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Why do I have to turn on Facebook Protect?

Why do I have to turn on Facebook Protect?

Facebook Protect is a new security feature that Facebook is requiring for some high-risk accounts. If you get a notice from Facebook asking you to turn on Facebook Protect, it means your account may be at higher risk of being hacked or compromised. Here’s what you need to know about Facebook Protect and why you need to enable it.

What is Facebook Protect?

Facebook Protect is an extra layer of security designed to better secure accounts that are more likely to be targeted by hackers and cybercriminals. It requires users to enable two-factor authentication, checks that your account security meets a certain threshold, and monitors your account for signs of hacking.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) means that any time you log into your Facebook account from a new device, you will need to enter a special login code in addition to your password. This login code is sent to your phone via text message or generated through an authentication app.

Enabling 2FA and the other security checks required by Facebook Protect makes it much harder for hackers to access your account, even if they manage to obtain your password through phishing or other methods.

Why is Facebook requiring some users to turn on Protect?

Facebook says it requires certain high-risk accounts to enable Facebook Protect because they are more likely to be targeted by malicious hackers and cybercriminals. Types of accounts that may get prompted to turn on Protect include:

  • Public figures such as politicians, celebrities, journalists, and activists
  • Users who have previously had their accounts compromised
  • Accounts that manage Pages with large audiences

These types of accounts tend to be more valuable targets for hackers because of their influence, notoriety, or access to sensitive information. By proactively requiring these users to turn on stronger security, Facebook aims to make these accounts more difficult for cybercriminals to hack or misuse.

What happens if I don’t enable Facebook Protect?

If you get notified by Facebook that your account requires Protect but you do not enable it, your account will face restrictions over time until you do turn it on. Here is what will happen:

  • Step 1: If you don’t enable Facebook Protect within a few weeks, you will begin seeing periodic reminders from Facebook to turn it on.
  • Step 2: If you still don’t enable Protect after continued reminders, you will lose access to some Facebook features and experience more account restrictions. For example, you may be unable to post photos or videos.
  • Step 3: Without Protect fully enabled, your account will eventually be locked, and you will lose access until you turn on all the required security protections.

The bottom line is that if your account requires Facebook Protect, you will have to enable it sooner or later to regain full access to your account. It’s better to turn it on right away to avoid disruptions.

How do I turn on Facebook Protect?

Enabling Facebook Protect is simple and involves just a few steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings menu and look for the “Facebook Protect” option.
  2. Click “Get Started.”
  3. Set up two-factor authentication via text message or authentication app.
  4. Review the security check of your account and resolve any issues to meet the security threshold.
  5. Enable “Use Checkpoints” to protect your account when logging in.

Once you complete these steps, Facebook Protect will be fully enabled for your account. You can verify Protect is on by looking for a blue banner that says “Facebook Protect” at the top of your News Feed.

Does Facebook Protect impact account usability?

Enabling Facebook Protect does add some minor steps when logging into your account from new devices or browsers. However, for day-to-day use from familiar locations, you should notice little impact.

The main usability impacts are:

  • Needing to enter a six-digit code from your phone when logging in somewhere new
  • Occasionally having to confirm it’s really you logging in via a checkpoint

These are small prices to pay for the massive boost in account security provided by Facebook Protect. Overall, your experience using Facebook day-to-day will remain largely unchanged.

What are the benefits of enabling Facebook Protect?

Turning on Facebook Protect provides several key security benefits:

  • Stronger account login: With two-factor authentication, hackers need both your password and access to your phone to log in.
  • Better detection of suspicious activity: Facebook monitors your account more closely for signs of unauthorized access.
  • Improved security against hacking: Features like login approvals and checkpoints prevent account takeovers.
  • More secure data: Your personal information and conversations have more protection against compromise.

Millions of Facebook users have already enabled Protect. For accounts at high risk of attacks, these protections are critical to staying secure.

What personal info or data can Facebook access if I enable Protect?

Enabling Facebook Protect does not give Facebook access to any additional personal information or account data. Protect simply adds more layers of security on top of your existing privacy settings.

Facebook states that it does not access the contents of your communications and information as part of Facebook Protect. The feature only utilizes data related to your account’s security, such as login activity and security settings.

You retain full control over your privacy settings, profile info sharing, conversational privacy, and all other data you choose to share on Facebook.

Is Facebook Protect really necessary for my account?

