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Why do I have to wait 24 hours for Facebook?

Why do I have to wait 24 hours for Facebook?

There are a few main reasons why you may have to wait 24 hours before being able to access your Facebook account after certain activities like changing your password or adding a new device. Facebook’s 24 hour waiting period is usually implemented as a security measure to protect user accounts from suspicious activity. Waiting 24 hours allows Facebook to analyze account activity patterns and confirm your identity before fully restoring access. While inconvenient, this temporary block is designed to keep your account secure.

Common Triggers for the 24 Hour Waiting Period

Changing Your Password

One of the most common triggers for being locked out of Facebook for 24 hours is changing your account password. When you update your login credentials, Facebook’s automated security systems will put a temporary hold on your account while analyzing the activity. This is to ensure that it was you, the valid account owner, who changed the password rather than someone who illegally accessed your account. You may still be able to view your Facebook profile during this time, but access to posting, commenting, and other features is restricted until the 24 hour review is completed.

Logging in from a New Device

Facebook also implements the 24 hour rule if you suddenly log in from a new or unrecognized device. This includes logging into your account on a new phone, computer, or browser that you haven’t used to access Facebook before. The company wants to confirm that you authorized the login attempt and that it is not an unauthorized person trying to access your account. As long as you are logging in normally from a safe device that you own, you just need to wait out the 24 hours and then Facebook will authorize that device going forward.

Suspicious or Abnormal Activity Patterns

If Facebook’s security systems detect any sudden changes in how you normally use your account, the 24 hour restriction can be triggered as a precaution. Things like a flurry of status updates when you typically post infrequently, numerous friend requests sent when you rarely interact on Facebook, or other abnormal behaviors may signal a potential security breach to Facebook. The company will then limit your activity temporarily while determining whether the changes are legitimate. As long as you are using your account as usual, this should not pose an issue.

Violating Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards

In some cases, users who violate Facebook’s terms of service, community standards, or posting policies may find themselves temporarily banned from the platform. While outright hate speech, threats, and other serious offenses are likely to result in longer suspensions, minor first-time offenses may lead to just a 24 hour ban. This gives you some time to review Facebook’s rules and make sure you understand what type of content is not allowed before fully restoring your posting abilities.

When the 24 Hour Waiting Period Typically Occurs

Immediately After an Account Change

In most cases, the 24 hour limit is instituted immediately after you make a change like resetting your password or logging in from a new device. As soon as you hit save on the password change or Facebook detects the unfamiliar device, the system will trigger the temporary security hold. So you likely will not be able to access your account right away and will have to wait out the full 24 hours.

During an Attempted Login

In other cases, primarily when abnormal behavior patterns have been noticed, Facebook may allow you to keep using your account normally at first. But when you attempt to log back in later, such as after logging out or after your browser session expires, that is when you may encounter a message about the 24 hour limit. So if you trigger one of Facebook’s security warnings, the effects may not take hold until the next time you try to access your account.

After a Period of Inactivity

Similarly, if you trigger suspicious activity while using your account but then remain inactive for a period of time, Facebook may wait to institute the 24 hour block until your next attempted login. For example, if you send out a lot of spam-looking posts or messages one day but then do not attempt to access your account again for a week, the restriction may not take effect until the next time you try to log in.

How to Tell if You Are Restricted from Facebook for 24 Hours

Login Error Messages

When you attempt to access your Facebook account during the 24 hour security hold, you will see error messages informing you that your account has been temporarily locked. The messages typically say something like “Your account has been disabled” or “For security reasons, your account has been temporarily locked.” These notifications indicate you will need to wait the full 24 hour period before regaining full account functionality.

Limited Account Access

In some cases, you may be able to view your Facebook profile page but will find that posting statuses, commenting, using Messenger, or accessing other features has been disabled. This limited access signals that you are likely subject to the 24 hour restriction. Trying to perform these actions will bring up error messages about your account being locked.

Redirects to Account Locked Page

Rather than showing your normal Facebook homepage, attempting to access your account during the 24 hour review may redirect to a page saying your account has been locked. You may see a countdown timer showing the time remaining until the restriction lifts as well as options to learn more about the 24 hour policy or request a review if you believe the block was a mistake. This page confirms your account access has been temporarily revoked.

How to Get Back into Your Facebook Account After 24 Hours

Wait Out the Full 24 Hours

There are no shortcuts around the 24 hour waiting period if you have triggered one of Facebook’s security holds. While extremely inconvenient, attempting to circumvent the block through password reset emails, using a different device, creating a new account, or other means will likely just restart the clock and add another 24 hours to your waiting time. The only surefire way to regain access is waiting out the full 1 day period.

