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Why do I have multiple restrictions on Facebook?

Why do I have multiple restrictions on Facebook?

Having restrictions placed on your Facebook account can be frustrating. You may find yourself blocked from posting, commenting, sharing content, going live, or even logging in. Getting hit with multiple restrictions at once can feel overwhelming and make it difficult to use Facebook as you normally would.

There are a few key reasons why you may end up with multiple restrictions on your Facebook account at the same time. Understanding these potential causes can help you identify what triggered the restrictions so you can work to get them removed.

Violating Community Standards Multiple Times

The most common reason for having multiple restrictions is violating Facebook’s Community Standards on more than one occasion. Some examples of violations that could lead to restrictions include:

  • Sharing spam or clicking spam links
  • Posting nudity or sexual content
  • Bullying or harassing other users
  • Hate speech or threats of violence
  • Sharing misinformation or fake news repeatedly
  • Coordinating harm against others

If you commit several violations within a short time span, Facebook may decide to escalate and hand out multiple restrictions right away instead of starting with smaller warnings. The goal is to curb repeat bad behavior and enforce standards.

Getting Mass Reported

Another possibility is that many users took issue with your content and reported you or a specific post. Facebook takes user reports very seriously as part of their content moderation efforts. If enough people report the same thing, restrictions can be automatically triggered.

For example, you may have shared a controversial opinion that users found offensive, shared content inadvertently marked as spam by Facebook’s algorithms, posted something containing misinformation, or shared media that violated someone else’s copyright.

Since Facebook acts quickly on bulk reports, you could end up with multiple restrictions before having a chance to delete or edit the offending post. This serves as a signal to be more careful with what you share going forward.

Account Hacked or Compromised

If your account gets hacked or compromised, the person who gains unauthorized access may post inappropriate content or spam that violates Facebook’s rules. By the time you regain access, your account may already have multiple restrictions in place.

Using weak passwords, reusing passwords across sites, or falling for phishing scams can allow your account to be taken over. Always use strong unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication. Watch for suspicious logins and other red flag activities.

Ban Evasion

Trying to get around an existing ban or restriction by creating new accounts or profiles may result in even more restrictions. Facebook monitors for these types of ban evasion attempts and will hand out additional penalties.

For example, if your original profile was disabled due to policy violations, making a new account to keep using Facebook will likely lead to both accounts receiving restrictions once detected. It’s better to go through the proper channels to appeal restrictions when possible.

Automated Errors

In some cases, restrictions may be applied incorrectly due to bugs, glitches or errors with Facebook’s automated systems. Facebook uses machine learning tools to detect policy violations and apply restrictions at scale. Occasionally these automated tools can make the wrong call.

If you believe a restriction was placed by mistake, you can report the error and appeal the decision. Let Facebook know you did not intend to violate any policies so they can investigate and fix any issues.

How Do I Remove the Restrictions?

Getting restrictions lifted once they are in place can be challenging. The options available depend on the type and severity of the restrictions applied to your account.

Wait it Out

Minor restrictions for first-time violations may lift automatically after a set time period such as 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days or 30 days. Be patient and avoid any further violations that could extend the restrictions.

Appeal the Decision

For more serious restrictions, you may need to formally appeal and let Facebook know you should not have been restricted. Use the appeals process to explain your situation and have a human reviewer take a second look.

Request Review

If restrictions were applied incorrectly or your account was compromised, use the request review option. This allows you to explain those circumstances to Facebook for a deeper investigation.

Serve Out the Sentence

For very severe repeat violations, you may end up with an indefinite suspension that requires serving out the “sentence” before the account can be restored. This may take weeks, months or even years before having the chance to create a new account.

Tips to Avoid Further Restrictions

Once you get restrictions lifted, be careful not to trigger additional violations that could lead to further penalties. Here are some tips to help maintain access:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s Community Standards so you understand what is allowed and prohibited
  • Enable two-factor authentication for account security
  • Watch out for suspicious login activity that could signal hacking attempts
  • Don’t purchase, sell or access black market accounts
  • Avoid coordinated inauthentic behavior and spam tactics
  • Be cautious sharing controversial, offensive or misleading content
  • Report any mistakes to Facebook right away before they escalate

Can I Just Make a New Account?

You may be tempted to try creating a brand new account if your original account ends up with long-term or indefinite restrictions. However, this is risky and often backfires.

Facebook closely monitors for ban evasion attempts. New accounts from the same device or IP address of a restricted account often get flagged and restricted preemptively. Any additional evasion efforts may result in legal action taken by Facebook for breach of terms.

Making a new account also means losing access to your old profile, posts, photos, conversations, and followers. It’s better to be patient and go through proper channels to appeal restrictions whenever possible.


Having multiple restrictions applied to your Facebook account can certainly be stressful and concerning. The good news is that in many cases these restrictions are temporary and can be removed over time if you avoid further violations.

Be mindful of Facebook’s rules, enable security protections, appeal restrictions you feel were applied incorrectly, and give it time. With some caution and patience, you should be able to resume fully using Facebook again.