For most regular Facebook users, Facebook Protect likely isn’t compulsory. But if you specifically get a notice from Facebook stating your account requires Protect, it’s important to heed that advice for your own security.

Facebook has robust systems to identify accounts at higher risk of malicious attacks based on many signals, such as:

  • Public profile and sharing history
  • Account security settings
  • Unusual attempted logins
  • Past security issues or compromises
  • Shared connections to risky accounts

Due to these risk signals, Facebook has deemed your account does need Facebook Protect enabled for adequate security. Ignoring this risks leaving your account exposed at a time when hacking threats are very high.

Can I remove Facebook Protect later?

Generally no – once your account has required Protect, it will need to remain enabled indefinitely.

In rare cases where Facebook determines your account is no longer high risk, it may remove the Protect requirement. But you cannot voluntarily disable Protect if your account has needed it before.

This permanent status makes sense given the nature of threats. If your account is already on hackers’ radars, the risks don’t simply disappear over time even if you haven’t had issues lately.

Maintaining Facebook Protect ensures your account stays resilient against future attacks as hacking techniques and tactics continue evolving.


Facebook Protect is a necessary security precaution for accounts deemed at elevated risk of hacking. If your account requires you to enable Protect, it’s important to heed Facebook’s advice and turn on the feature promptly.

The security benefits of two-factor authentication, login approvals, and other Protect defenses are massive. A few extra seconds entering login codes is a small price to pay to keep hackers out of your account.

Ignoring Facebook’s prompts to enable Protect will gradually lock your account until you comply. So you might as well activate it right away and take advantage of stronger account security.

While Protect may not be compulsory for everyday Facebook users, it’s a vital shield for higher risk accounts. Turning it on helps protect your profile, data, conversations, and audience from being impacted by malicious hacking attempts.

Security Feature What It Does How It Helps
Two-Factor Authentication Requires entering a login code from your phone when accessing your account from new devices Prevents unauthorized logins even if someone has your password
Security Check Checks your account meets security threshold like using strong passwords Blocks easy points of entry for hackers
Login Approvals Prompts you to confirm it’s really you trying to login Stops hackers even if they bypass password and 2FA
Activity Monitoring Scans your account for signals of unauthorized access Detects and blocks suspicious hacking activity

Enabling all these Facebook Protect defenses provides layered security to stop cybercriminals at multiple stages of an attack. Together, they make your account vastly more secure.

So if you receive a notice from Facebook stating your account requires Protect, act promptly. The few extra security steps are worthwhile to keep hackers away and prevent account compromise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook Protect work on mobile devices?

Yes, Facebook Protect works equally well on mobile and desktop devices. You’ll go through the same process to enable it in your mobile app settings. The two-factor authentication and login approvals will also function seamlessly when accessing your account from a mobile device.

Can I bypass Facebook Protect temporarily?

There is no way to bypass Facebook Protect if your account requires it. The restrictions will remain in place until you fully activate Protect. Attempting to circumvent these measures would seriously compromise your account security.

What if I lose access to my two-factor authentication method?

If you ever lose access to your two-factor login method, such as by losing your mobile device, you can regain access via Facebook’s account recovery process. This involves steps like identifying friends in photos or providing details only you would know.

Does Facebook Protect work if I have multiple Facebook accounts?

If one of your Facebook accounts requires Protect, you will only need to enable it for that specific account. Your other Facebook accounts will not be affected or require Protect unless Facebook specifically notifies you.

What security measures were in place before Facebook Protect?

Facebook has long offered basic security options like login approvals, two-factor authentication, and suspicious login alerts. However, these protections were optional and not customized to higher risk accounts.

Facebook Protect makes enhanced security mandatory for accounts that need it most, ensuring greater safety where it’s needed.

Is Facebook Protect the same as login approvals?

No, Facebook Protect refers to the full suite of security protections for high-risk accounts, of which login approvals are just one component. Protect also enforces two-factor authentication, security checks, and ongoing monitoring.

How does Facebook identify accounts that require Protect?

Facebook uses sophisticated machine learning algorithms, heuristics, and threat intelligence to identify accounts most vulnerable to hacking. Signals like an account’s public exposure, previous compromises, suspicious activity, and connections help determine risk profiles.

Can I provide feedback to Facebook on Protect?

Yes, Facebook has channels for providing bugs, feedback, and product suggestions related to Facebook Protect. Look for options in your account settings or the Protect setup flow to share your thoughts with Facebook’s product team.