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Why do friends on Facebook disappear and reappear?

Why do friends on Facebook disappear and reappear?

It can be confusing and concerning when friends seem to randomly disappear from your Facebook friends list, only to reappear again later. There are several possible reasons why this happens.

They are temporarily hiding their profile

One of the most common reasons friends seem to vanish is because they have temporarily hidden their profile from view. Facebook allows users to limit who can see their profile. Your friend may have adjusted their settings so only certain people, or no one at all, can view their profile.

Some reasons your friend may want to temporarily hide their profile include:

  • Taking a break from Facebook for a while
  • Avoiding a specific person or group of people
  • Increased privacy during a major life event (new relationship, new job, etc.)

When your friend reactivates their profile again, they will automatically reappear in your friends list. This is the most common and harmless reason connections seem to come and go.

They blocked you

Another possibility is that your friend temporarily blocked you on Facebook. Blocking prevents you from viewing their profile or contacting them on Messenger. Some reasons your friend may have decided to block you include:

  • Needing space after an argument or disagreement
  • Wanting to prevent you from seeing their posts and updates
  • Concern over political or social media posts they disagree with

In most cases, blocking is temporary. After a break, your friend will unblock you and visibility will be restored. However, a lingering dispute could potentially lead to a permanent block.

They deactivated their account

Deactivating an account is different than just hiding a profile. When someone deactivates, their entire account is removed along with all of their posts and information. Friends are also deleted when an account is deactivated. Some reasons for deactivation include:

  • Taking an extended break from Facebook
  • Concerns over privacy and data usage
  • Too much unwanted contact from friends or strangers
  • Feed and notifications becoming overwhelming

In most cases, a deactivated account can be temporarily reactivated to restore all of the previous data. However, if the deactivation period is longer than 30 days, Facebook permanently deletes all of the account info. When your friend decides to return to Facebook and open a new account, they will have to add all friends from scratch.

They deleted you as a friend

Perhaps the most concerning reason a connection might disappear is because they deliberately deleted or “unfriended” you. Some potential reasons for deleting a Facebook friend include:

  • An argument or other relationship issue
  • Differing social or political views
  • Wanting to pare down their friends list
  • Concerns over privacy and post visibility

If your friend permanently deletes you from their contacts, you will disappear from their friends list and also lose the ability to see their posts, even if you remain friends on Messenger. Unlike blocking, deleting a friend is generally permanent unless the two of you later reconcile and decide to add each other again.

Their account was temporarily disabled

Facebook will sometimes temporarily disable accounts that are violating policies or appear compromised. Some common reasons for a disabled account include:

  • Spam or fake account activity
  • Abusive, dangerous or bullying behavior
  • Violations of Facebook’s terms of service
  • Suspicious login or hacking activity

When this happens, the account holder is alerted and asked to address any concerning activity. Once any policy violations have been corrected, Facebook will re-enable the account. Friends will reappear when this occurs.

They permanently deleted their account

In some cases, a friend may decide to permanently delete their Facebook account altogether. This is different than deactivation, as there is no option to reactivate it. Reasons for permanent account deletion include:

  • Serious privacy and data concerns
  • Addiction or inability to control usage
  • Work or legal reasons
  • Ongoing harassment or controversy

When someone permanently deletes their account, they are removed entirely along with all of their data. There is no restoring the account or connections. If they do return to Facebook later, they will have to create an entirely new profile and add all friends from the beginning.

You were accidentally unfriended

Mistakes happen! Occasionally someone may unfriend a person by accident while trying to remove another connection or do some housekeeping on their profile. Reasons this can occur include:

  • Mass deleting activity to pare down their friends list
  • Not paying close attention when removing connections
  • Accidental clicks when using Facebook on a phone or tablet
  • Connection requests mistaken for friendship

Fortunately, accidents are often quickly rectified once realized. If it appears you were mistakenly unfriended, let the person know or send another friend request. In most cases, they will apologize for the error and add you back right away.

Their account was hacked

Unfortunately, Facebook accounts do sometimes get hacked by strangers or cybercriminals. A hacked account can lead to a number of issues before the account holder regains control, including:

  • Spam or unauthorized posts made through their account
  • Friends being unfriended or contacted for money or personal data
  • Profile information changed without their consent
  • Account used maliciously by the hacker

If it appears your friend’s account was hacked or compromised, alert them immediately so they can work to secure it. Once hackers are removed, hacked accounts can be restored and friends will reappear.

