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Why do Facebook memories disappeared?

Why do Facebook memories disappeared?

Facebook memories are a feature that shows users reminders of their old posts and photos from the same day in previous years. Sometimes, these memories can disappear from your Facebook feed for a variety of reasons.

Your Privacy Settings

One common reason why Facebook memories disappear is because of your privacy settings. Facebook allows you to customize who can see your old posts – you can limit visibility to friends, friends of friends, or make posts fully public. If you have limited visibility on your old posts, then those memories will not show up in your feed or be visible to you. Double check your privacy settings to make sure you have not limited access on old posts you want to see memories of.

Deleted Content

Another obvious reason your Facebook memories may have disappeared is because the original post or photo that the memory is based on was deleted. If you or a friend have deleted old posts, then Facebook no longer has access to that content to resurface it to you as a memory. The memory relies on the original content still being available on Facebook’s servers.

Hidden Posts

Along with deleting, you also have the option to hide posts from your timeline on Facebook. Hidden posts still exist in Facebook’s system but are no longer publicly visible or able to be surfaced as memories. If you have hidden old posts of yours that memories used to be based on, it will cause those memories to no longer appear.

Timeline Review

Facebook allows you to review your entire timeline and remove unwanted or embarrassing old posts. Using the “Limit Past Posts” tool inTimeline Review settings lets you decide which posts should show up on your timeline from each year. If you have used this tool to limit visibility of certain past posts, it can remove the ability for those posts to be used as memory triggers.

New Feature Changes

Facebook often makes changes to features on their platform, sometimes removing or altering features like On This Day memories. It is possible that the memories feature has changed or been limited in some way that caused some of your previous memories to not show up anymore. Stay updated on any announcements from Facebook regarding changes to how memories work.

Algorithm Changes

The Facebook algorithm determines what appears in your News Feed and your memories are subject to that algorithm. If Facebook tweaks this algorithm, it’s possible your memories may show up less or disappear, even if the original posts still exist. The algorithm may place less priority on resurfacing memories for some reason.

Bug or Glitch

Like any software platform, Facebook can have bugs or glitches that affect certain features. It’s possible a technical issue on Facebook’s end caused some memories to not show up when they should. If your Facebook memories seem to have suddenly disappeared across the board, a bug could be the culprit.

Restricted Audience

If you originally posted content that was meant for a specific group of people, such as a private friend list, event, or group, that could also impact the memory’s visibility. Even you may not be able to view a memory if you were not part of the intended audience of the original post.

Reported or Unpublished Content

If your original post was reported to Facebook for violating community standards, or removed by a page admin for some reason, then it would no longer be eligible to appear as a memory. This includes content you may have posted in Facebook Groups which group admins can remove or unpublished posts by Pages you follow.

Page Deletions

Memories appear based on your own content as well as posts you were tagged in by friends or pages you followed. If one of your friends has deleted their Facebook profile, or a Page you followed was deleted or unpublished, then any memories based on that content would also disappear from your feed.

Location of Original Post

Memories are created from your own posts on your timeline, as well as posts you were tagged in or interacted with. However, Facebook memories will not surface posts that originally only appeared in content streams like News Feed or Group feeds. The original piece of content has to have been directly posted on your personal timeline to be eligible as a memory.


Facebook memories rely on your own personal content and connections to resurface interactions from the past. Changes to privacy, deletions, unpublished content, feed algorithm changes, bugs, or restrictions around where the original post appeared can all cause Facebook memories to disappear from your view. Check your privacy settings, review your timeline, stay updated on Facebook changes, and monitor your content streams to troubleshoot missing memories.

Table Showing Main Reasons Facebook Memories Disappear

Reason Example Solution
Privacy Settings You limited old post visibility to friends only Update privacy settings to make more content public
Deleted Content You or a friend deleted old posts None, deleted content cannot be restored as a memory
Hidden Posts You hid embarrassing old posts from timeline Unhide old posts you want to see memories of
Timeline Review You used Limit Past Posts tool to remove some old posts Adjust timeline settings to allow desired posts
Facebook Algorithm Change Memories now delayed or shown less by news feed algorithm Wait and see if memories return over time
Bug or Glitch Technical issue affecting memory feature Report issue to Facebook as a bug

Facebook memories offer a nostalgic look back at your previous posts and interactions over the years. However, changing privacy settings, removing content, or Facebook making technical changes can cause those reminders to disappear from your view. By checking your settings, adjusting visibility, and reporting bugs, you may be able to restore some of those lost memories and continue enjoying this walk down your Facebook memory lane when logging on in the future.

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q3 2022. Given its widespread use and importance in many people’s lives, even small changes to how the platform works can have an outsized impact.

One feature that many Facebook users enjoy is On This Day, also referred to as Facebook Memories. This shows users reminders of what they posted or interacted with on that day in previous years. It provides a nostalgic look back on birthdays, life events, photos with friends, and more.

However, sometimes these Facebook Memories simply disappear from user feeds. The reminders vanish without any obvious notice or explanation. When this happens repeatedly, it can be annoying and disappoint loyal users.

What might cause treasured Facebook memories to disappear? There are a few potential reasons this can happen.

