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Why do I keep getting login alerts from Facebook?

Why do I keep getting login alerts from Facebook?

Getting repeated login alerts or notifications from Facebook can be annoying and concerning. However, in most cases these alerts are triggered for legitimate reasons and don’t necessarily mean your account is hacked or compromised.

Common Reasons for Facebook Login Alerts

Here are some of the most common reasons why you may be getting frequent login alerts from Facebook:

  • You logged in from a new device or location – Facebook may send a login alert if you access your account from a new or unfamiliar device or location. This is a security measure to notify you of activity Facebook doesn’t recognize.
  • Someone attempted to log in to your account – If someone tries to access your Facebook account, you’ll get a notification alerting you to the unauthorized login attempt.
  • You recently changed your password – Changing your Facebook password triggers a login alert to confirm it was you who updated your credentials.
  • Two-factor authentication is enabled – If you have two-factor authentication set up, Facebook will send a login code each time someone tries accessing your account from a new device.
  • Cookie or cache issues – Sometimes login alerts happen if you have Facebook cookies or cache data corrupting on your device or browser. Clearing cookies and cache can solve the issue.
  • Facebook security check – As part of ongoing security checks, Facebook may occasionally send alerts to verify legitimate account access.
  • Facebook app updates – Updating or reinstalling the Facebook app on your mobile device can sometimes lead to repeated login notifications.

Is it a Hacked or Compromised Account?

While repeated Facebook login alerts may seem concerning, it does not necessarily mean your account has been hacked or compromised. Here are some ways to tell if it’s a security issue or not:

  • Check login locations – In your account security settings, you can view details on recent logins like location, browser, and time. If you see unfamiliar locations, it’s a sign of unauthorized access.
  • Review account activity – Check your posts, messages, friends, payments, etc. Suspicious activity like unwanted posts or new friends may indicate a hack.
  • Run a virus scan – Malware on your device could be stealing your login credentials. Run a scan to check for anything suspicious.
  • Use login approvals – Turn on login approvals so you have to authorize any new device or browser accessing your account.
  • Check unknown sessions – You can end any unknown or suspicious Facebook sessions that may be from a hacker.

If there are clear signs of unauthorized access or account misuse, change your password immediately and secure your account.

How to Stop Getting Repeated Facebook Login Alerts

If the login notifications are becoming bothersome, here are some troubleshooting tips to stop getting repeated alerts:

  • Mark it as “Remember this browser” – Tell Facebook to recognize your current browser so you don’t get alerts on it anymore.
  • Clear cookies and cache – Removing browser cookies and website data for Facebook may stop errant login alerts.
  • Turn off login approvals – You can temporarily disable login approvals if they are triggering too many alerts.
  • Check notification settings – Adjust your security notification settings on Facebook to only get alerts for important activity.
  • Reinstall Facebook app – A clean reinstall of the Facebook app may clear up issues causing repeat mobile login alerts.
  • Strengthen account security – Add extra layers of security like two-factor authentication to better lock down your account.

When to Be Concerned About Facebook Login Alerts

While most Facebook login alerts are harmless, there are some circumstances where you should be concerned and take immediate action:

  • You did not login from the reported location yourself
  • You don’t recognize the device or browser reported in the alert
  • There are posts or messages you did not create yourself on your timeline
  • You notice friends or followers you did not add yourself
  • You see charges, payments or money transfers you did not authorize

If you notice any unauthorized account activity in addition to the login alerts, you should take steps to secure your account right away including:

  • Change your password immediately and enable login approvals
  • Check connected apps and remove anything suspicious or unfamiliar
  • Review account security and privacy settings to lock them down
  • Run a thorough virus scan on all your devices
  • Report unauthorized account access to Facebook

Implementing increased security measures can keep out potential hackers in the future. But if your account has already been compromised, taking fast action is key to regaining control and preventing misuse.

Preventing Facebook Login Alerts

Practicing good account security habits can help prevent excessive Facebook login alerts:

  • Unique password – Create a strong, unique password just for your Facebook account.
  • Two-factor authentication – Add an extra layer of protection at login with a changing security code.
  • Login approvals – Require your authorization on new or unrecognized device logins.
  • Review settings – Check your security settings regularly and after major Facebook changes.
  • Awareness – Be alert to any suspicious emails, texts or calls regarding your Facebook account.
  • Trusted devices – Mark devices you regularly use as trusted to avoid constant alerts.
  • Limit apps – Be selective when connecting third-party apps to your account.

Keeping your login details and account secure makes Facebook’s alerts work for you, not against you. Stay vigilant about account activity and respond promptly to any real unauthorized access.

When to Contact Facebook Support

If you have taken all troubleshooting steps and are still getting repeated, unexplained Facebook login alerts, it may be time to contact Facebook support for additional help.

Reach out to Facebook customer service if:

  • You have reason to believe your account was hacked or compromised
  • You cannot determine the source of the login alerts
  • Alerts persist after resetting your password and securing your account
  • Facebook login approvals or security settings are not working as expected
  • Suspicious activity continues even after changing passwords and removing unrecognized sessions

Facebook offers 24/7 customer support via chat or submissions on its Help Center. Be prepared to provide details on the specific login alerts you are receiving and when they began occurring. Facebook may also request additional information to verify your identity.

With Facebook support assistance, they can use backend tools to further diagnose the source of unexplained login alerts and resolve them for your account.


Facebook’s login alerts serve an important security purpose, notifying you of suspicious account access. But repeated generic notifications can quickly become frustrating and concerning. Understanding the common triggers for Facebook login alerts allows you to evaluate whether they are harmless or require further action. Using built-in security tools, adjusting notification settings, and contacting Facebook support when necessary gives you greater control over login alerts and better secures your account.