approval before appearing publicly
Shadowbanned You have been secretly banned but can still see your comments
Limited privileges New users have restrictions on commenting that are lifted over time
Broken rules Abusive, spammy, or self-promotional comments may be automatically removed
Technical issues Site bugs or glitches could be inadvertently hiding comments
Wrong login Ensure you are logged into the correct account when posting and reading comments
Blocked or banned Individual users or site admins can restrict you from commenting
Deleted Moderators may actively delete rule-breaking comments
Banned words Profanity and slurs may trigger automatic comment removal
Flagged Other users can flag inappropriate comments for removal
Too frequent Comment velocity limits prevent spamming from new accounts
Too long Excessively long comments may be truncated or deleted
Banned links Dangerous or spammy URLs will cause comment removal
Lost Rare software issues could prevent comment saving
Not logged in Confirm your logged in status before posting comments

Remember to be patient and read community rules when participating on new forums. If problems continue, reach out politely to moderators and be willing to adjust your behavior. With some care, you should be able to have your voice heard online.