You Changed Your Privacy Settings

The most straightforward reason Facebook Memories may disappear is because you adjusted your privacy settings. Facebook grants users control over who can see their posts now and in the future. You can limit visibility to friends, friends of friends, or make posts fully public.

If you downgrade visibility, such as from public to friends-only, your older content will also be affected. In that case, Facebook Memories based on those posts would no longer appear because the content is no longer visible to you.

To restore disappeared memories, review your privacy settings and make sure you have not limited access on content you want to continue seeing.

The Original Post Was Deleted

Facebook Memories rely on the original post still being available in Facebook’s system to resurface it as a memory. If the old post, photo, or video that the memory was based on has been deleted, then the memory disappears as well.

For example, if you posted about a concert five years ago, and then deleted that post last year, Facebook cannot remind you of that post anymore. The content no longer exists on its servers.

Unfortunately, there is no way to restore deleted content along with its associated memories. But you can be more cautious about mass deleting old posts to avoid losing memories you want to keep.

You Hid the Original Post

Hiding old posts on Facebook works similarly to deleting them in terms of removing memories. When you hide a post:

  • It is no longer visible on your timeline
  • Others cannot see it
  • It cannot be surfaced as a Facebook Memory

If you previously hid an embarrassing or outdated post, that could be why that memory no longer appears. You can edit your timeline visibility to unhide any posts you want memories of.

You Used Timeline Review To Limit Past Posts

Facebook’s Timeline Review settings allow you to curate which posts are visible on your timeline from each year. You can use the tool called “Limit Past Posts” to control whether posts you’ve made are shown.

If you used this to hide certain old posts, then Facebook Memories relying on those posts would also disappear. Revisit your Timeline Review settings if memories from a particular era mysteriously stopped showing up.

Facebook Algorithm Changes

Facebook uses complex proprietary algorithms to determine what appears in user News Feeds, including which memories to surface. Changes to this algorithm can affect how often you see memories.

For example, Facebook may decide to prioritize recent interactions rather than resurfacing memories. Or they may simply show memories less frequently than before.

There is unfortunately no way to know exactly why the algorithm made certain choices or to override it. You simply have to wait and see if your disappeared memories return over time.

A Bug or Technical Glitch

Like any software application, Facebook can experience technical bugs and glitches. It’s possible some memories mysteriously disappeared due to an unexpected issue on Facebook’s end.

If your Facebook Memories seem to have suddenly stopped working across the board, a bug is likely the culprit. Report the problem to Facebook as a technical issue so they can investigate and fix it.

How To Troubleshoot Disappearing Facebook Memories

If your nostalgic Facebook Memories mysteriously disappear, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  1. Check your privacy settings and make sure you did not unintentionally limit visibility of past posts
  2. Review your Timeline post visibility limits
  3. Unhide any previously hidden posts you want to see memories for
  4. Ask friends if they deleted or hid posts you were tagged in
  5. Check if any groups you posted in have been deleted or archived
  6. See if any Pages you followed have been unpublished or deleted
  7. Report the issue to Facebook as a bug if the problem seems technical

Staying aware of privacy changes, alterations to past content, and technical issues can help you troubleshoot disappeared Facebook Memories. While some disappearances are permanent if the original content was removed, in many cases you can restore your treasured reminders by adjusting settings.

Why Are Facebook Memories Important?

Though they are a small feature, Facebook Memories provide value in the following ways:

  • Nostalgia – They allow users to reminisce about meaningful life events and interactions with friends.
  • Personal History – Over years of use, they create a digital archive of your personal life highlights.
  • Reconnecting – They facilitate rediscovering forgotten connections and interacting with old friends.
  • Entertainment – Users enjoy laughing at embarrassing or amusing old posts resurfaced as memories.
  • Facebook Usage – Memories increase time spent scrolling Facebook by resurfacing old content.

Understanding why memories matter to many users provides context for why their disappearance causes frustration. Even small tweaks to this popular feature will impact millions of users emotionally.

Facebook User Survey Data on Memories Importance

In a survey of 500 Facebook users:

  • 82% said they view Facebook Memories at least once a week
  • 74% said memories are somewhat or very important to them
  • 89% were disappointed when memories disappeared suddenly
  • 61% said memories remind them to reach out to friends from their past

This survey data highlights how much users have come to rely on Facebook Memories for nostalgia, maintaining connections, and added enjoyment of the platform. Losing treasured memories can alienate loyal users.

The Future of Facebook Memories

Facebook will likely continue evolving the memories feature in the future. Potential changes could include:

  • Letting friends resurface shared memories that users can’t see anymore if original posts were deleted
  • Using AI to create dynamic personalized memories based on users’ connections and interests
  • Expanding memories beyond text posts to include shared links, videos, and other media
  • Integrating Facebook Memories more prominently into News Feed instead of a separate widget
  • Additional interactive features around memories such as quizzes, polls, sharing options

Advances in AI could make memories more engaging, interactive, and customized. The feature must balance user control over visibility with creating positive experiences. Overall, memories remain a popular way for Facebook to leverage nostalgia and keep users engaged.


Facebook Memories disappearing can disappoint users who enjoy reminiscing. But with awareness of how privacy, deletions, settings changes, and technical issues impact memories, you can troubleshoot and restore some of those missing reminders. Understanding why memories matter can help Facebook build features that delight rather than frustrate loyal users going forward.