Log in as Normal After 24 Hours

Once the full 24 hours have elapsed, try logging into your Facebook account as usual, either directly via the website or mobile app. As long as no further suspicious activity triggers additional holds, your normal account access should be fully restored at that point. The site should function just as it did before the 24 hour restriction began.

Review Any Unusual Activity Flags

Take some time when your account is restored to review any unusual account usage that may have triggered the 24 hour ban. Look at your security log for unexpected logins and make sure to use strong device passwords and two-factor authentication going forward. Additionally, review your recent posts and messages to make sure your account has not been compromised by spammers or scammers.

Avoiding Future 24 Hour Restrictions on Facebook

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Adding an extra layer of security like two-step verification requires you to enter a code from your phone when logging into new devices. This prevents unauthorized logins that might trigger a 24 hour hold. Two-factor authentication adds protection beyond just a password.

Watch for Suspicious Activity

Routinely check your Facebook security settings for any logins from unknown locations or devices. Also keep an eye out for any abnormal behavior like a sudden influx of generic posts or messages being sent from your account, which could signify a hack. Report anything suspicious to Facebook right away.

Don’t Provide Account Access to Third-Party Apps

Be cautious when granting third-party applications permission to access your Facebook account. Providing access to unfamiliar or questionable apps leaves you vulnerable to phishing scams or other security risks that could cause a 24 hour lockout. Only connect trusted and established apps to your account.

Avoid Sharing Account Access with Others

Well-meaning friends or family sometimes want to borrow your Facebook access to post happy birthday wishes or check events. But sharing login credentials frequently triggers security reviews due to the unrecognized usage patterns, often resulting in a 24 hour ban. Maintain exclusive access to prevent problems.

Change Your Password Periodically

While changing your Facebook password too frequently can cause issues, updating it every few months is a good security practice. Just be aware that each password change triggers a 24 hour confirmation period. Plan updates accordingly rather than right before needing to access important content.

Appealing the 24 Hour Limitation if it Was Applied Incorrectly

Use Facebook’s Account Review Form

If you believe your account was mistakenly put under 24 hour lockdown, you can request a review via Facebook’s account recovery form. This prompts Facebook staff to manually inspect your recent account activity and unlock your account if no violations are found. However, be aware reviews can take some time.

Provide Details about Normal Account Usage

Give as many specifics as possible in the review form to prove you use the account legitimately. Details like frequent login times, locations and devices used, and typical posting/messaging frequency shows you are the valid owner and familiar with the account’s patterns.

Highlight Any Suspicious Activity

Note any recent actions that seem unusual or outside your normal behavior, like posts you didn’t create or messages sent without your knowledge. This shows that a potential security breach triggered the lockdown rather than your own activity.

Be Patient

Understand that the appeal process may also take up to 24 hours for Facebook to complete. The security team needs time to thoroughly verify the details in your request and confirm no unsafe activity occurred before removing restrictions. Avoid filing multiple appeals, as this can slow the process.

Steps to Take if a Facebook Account Hijacker Triggered the 24 Hour Lock

Run Antivirus Software

If a hijacker obtained access to your account, scan all of your devices for malware or keylogging programs that may have stolen your login information. Remove any dangerous programs immediately to prevent future account breaches.

Change Account Passwords

In addition to your Facebook password, change the passwords for any associated accounts like your email address in case the hijacker has access to other linked accounts. Use unique secure passwords for each service.

Review Privacy Settings

Check your profile, posts, friends list, and all privacy settings to see what the hijacker may have altered while controlling your account. Remove or undo any unauthorized changes.

Report Suspicious Activity

Use Facebook’s tools to report any posts, messages, or other actions taken by the hijacker so Facebook can remove that content and investigate. Block the hijacker if applicable.

Enable Login Notifications

Set up login alerts so you can monitor any future unauthorized access attempts on your account. Facebook can notify you whenever your account is accessed from an unrecognized device.


Facebook’s 24 hour security restriction can be inconvenient when you get unexpectedly locked out, but it serves an important purpose in protecting accounts from unauthorized access. By using strong login credentials, enabling two-factor authentication, watching for suspicious activity, and appeals mistaken bans when needed, you can minimize any disruptions. While the 24 hour review process may be frustrating, keep in mind that it aims to keep your account secure in the long run. With some proactive security measures and a little patience, you can get back to fully using your Facebook account once the temporary hold lifts.