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Why do Facebook hackers ask for your phone number?

Why do Facebook hackers ask for your phone number?

Facebook hacking has become increasingly common in recent years. One of the most common things Facebook hackers will ask for when trying to gain access to your account is your phone number. But why do they want your phone number specifically? There are a few key reasons:

To Reset Your Password

One of the main ways hackers can gain access to your Facebook account is by resetting your password. Facebook allows users to reset their password by having a reset code sent to their phone number via text message.

So if a hacker is able to obtain your phone number, they can initiate a password reset and then access the code sent to your phone to log in and change your password. This allows them to hijack your account.

To Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Facebook offers users the option to enable two-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security beyond just a password. Two-factor authentication works by requiring the user to enter a unique code or confirm their login attempt on a secondary device such as a mobile phone.

So if a hacker has your phone number, they could enable two-factor authentication on your account while also having access to the authentication code sent to your phone. This makes it much easier for them to get into your account.

To Access Other Accounts

Many people use their mobile phone numbers as a way to recover, reset or login to other online accounts beyond just Facebook. So your phone number provides hackers with a pathway to potentially access your email, banking accounts, and more depending on what security protocols you have in place.

By compromising your Facebook account and obtaining your phone number, hackers may be able to leverage that information to infiltrate other aspects of your digital life.

How Hackers Get Your Phone Number

Now that we know why your phone number is a key target for Facebook hackers, how do they get it in the first place?

You Provide It on Your Facebook Profile

One of the easiest ways hackers can get your phone number is if you have it published on your Facebook profile. People often add their mobile numbers to their profiles for legitimate reasons – so friends can contact them, etc. But this information is available to hackers as well unless your profile is completely locked down.

Phishing for Your Number

Hackers may attempt to trick you into divulging your phone number through phishing emails or texts. For example, they could send a message posing as Facebook support claiming there is an issue with your account that requires confirming your number. If you provide it, you have now given the hackers exactly what they were looking for.

Purchasing from Data Brokers

Unfortunately, your personal information like phone numbers is often bought and sold through data brokers. This means hackers can simply purchase your number along with other data about you from shady online sources. No phishing required.

Guessing Your Number

Some hackers may attempt to guess your number through social engineering by piecing together information from your Facebook profile and other sources. For example, they could see where you live or work, your relatives’ names, and then make educated guesses about what your likely phone number is.

What Hackers Do Once They Have Your Number

Once hackers have succeeded in obtaining your phone number, what exactly do they do with that access? Some of the common actions include:

Changing Your Password

As covered earlier, one of the first things most Facebook hackers will do is initiate a password reset using your phone number. This allows them to login to your account and change the password, locking you out.

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

They may enable two-factor authentication on your account and register your number as the confirmation source. That way any login attempts require validating through your number which they control.

Accessing Your Private Data

Hackers want access to your private messages, photos, videos, and any other personal data stored on your Facebook account. This information could potentially be used to steal your identity or for blackmail purposes.

Posting Spam or Malicious Content

Your account may be used to spam your friends with unwanted links and malware. Hackers can also use your profile to post offensive, illegal or dangerous content while posing as you.

Accessing Connected Accounts

As mentioned before, hackers could leverage your number to try and access any other accounts connected to your Facebook like Instagram, Tinder, Spotify and more. This expands the amount of personal data they can access.

How to Protect Your Number and Facebook Account

Now that you know why Facebook hackers covet your phone number, here are some tips to better protect it:

Don’t Publicly Display Your Number

Avoid putting your phone number on your Facebook profile or anywhere else publicly online. Only share it privately with people you trust.

Use a Unique Password

Make your Facebook password unique and difficult to guess. Avoid reusing the same password across multiple accounts. Enable two-factor authentication as well.

Be Wary of Suspicious Communications

Use caution with unsolicited emails, texts and calls asking for personal information like your phone number. Verify legitimacy before providing anything.

Limit Connected Accounts

Minimize the number of external accounts linked to your Facebook, like third-party apps. These can expand avenues of attack.

Review Privacy Settings

Double check that your Facebook privacy settings are locked down to limit what phone number and account information is visible. Make your profile fully private if possible.

Change Passwords Frequently

Get into the habit of changing your Facebook password every few months. This limits the damage if hackers do get temporary access.

Monitor Your Number and Accounts

Keep a close eye on your phone number and connected accounts for any suspicious activity. Report anything unusual to relevant companies.


Facebook hackers primarily want your phone number to gain control of your account by resetting the password and enabling two-factor authentication. They obtain numbers through phishing, purchasing data, guessing, and users voluntarily posting the information publicly. Once hackers control your account, they can access private data, post malicious content and infiltrate connected accounts. Protect yourself by being cautious with your number, using strong passwords, limiting connected accounts and watching closely for suspicious activity. Be proactive and your Facebook account will be much more secure.