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Why do I keep getting requests to change my Facebook password?

Why do I keep getting requests to change my Facebook password?

It’s not uncommon for Facebook users to receive notifications requesting that they change their account password. While some of these prompts are legitimate security measures enacted by Facebook, others may indicate suspicious activity. So what’s prompting all these password reset requests, and what should you do when you get one?

Reasons for Facebook Password Change Requests

There are a few main reasons why Facebook may ask you to change your password:

  • You logged in from a new device or location. Facebook may detect a login attempt from an unfamiliar device or geographic location. To protect your account, it will prompt you to change your password.
  • Suspicious activity was detected. If Facebook notices repeated failed login attempts or other suspicious behavior, it may trigger a password reset prompt. This prevents unauthorized access to your account.
  • Your Facebook password was compromised. If your Facebook password appears on the dark web after a security breach, Facebook will proactively ask you to update your password. This prevents criminals from accessing your account with the compromised password.
  • You haven’t changed your password in a while. Facebook may periodically require a password update after a certain time period passes. This encourages users to freshen up their login credentials.
  • Facebook is rolling out added security measures. Facebook is constantly implementing new security features, which sometimes involve mandatory password changes. These changes aim to enhance account safety.

In most cases, Facebook password change requests are simply precautionary measures to protect your account. However, inappropriate access attempts could also trigger prompts for a new password.

How to Tell if a Password Reset Request is Legitimate

So how can you discern whether a Facebook password reset notice is valid versus suspicious? Here are a few tips:

  • Check the email address or sender. Legitimate password reset emails will always come from [email protected] or another official Facebook email address.
  • Hover over links before clicking. Real Facebook links will go to or domains. Links going elsewhere are red flags.
  • Look for poor grammar or spelling errors. Scam emails often contain typos, strange phrasing, or awkward language.
  • Verify the reset process works. Initiate the password change via the email prompt. If you can successfully reset your password, the request is valid.
  • Log in to Facebook separately. Log into Facebook directly through the app or website to view any notifications about suspicious activity or password changes.

Facebook will never ask for your password directly in an email. Legitimate prompts will instruct you to start the password reset process through Facebook’s interface. If an email asks you to provide your current password, it’s likely a scam.

What to Do When You Get a Password Change Request

Whenever you receive a notice to change your Facebook password, follow these steps:

  1. Don’t panic. The prompt itself is not necessarily indicative of account compromise.
  2. Check the email’s legitimacy. Inspect the email address, links, grammar, and wording for any red flags.
  3. Start the password change process. Initiate the reset through Facebook’s interface rather than the email itself.
  4. Create a new, strong password. Your new password should be long, complex, and unique from other passwords you use.
  5. Review recent account activity. Check login locations, posts, and friend requests for anything suspicious after resetting your password.
  6. Enable two-factor authentication. For added security, turn on login approvals requiring codes from your mobile device.
  7. Watch for more unusual activity. If you continue receiving suspicious reset prompts, your account may be compromised.

Resetting your Facebook password through the proper channels ensures unauthorized parties cannot access your account with an unchanged password. But repeated password notices could signal issues requiring further intervention.

What to Do if Your Facebook Account is Compromised

If you believe your Facebook account has actually been compromised, take these steps right away:

  1. Reset your password again. Even if you just changed it, do it again to lock out intruders.
  2. Remove unauthorized account changes. Delete any profile photos, posts, or friend requests made by the hacker.
  3. Revoke app permissions. Review approved apps and permissions to revoke access granted to unfamiliar services.
  4. Check security settings. Ensure you have strong privacy and login security settings enabled.
  5. Report compromised account. Use Facebook’s reporting tools to notify them your account was hacked.
  6. Watch for identity theft. Monitor your credit reports and financial accounts for any fraudulent activity.

Acting quickly if hackers access your account can help limit the damage. Make sure to report the unauthorized access to Facebook so they can secure your account and address any vulnerabilities.

How to Strengthen Your Facebook Account Security

Here are some tips to bolster your Facebook account security:

  • Create a strong password. Use a unique, randomly-generated long password for your Facebook account.
  • Enable two-factor authentication. Require a login code from your phone or authentication app to add an extra security layer.
  • Be wary of shady links and attachments. Don’t open suspicious files or links which could install malware.
  • Review privacy settings. Restrict visibility of your posts, photos, contact info, and location data.
  • Limit app permissions. Only allow well-known apps to access your account with limited privileges.
  • Watch out for scams. Identify and avoid phishing attempts aiming to steal your login credentials.
  • Keep software updated. Maintain up-to-date operating systems, browsers, and security programs.

Practicing strong password hygiene and securing your settings are the best defenses against hacked accounts. Be vigilant for any unusual login notifications, activity, or unauthorized changes on your profile.


Facebook’s password change prompts are typically a protective measure to secure your account, not necessarily a sign of compromise. But repeated notices could indicate a hacker is attempting access. When you receive reset requests, use Facebook’s tools to start the change process. Avoid clicking email links or providing any information. Enabling two-factor authentication and strong login credentials will help keep intruders out.

Watch for unusual posts and activity after resetting your password. If your account does appear hacked, take action immediately to lock it down. Report compromised accounts to Facebook so they can address vulnerable areas being exploited. With proper precautions, you can feel confident your account and data are safe from unauthorized parties.

Reasons for Password Change Requests How to Tell if Request is Legitimate
  • New login location detected
  • Suspicious activity noticed
  • Compromised password identified
  • Hasn’t been changed in a while
  • New security measures rolling out
  • Check email address and sender
  • Inspect links before clicking
  • Look for poor grammar/spelling
  • Verify reset process works
  • Check account notifications separately
What to do when you get a reset request Steps if account is compromised
  1. Don’t panic
  2. Check email legitimacy
  3. Initiate reset through Facebook
  4. Create new strong password
  5. Review recent account activity
  6. Enable two-factor authentication
  7. Watch for further unusual activity
  1. Reset password again
  2. Remove unauthorized changes
  3. Revoke app permissions
  4. Check security settings
  5. Report compromised account
  6. Watch for identity theft
Ways to Strengthen Account Security
  • Create strong password
  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Avoid suspicious links/attachments
  • Review privacy settings
  • Limit app permissions
  • Watch for phishing scams
  • Keep software updated

Further Reading

For more tips on safely managing Facebook security prompts and protecting your account, check out these additional resources:

Protecting your online accounts is more important than ever. Follow security best practices, and you can feel assured your Facebook profile and data are locked down from unauthorized access.