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Why do I have a duplicate Facebook page?

Why do I have a duplicate Facebook page?

Having a duplicate Facebook page can be frustrating and confusing. There are a few potential reasons why this may occur and steps you can take to resolve the issue.

Common Causes of Duplicate Facebook Pages

Here are some of the most common reasons people end up with duplicate Facebook pages:

  • Creating a new account after deactivating an old one. If you deactivated your Facebook account at some point but then changed your mind and created a new account, it likely created a duplicate.
  • Opening a second account for business or other purposes. Some people will create separate personal and business accounts which can result in duplicates.
  • Facebook merging closed accounts. If you had two accounts that you closed, Facebook may have merged them, resulting in a duplicate.
  • Fake or copied accounts created by scammers. Unfortunately, scammers sometimes create fake duplicate accounts by copying profiles.
  • Facebook algorithm glitches. Very occasionally a technical glitch in Facebook’s systems can create duplicate accounts.

How to Tell if You Have a Duplicate Facebook Account

There are a few signs that can tip you off to having a duplicate Facebook account:

  • Seeing your name and photo on an account you didn’t create.
  • Getting friend requests from people you are already connected with.
  • Notices about account activity you don’t recognize.
  • The newest account has very few friends and posts.

You can also proactively check for duplicates by searching for your name on Facebook. Any profiles that look identical or nearly identical to yours may be duplicates.

Steps to Merge or Delete the Duplicate Account

If you confirm you have a duplicate account, here are steps to consolidate your profiles:

  1. Log into the account you use most actively. This will be your primary account.
  2. Go to your account settings and add any email or phone number that’s associated with the duplicate account.
  3. Search for and select the duplicate account profile.
  4. Choose the option to merge accounts and select your primary profile.
  5. The duplicate account will be merged and deleted.

If you’re unable to merge the duplicate for any reason, you can report it directly to Facebook for removal instead.

Preventing Duplicate Profiles in the Future

To avoid running into this issue again down the road:

  • Don’t open multiple accounts for different purposes. Use one account for everything.
  • If deactivating your account, don’t reactivate a new one later.
  • Check for existing duplicates before creating any new account.
  • Use your real identity on all accounts to avoid confusion.

What to Do About Fake Duplicate Accounts

If you find a duplicate account using your identity was created by a scammer, report it to Facebook right away for removal. Here are additional tips:

  • Change your password and enable two-factor authentication for account security.
  • Be cautious of any odd friend requests and scrutinize tags that don’t seem like you.
  • Warn your friends list of the fake account impersonating you.

Reasons You May Not Be Able to Merge Accounts

In some cases, Facebook may not allow accounts to be merged if:

  • The accounts registered different names that don’t clearly match.
  • You don’t have access to the login email or phone number for both accounts.
  • One account is a business page profile.
  • You already merged an account with your primary profile once in the last 60 days.

If you run into these roadblocks, your options are to keep both accounts active or report the duplicate for removal by Facebook.

Contact Facebook Support for Additional Help

If you are unable to resolve the duplicate account issue on your own, you can contact Facebook support for additional troubleshooting:

  • Go to the Facebook Help Center and select “Report a Problem.”
  • Choose the issue type as “Account Concerns” then “Compromised Account.”
  • Explain you have a duplicate account you cannot merge or delete.
  • Provide any details requested and submit the report.

Facebook support will then review your case and contact you with further steps to resolve the duplicate account problem.


Having more than one Facebook profile for your identity is an annoying and often confusing situation. However, with the right steps you can consolidate your accounts or get any fake duplicates removed. Be proactive in checking for and reporting any duplicate profiles to protect your privacy and keep your Facebook presence consistent.

Your Table of Contents

  1. Common Causes of Duplicate Facebook Pages
  2. How to Tell if You Have a Duplicate Facebook Account
  3. Steps to Merge or Delete the Duplicate Account
  4. Preventing Duplicate Profiles in the Future
  5. What to Do About Fake Duplicate Accounts
  6. Reasons You May Not Be Able to Merge Accounts
  7. Contact Facebook Support for Additional Help
  8. Conclusion

Example Table

Common Causes How to Tell Steps to Merge
Creating new account after deactivating old one Seeing your name and photo on account you didn’t create Log into account you use most actively as primary
Opening second account for business purposes Getting friend requests from existing connections Go to account settings and add details from duplicate
Facebook merging closed accounts Notices about account activity you don’t recognize Search for and select the duplicate account
Fake accounts created by scammers Newest account has very few friends and posts Choose option to merge accounts into primary
Facebook algorithm glitches Searching your name and seeing duplicate profiles The duplicate account will be deleted