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Why do Facebook limit me from adding friends?

Why do Facebook limit me from adding friends?

Facebook limits the number of friend requests you can send and new friends you can add for a few reasons. The main goals are to protect users from spam, prevent fake accounts from rapidly connecting with many real people, and ensure the friend list reflects actual social connections.

Opening Summary

Facebook wants to make sure each user’s friend list represents real social connections. So they limit how many new friends you can add in a given period of time. The exact friend request limit depends on your account history. New accounts or those with prior violations tend to have lower limits. Restrictions gradually lift as you build a track record of using Facebook appropriately.

The main reasons Facebook enforces friend request limits are:

  • Prevent spammers from rapidly disseminating content
  • Slow down fake accounts trying to connect to many real users quickly
  • Ensure friend lists represent true social connections
  • Limit the reach of inappropriate, abusive, or risky content

Understanding why Facebook sets limits can help you avoid triggers that might decrease your friend request capacity further. You can also take steps to increase your limit over time by establishing yourself as a legitimate user.

Common Friend Request Limits

Facebook does not publish the exact friend request limits. They likely adjust dynamically based on risk signals. However, users have reported some common thresholds:

  • 50-100 friend requests per day
  • 5,000 total friends

New accounts or those with prior infractions often report lower initial limits of 30-50 per day or 1,000 total friends. Limits appear to gradually increase for accounts demonstrating reasonable usage.

Why Limits Exist

Facebook’s friend system is central to their service. It controls the reach of content and ads. As a result, they work hard to protect it from abuse and ensure it reflects valid social connections. Some key reasons Facebook enforces friend request limits include:

Prevent Spam

Without limits, spammers could rapidly send content or ads to huge numbers of users. Friend limits slow down the potential spread of unwanted content.

Stop Fake Accounts

Fake and compromised accounts try to connect with many real users quickly to increase influence and avoid detection. Limits prevent these accounts from sending huge volumes of friend requests.

Maintain Network Authenticity

Facebook wants your friend list to represent real social ties. Limits prevent accounts from connecting indiscriminately to appear more popular.

Limit Abusive Content Reach

Abusive accounts try to friend tons of people to spread inappropriate or dangerous content. Limits protect users by preventing wide distribution of undesirable material.

Reduce Computational Load

Analyzing friend behaviors and connections requires significant computing resources. Limits reduce system strain by regulating the volume of new connections.

How Limits Are Enforced

Facebook employs a few different tactics to enforce friend request limits:

Request Throttling

If you send requests too quickly, Facebook will temporarily disable the Send Request button to slow you down. This throttle activates around the 50-100 request per day threshold.

Confirmation Requirements

Once you hit a certain limit, Facebook may require friends to confirm requests before connecting. This ensures legitimate interest from both parties.

Hard Blocks

If your behavior exceeds limits after warnings, Facebook may impose a hard block preventing any new requests. This restriction lifts gradually as you exhibit reasonable usage patterns.

Account Suspension

In extreme abuse cases, Facebook may suspend accounts sending excessive requests. This action demonstrates the importance of maintaining friend list integrity.

How to Avoid Triggering Limits

You can take a few steps to avoid triggering Facebook’s friend request restrictions:

  • Only send requests to people you know
  • Limit requests to 10-20 per day
  • Add a personalized message with each request
  • Avoid repetitive requests if ignored
  • Don’t request strangers or accounts demonstrating suspicious behavior

You can also proactively manage your friend list by unfriending old accounts you no longer interact with regularly. This maintains an accurate social graph.

Increasing Your Friend Limit

If you’ve hit Facebook’s friend limits, you can gradually increase your capacity by:

  • Using your account normally for regular social engagement
  • Avoiding rapid connection requests
  • Removing old or inactive friends
  • Reporting suspicious accounts you’ve connected to

Over time, these actions establish your legitimate usage, which Facebook will recognize by slowly increasing your limits. Just have patience and avoid behaviors that might trigger restrictions.

Appealing Limit Enforcement

If you feel Facebook has incorrectly limited your ability to send friend requests, you can try to appeal the enforcement by:

  • Reading their Community Standards to ensure you haven’t violated policies
  • Checking for any alerts about your account behavior
  • Submitting an appeal explaining your appropriate friend request usage

However, limits are based on complex automated systems, so appeals are rarely successful unless applied incorrectly. Your best option is having patience and building up a track record of reasonable usage.


Facebook limits friend requests and new connections to protect users, prevent abuse, and maintain the integrity of social connections. New and risky accounts face the strictest limits, but these can increase over time by establishing regular, non-abusive usage patterns. While frustrating, limits force users to connect in a reasonable manner, which improves the overall Facebook experience.