You violated Facebook’s policies

In some instances, you may disappear from your friend’s account due to violations of Facebook’s terms on your own account. Some examples include:

  • Abusive, dangerous or highly offensive posting activity
  • Fake or scam account behavior
  • Spamming friends with unwanted content or messages
  • Violating someone’s privacy or data usage policies

If Facebook disables your account or limits your activity for violations, your account will temporarily vanish from your friend’s list as well. Once any policy issues have been resolved, your account will be restored and visible again.

Their account is memorialized

When someone passes away, Facebook can memorialize that person’s account at the request of verified family members. Memorialized accounts are locked to prevent anyone from logging in again. This includes:

  • Logging in as that person
  • Changing past posts or information
  • Removing friends

Memorialized profiles remain visible so friends can continue to post memories and condolences. If your friend’s account is memorialized after their passing, you will remain connected.

One of you changed your name

Facebook friends are connected through names and profile data. If one person changes their name, it can sometimes cause friends to temporarily disappear until the connection is restored. Some common reasons names change include:

  • Marriage or divorce
  • Gender transition
  • Legal name changes
  • Nickname or pseudonym adoption

When your friend’s name changes, their old profile still exists behind the scenes. Once you find and reconnect with them under their new name, the friendship on both accounts will be restored.

You don’t have mutual friends anymore

Facebook’s friends list relies heavily on networks of mutual connections. If you become disconnected from all mutual friends with someone, Facebook may drop that connection from both accounts due to inactivity. Ways this can happen include:

  • One or both of you moving to a new location
  • Changing schools, colleges or jobs
  • Natural drifting due to time and distance

If at some point you notice an old friend is missing because mutual connections changed, proactively sending a new friend request can reconnect you on Facebook.

One of you deleted your account

Anytime someone deletes their Facebook account entirely, that connection will disappear for friends as well. Some reasons accounts get deleted include:

  • Privacy and security concerns
  • Trouble managing usage or addiction
  • Job or legal requirements
  • Wanting a fresh start on social media

Unless the deleted account is restored from a backup within 30 days, these connections will have to be re-established from scratch if that person returns to Facebook later with a new profile.

You aren’t interacting anymore

Facebook considers friend connections with ongoing interaction more relevant than dormant ones. If you and a friend stop commenting, liking, or posting on each other’s timelines for a long time, Facebook may remove that dormant connection.

Ways you can prevent connections from going dormant include:

  • Commenting on their posts regularly
  • Liking and reacting to their content
  • Tagging each other in posts, photos, etc.
  • Engaging in back and forth conversations

Interacting just once every few months is enough to keep Facebook from dropping a connection due to inactivity.

Their account was memorialized

When someone passes away, Facebook can memorialize that person’s account at the request of verified family members. Memorialized accounts are locked to prevent anyone from logging in again. This includes:

  • Logging in as that person
  • Changing past posts or information
  • Removing friends

Memorialized profiles remain visible so friends can continue to post memories and condolences. If your friend’s account is memorialized after their passing, you will remain connected.

You have no personal profile data in common

Facebook’s algorithm matches people who have overlapping details in their profiles like hometown, college, employer, etc. If none of your profile data is the same as a certain friend’s, Facebook may see the connection as less relevant and remove it.

Ways to prevent this include:

  • Adding more personal details to your own profile
  • Encouraging that friend to fill out their profile info
  • Manually editing your profiles to match hometowns or other data points

Having just a few points in common like same high school, city, or employer should be enough for Facebook to retain the connection.

Their account was cloned

Facebook clone accounts are fake profiles that scammers create by stealing someone’s photos and data without their consent. Friends of cloned accounts may notice:

  • Duplicate or identical profiles for one person
  • Profile using their friend’s photos but a different name
  • Suspicious messages or friend requests from the clone

Alert your friend immediately if you notice what appears to be a cloned account so they can report and remove it. This will prevent their identity from being misused.


Facebook friend connections sometimes disappear and reappear for a variety of reasons. In most cases, it is nothing to be concerned about and connections will be restored in due time. However, persistent connection issues or disappearances could potentially signal a larger account problem requiring attention.

Maintaining open communication with friends can help sort out any mistaken unfriendings or removals. Proactively interacting and keeping profiles up-to-date are also great ways to prevent connections from going dormant. Understanding why these issues happen puts you in control of your friend list.

At the end of the day, don’t take a vanishing Facebook friend too personally. Focus on the friends who consistently remain – those are the connections truly worth valuing.