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Why do Facebook groups ask questions?

Why do Facebook groups ask questions?

Facebook groups have become immensely popular in recent years. With over 1.8 billion monthly active users on Facebook, groups provide a way for people to connect over shared interests, learn new things, find support and more. Many Facebook group administrators utilize questions as a way to spark discussion and engage members. But why are questions such a prevalent feature of Facebook groups?


Asking questions is one of the most effective ways to get Facebook group members to engage. When a new post pops up with an intriguing question, it piques interest and curiosity. Group members are prompted to click on the post to read more details and consider how they might respond. Questions generate more comments and discussion than plain statements. An open-ended question allows multiple members to chime in with their thoughts, opinions and experiences. The conversation around a question helps keep the group lively and active.

Questions also create a two-way dialogue between administrators and members. Members feel heard when their feedback is solicited through questions. It shows the admins care about the perspectives of the members and want to keep a pulse on what is important to them. Questions help admins modify and improve the group based on member input.

Different Perspectives

Posing questions to a group introduces members to new viewpoints and ideas. When responding to a question, members share their personal experiences, describe their process for doing something and provide tips that work for them. Reading through the variety of responses to a question exposes members to different perspectives. This expands their understanding of a topic and often provides alternative approaches they can try. Questions generate diversity of thought which is especially valuable in niche interest groups.

For example, in a gardening group an admin could ask “What method do you use to keep deer from eating your plants?” The question would likely elicit responses ranging from fencing suggestions to natural repellent recipes. Group members considering how to deter deer can glean insights from the assortment of methods shared by others in answering the question.

Sparking Conversation

Asking questions gets conversations started between group members. The question provides a natural jumping off point for members to respond and react to each other’s comments. Conversations help members bond as they discover shared interests, ask follow up questions and exchange advice. The back and forth discussion sparked by a question creates community as members get to know each other better through their responses.

Conversations originating from a question also tend to be more focused. The question defines the topic of discussion, helping keep exchanges relevant and on track. This prevents conversations from veering into irrelevant tangents. For instance, a question like “What’s your favorite hike in the area and why?” would keep responses centered specifically on local hiking recommendations versus a vague post like “Let’s talk about hiking trails.”

Information Discovery

Questions help uncover new information and insights from the collective knowledge of the group. Facebook group members have diverse backgrounds, expertise and experiences to draw from. Tapping into this through questions enables individual members to discover helpful information they didn’t know before. When asked for input, members share tips, product recommendations, troubleshooting advice, local contacts and more.

For example, in a home repair group an admin could ask “Has anyone had experience resurfacing a fiberglass tub? Any tips?” Members who have completed fiberglass tub projects would then provide step-by-step details, suggested tools, warnings of pitfalls to avoid and other guidance to support those looking to attempt the resurfacing job.

Encouraging Participation

Asking questions in a Facebook group provides an easy way for newer or shyer members to jump into the conversation. When new members join a group, they may feel hesitant to create posts and engage. But questions posted by admins give these members an opening to participate by simply answering the question. This helps newbies start making connections and feeling comfortable interacting in the group.

Varying the topics and types of questions also pulls in participation from different members. For instance, some members may be more inclined to respond to opinion or experience-based questions versus technical or skills-based questions. Drawing participation from many members builds inclusiveness.

Feedback for Admins

Administrators can utilize questions to get constructive feedback about how to improve their Facebook groups. It can be hard for admins to identify issues or shortcomings of the group from their own limited perspective. But questions provide an easy way to survey members for input and suggestions. This helps admins troubleshoot problems, brainstorm enhancements and modify the group to maximize member value.

For example, admins could ask “What changes would you like to see in this group?” or “What additional topics would you be interested in us covering?” The member responses highlight ways admins can address any weaknesses and better cater to what members want from the group.

Increase Engagement with Polls

Facebook group admins can also engage members by creating polls to collect feedback. Polls allow members to quickly weigh in by voting, similar to asking a question. But the poll responses are neatly quantified into percentages for easy analysis.

Polls work well for simple yes/no questions or questions with a set of multiple choice responses. The poll results provide admins with an at-a-glance overview of members’ views on a topic. Seeing the voting breakdown gives perspective on where the group stands as a whole.

For example, an admin of a crafting group could post the poll:

Should we have a monthly craft challenge?

  • Yes
  • No

Seeing 90% vote yes would signal strong member support for starting a craft challenge. Polls help assess interest before putting effort into creating new initiatives or content for the Facebook group.

Increase Engagement with Live Videos

Going live on Facebook is another engaging way for group admins to interact with members in real time. Broadcasting live video lets admins share announcements, tutorials, discussions and more. Members can join the live video to listen, ask questions and react with comments.

The live conversation dynamic helps members feel more connected with admins and each other. It provides instant feedback vs. posting content and waiting for responses. Quick polls and questions during the live video encourage participation and give admins insight into what resonates with their audience.

Regularly scheduled live videos focused on topics the group cares about also helps boost member engagement. Members will come to expect and look forward to tuning into the live broadcasts from their Facebook group.

Increase Engagement with Group Challenges

Admins can introduce fun group challenges to unite members behind a common goal. Challenges could include completing a DIY project, reading a certain number of books, reaching a fitness milestone or anything else fitting the group topic. Members would post updates on their progress which helps drive conversations.

A little friendly competition within the challenge keeps things lively. Admins could share a leaderboard showing members with the top results. Offering prizes to challenge winners also provides incentive. Group challenges give members a rallying purpose and bring a sense of community accomplishment.


Asking engaging questions is an effective strategy Facebook group admins use to boost member participation and build community. Questions spark conversation, uncover new perspectives, generate helpful feedback and more. Admins can also keep members engaged by using polls to quickly gauge opinions, going live to enable real-time interaction and initiating friendly group challenges. Leveraging questions and discussions helps transform Facebook groups from static online bulletin boards into dynamic communities where members have a voice.