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Why do I get a couldn’t send message on Messenger?

Why do I get a couldn’t send message on Messenger?

Getting a “couldn’t send message” error when trying to send a message on Facebook Messenger can be frustrating. There are a few potential reasons why you might encounter this error.

Internet Connectivity Issues

One of the most common reasons for the “couldn’t send message” error is poor internet connectivity. If you have a weak WiFi signal, slow internet speeds, or an unstable internet connection, you may have trouble sending messages on Messenger.

Here are some tips for troubleshooting internet connectivity issues:

  • Restart your router and modem – This can help reset any temporary connection problems.
  • Check your WiFi signal strength – If the signal is weak, move closer to your router or reset your router.
  • Test your internet speeds – Run a speed test to confirm your download and upload speeds are adequate.
  • Try switching WiFi networks or use mobile data – See if you can send messages when switching to a different network.
  • Contact your internet service provider – If you consistently have connectivity problems, contact your ISP for assistance.

Checking your internet connectivity first is always a good starting point for diagnosing Messenger errors. A stable, fast internet connection is required for Messenger to function properly.

Messenger App Issues

Problems with the Messenger app itself can also lead to “couldn’t send message” errors. Here are some Messenger app issues to troubleshoot:

  • Force stop and clear cache – In your phone settings, force stop the Messenger app and clear cached data.
  • Update the app – Make sure you’re running the latest version of the Messenger app.
  • Reinstall the app – Uninstall and reinstall the app if force stopping and updating does not work.
  • Allow Messenger permissions – Check that Messenger has permissions to access the camera, contacts, storage, etc.
  • Free up storage space – Lack of storage space can prevent the app from functioning properly.

Resetting the app by force stopping, clearing cached data and reinstalling can often resolve common Messenger problems. Make sure the app is also updated and has the required permissions.

Account Restrictions

In some cases, restrictions placed on your Facebook or Messenger account can prevent you from sending messages. Here are some account restrictions that can lead to “couldn’t send message” errors:

  • Temporary account lock – If your account has been temporarily locked down for suspicious activity, you may be unable to send messages.
  • Message blocking – If the recipient has blocked you, Messenger won’t allow you to message them.
  • Restricted word filters – Using certain banned words can cause your message to be blocked.
  • Messaging limits – Violating Messenger’s terms can impose restrictions on account messaging.

If you suspect account restrictions, check your account standing on Facebook and contact Facebook support if needed to remove any unnecessary restrictions.

Recipient Account Issues

Problems with the recipient’s account can also lead to message sending failures. Here are some potential issues:

  • Recipient account deactivated – You can’t message deactivated or deleted accounts.
  • Recipient exceeded inbox capacity – When inboxes are full, new messages may get rejected.
  • Recipient blocked you – If the recipient blocked you, messages will fail to send.
  • Recipient changed messaging settings – They may have disabled message requests or tailored settings.

Unfortunately, issues on the recipient’s end are out of your control. Try contacting the recipient directly to resolve any potential account problems.

Facebook Server Issues

Facebook server problems can also prevent Messenger messages from sending properly. Server issues are usually temporary, but can still cause “couldn’t send message” errors.

Some signs of Facebook server problems include:

  • Slow performance across Facebook products
  • Error messages referring to server issues
  • Inability to access Facebook site and apps
  • Reports of outages on Facebook’s status sites

During Facebook server issues, there is usually little you can do beyond waiting for Facebook to resolve the problem on their end. Check Facebook’s status sites for updates on any known outage.

Corrupt Message Content

If the content of your message is corrupted, Messenger may reject sending the message with an error. Some things that can corrupt message content include:

  • Using unsupported media types – Unrecognized media formats may get blocked.
  • Embedding invalid links – Messenger may reject certain unsupported links.
  • Exceeding character or size limits – Oversized messages with too many characters.
  • Using special characters – Certain Unicode characters may get blocked.

If you suspect the message content itself is the issue, try removing parts of the message like media and links to isolate the problem.

Network Incompatibility Issues

In rare cases, network incompatibilities between Messenger and your network provider can prevent messages from being delivered properly. This is an uncommon issue, but can sometimes occur if:

  • You switch mobile networks or providers
  • You change SIM cards
  • You update your phone operating system
  • Your network provider pushes configuration changes

Network incompatibility issues usually require contacting your mobile provider for troubleshooting. Switching networks or performing factory resets can also potentially resolve incompatibility problems in some situations.


There are a variety of potential issues that can lead to “couldn’t send message” errors on Facebook Messenger ranging from internet connectivity problems to account restrictions to corrupt message content. Some common fixes include:

  • Checking your internet connection and troubleshooting any WiFi issues
  • Updating, reinstalling or resetting the Messenger app
  • Confirming your account does not have any restrictions in place
  • Removing any large media or problematic links from your message
  • Simply waiting if Facebook servers are experiencing downtime

If the problem persists after trying these basic fixes, contact Facebook support for additional help troubleshooting and diagnosing the specific cause of the message sending failure.

With a combination of systematic troubleshooting and assistance from Facebook’s support team, the “couldn’t send message” error can usually be resolved allowing you to get back to seamlessly messaging friends and family through Messenger.

Here is a table summarizing the main reasons you may get a “couldn’t send message” error on Messenger and the associated fixes:

Reason for “Couldn’t Send Message” Error Potential Fixes
Internet connectivity issues
  • Restart router and modem
  • Check WiFi signal strength
  • Test internet speeds
  • Switch WiFi networks or use mobile data
  • Contact internet service provider
Messenger app issues
  • Force stop and clear cache
  • Update the Messenger app
  • Reinstall the Messenger app
  • Check app permissions
  • Free up storage space
Account restrictions
  • Resolve temporary account locks
  • Avoid restricted words
  • Contact Facebook support
Issues with recipient’s account
  • Confirm recipient account is active
  • Recipient needs to clear inbox
  • Contact recipient to remove blocks
Facebook server issues
  • Wait for Facebook to resolve server problems
Corrupt message content
  • Avoid unsupported media
  • Remove problematic links
  • Shorten long messages
  • Avoid special characters
Network incompatibilities
  • Contact network provider
  • Change SIM card
  • Factory reset device

Troubleshooting connectivity issues, app problems, account restrictions, recipient account issues, Facebook server problems, corrupt message content and network incompatibilities can help identify and resolve the root cause of “couldn’t send message” errors on Messenger. With persistence and methodical problem-solving, you should be able to get Messenger sending messages properly again.
