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Why do links not work when I click on them?

Why do links not work when I click on them?

There are a few common reasons why links on a webpage may not work when you try to click on them:

The link is broken

One of the most common reasons a link doesn’t work is because the link itself is broken. This usually happens because:

  • The page the link is supposed to go to has been deleted or moved. For example, if a company reorganizes their website, old links to specific pages may no longer work.
  • There is a typo in the link address. Even one wrong letter or number will break the link.
  • The website structure has changed and the link now points to the wrong place. For example, if a site switches from HTTP to HTTPS, old HTTP links will break.

Broken links are a very common issue on the internet. Even large, well-maintained sites can accumulate broken links over time as content moves around. As a website owner, it’s good practice to regularly check for and fix broken links.

The link formatting is incorrect

Another common technical issue that can break links is if the HTML link formatting is incorrect. For a link to work properly, the HTML anchor tag must be formatted like this:

<a href="">Link Text</a>

If there is an error in the formatting, such as a missing quotation mark or bracket, the link will not work. Potential formatting issues include:

  • Missing or incorrect quotes around the link address
  • Missing closing tag
  • Incorrect capitalization of HTML tags
  • Extra spaces or characters inside the HTML tags

Careless typing of HTML can easily lead to formatting errors that break links. Using a code editor with syntax highlighting can help catch these errors.

There is a plugin or script conflict

If you manage a WordPress site, plugin and JavaScript conflicts are a common source of broken functionality, including links. Here are some ways plugins can interfere with links:

  • An outdated plugin generates faulty link code.
  • Two plugins try to modify the same links, causing conflicts.
  • A plugin script blocks other scripts from running, including those used by links.
  • An ad blocker plugin blocks links going to advertising networks.

If you suddenly notice links acting strangely on your WordPress site, disabling plugins one-by-one can help identify any conflicts. Switching themes can also reveal theme-related conflicts.

The link is disabled by the owner

Sometimes page owners deliberately disable certain links using code, which prevents the links from working when clicked. Sites may disable links for various reasons, such as:

  • Removing access to old, outdated content.
  • Disabling links to pages that are temporarily unavailable.
  • Turning off links to a specific site or resource.
  • Disabling promotional links after an offer expires.

Disabled links are less common than broken links, but can still frustrate users who try to click on them. As a best practice, site owners should remove disabled links from pages to avoid confusion.

There’s a problem with the browser, device, or internet connection

The issue preventing a link from working may not have anything to do with the link itself. Connection problems can also prevent links from functioning properly:

  • Browser problems: An outdated browser, disabled JavaScript, privacy extensions, or corrupt browser files/settings.
  • Device issues: On mobile devices, low memory, software bugs, or hardware damage can cause links to fail.
  • Connectivity problems: A bad internet connection, limited bandwidth, or firewall/security settings could block access to linked sites.

Trying the link in a different browser or device, clearing your browser cache, or waiting for your internet connection to improve may allow the link to work again. If not, there is likely an underlying issue with the link.

The linked site is down or overloaded

If a link points to an external website, issues on the destination server can also prevent pages from loading properly:

  • The site could be experiencing a temporary outage or server problem.
  • There may be an issue with the site’s domain name registration.
  • The site could be down for maintenance or software updates.
  • The server may be overloaded due to high traffic or a denial of service attack.

Server issues are usually temporary, so waiting a bit and trying the links again later often resolves the problem. Some browser extensions can also warn you when sites are down.

The link is restricted

Some links are intentionally restricted and will only work under certain conditions:

  • Geographic restrictions: Links may be blocked in certain countries/regions for legal reasons.
  • Subscriber restrictions: Sites like Netflix may limit certain links to paying subscribers.
  • Device restrictions: Links to apps or program downloads only work on compatible devices.
  • Time restrictions: Links may expire or only work during a certain time period.

Using a VPN, paying for access, using a compatible device, or accessing the link within the valid time period can allow restricted links to work properly.

What to do when faced with a broken link

When you encounter a broken link, here are some tips on resolving the issue:

  • Double check the link address for typos or errors.
  • Try opening the link in a different browser or device.
  • Clear your browser’s cache and cookies to eliminate corrupt files.
  • Check if the linked site is currently down for maintenance.
  • Use a website link checker to identify any broken links.
  • Notify the site owner about any broken links you find.
  • Try viewing an archived version of the page through

If a broken link is slowing down your browsing, most browsers have extensions that will automatically detect and redirect dead links. Webmasters can also use crawl testing tools to identify and fix broken links across their site.

Tips for avoiding broken links

As a website owner, you can minimize broken links by doing the following:

  • Use relative links instead of absolute links when possible.
  • Create redirects if you change a page URL or migrate to a new domain.
  • Regularly check your site for 404 errors and fix any broken links.
  • Register your site with Webmaster Tools and monitor crawl errors.
  • Avoid using temporary marketing links and custom URLs.
  • Update menus, sidebars, and navigation when removing or reorganizing pages.
  • Have a policy for managing outdated content and associated links.

Keeping your site’s link structure organized and using link management tools can reduce broken links over time. Link issues can still occur due to factors outside your control, but regular maintenance can mitigate problems.


Links not working when clicked is a common annoyance on the web. The culprit could be a broken link, formatting error, plugin conflict, browser issue, server problem, access restriction, or invalid link address. Taking troubleshooting steps like verifying the link, checking site status, and testing different devices can often resolve link issues. As a website owner, striving to minimize broken links enhances the user experience and SEO on your site.