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Why do I suddenly have 2 Facebook accounts?

Why do I suddenly have 2 Facebook accounts?

Having two Facebook accounts can be confusing and concerning. There are a few potential reasons why you may suddenly find yourself with two Facebook profiles:

You Created a Second Account by Accident

The most common reason for having two Facebook accounts is creating a second one by mistake. This often happens when you try to create a new Facebook account using the same email address as your existing account.

Facebook recognizes that email is already associated with an account and will not allow you to create a duplicate. However, sometimes the platform glitches and allows the second account creation to proceed anyway.

If this is what happened, you can try logging into both accounts and merging them following Facebook’s instructions. This will combine everything from the two accounts into one while deleting the duplicate.

Someone Else Created an Account Pretending to Be You

Unfortunately, it’s not unheard of for someone else to create a fake Facebook account pretending to be you. This is often done by scammers looking to exploit your identity and relationships on social media.

If you notice an account using your name and photos that you did not create, report it to Facebook immediately. You can do this by going to the fake profile, clicking the three dots in the upper right corner, selecting “Find Support,” and then choosing “Report this profile.”

Facebook will investigate the fraudulent account and remove it if it violates their terms of service and community standards.

You Created a Personal and Business Account

Another explanation could be that you now have both a personal Facebook account and a separate page for business or organization purposes.

Many social media users maintain individual profiles for connecting with friends and family, as well as distinct pages for promoting their company, brand, group, or public figure identity.

These typically function as two distinct presences on Facebook. As long as you intentionally created them separately, having both a personal and business account is perfectly acceptable within Facebook’s rules.

Your Account Was Hacked

Having two Facebook accounts can also be a sign that your original profile was hacked. Criminals who gain access to your account sometimes create a copycat profile using your identity.

Check for any recent logins from unfamiliar locations or devices. If you find suspicious activity, you should change your password immediately and enable two-factor authentication.

You can also do a security checkup to ensure your account has not been cloned or compromised. If it has, report the imposter account and work on securing your authentic profile.

You Signed Up Long Ago and Forgot

Finally, you may have an old Facebook account you created many years ago and simply lost track of or forgot about.

Facebook launched in 2004 as a closed network for college students. If you signed up with an email back then, you may have an original profile you no longer use or recognize.

Try searching for your name, email addresses, and phone numbers to see if an early account pops up. You can merge these obsolete profiles into your current account if you wish.

Tips for Managing Multiple Facebook Accounts

If you intentionally have more than one Facebook account, here are some tips for keeping them organized:

  • Use different email addresses for each account so they remain distinct.
  • Adjust your privacy settings carefully to control what each profile shares.
  • Customize notifications so you see updates from all accounts.
  • Use different profile pictures so you can distinguish them visually.
  • Check all accounts regularly so nothing gets overlooked.
  • Link between accounts to cross-promote if appropriate.

Merging Multiple Facebook Accounts

If you want to consolidate two accounts into one, Facebook allows you to merge profiles:

  1. Log into the account you want to keep as your main profile.
  2. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Account Ownership and Control.
  3. Select Merge Accounts and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Enter the email and password for the account you want to merge into your main profile.
  5. Review all the data that will be merged and confirm.

Once complete, the secondary account will be deleted and all content moved to your surviving main profile.

Deleting Extra Facebook Accounts

If you have multiple obsolete, fake, or duplicate accounts, you can request to have these deleted:

  1. Log into the account you want removed.
  2. Click on the account menu (top right corner) > Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  3. Go to Your Facebook Information > Deactivation and Deletion.
  4. Choose Permanently Delete Account, then Continue to Account Deletion.
  5. Enter your password and click Permanently Delete Account to confirm.

Once an account is deleted, it cannot be reactivated. All data is removed from Facebook servers within 90 days.

Preventing Multiple Accounts in the Future

To avoid ending up with duplicate profiles again, be cautious when creating new Facebook accounts:

  • Always use a unique email address not associated with another account.
  • Provide accurate details using your real identity.
  • Enable login notifications to monitor account access.
  • Secure your account with strong passwords and two-factor authentication.
  • Pay attention to any emails from Facebook about duplicate accounts.

With vigilance, you can maintain just one Facebook presence and prevent any multiplying profiles in the future.


Having two or more Facebook accounts can occur for a number of reasons, from innocent mistakes to malicious impersonation. Carefully examine where the duplicate profiles came from and take steps to merge, delete or secure them as needed. With the right approach, you can resolve the issue and continue engaging with friends in the Facebook community using just your real, authentic account.