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Why did my relationship status post disappear from Facebook?

Why did my relationship status post disappear from Facebook?

If you recently noticed that your relationship status post is no longer showing up on your Facebook profile, there could be a few possible reasons for this.

You hid the post

One of the most common reasons a relationship status post disappears from Facebook is because you hid the post yourself. When you hide a post on Facebook, it no longer shows up on your timeline and is only visible to you.

To check if you hid your relationship status post, go to your profile and click on the ellipses (three dots) in the top right corner. Select “Activity Log” and then click on the “Posts You’ve Hidden” tab. Here you’ll see any posts you’ve hidden from your timeline.

If you see your relationship status post there, you can unhide it by clicking on the ellipses again and selecting “Unhide Post.” This will make the post public again so it shows up on your profile.

Your relationship status changed

If your relationship status changed, your old relationship status post will no longer be visible. For example, if you originally posted that you were “In a Relationship” and then changed your status to “Single,” the old “In a Relationship” post would disappear.

When you change your relationship status, Facebook automatically creates a new post with the updated status. So if you’re no longer in the relationship you originally posted about, that’s likely why the post is no longer there.

You deleted the post

Another possibility is that you deleted your relationship status post entirely. When you delete a post on Facebook, it is permanently removed from your profile and timeline.

To check if you deleted the post, go to your Activity Log and click on the “Your Posts” tab. This shows all posts you’ve made. If you don’t see your relationship status post anywhere in the list, chances are you deleted it.

Your partner deleted or hid the post

If you originally posted a relationship status that also tagged your partner, they have the ability to hide or delete the post from their own profile. Even if it’s still visible to you, your partner could have removed it on their end.

The post would only disappear from your partner’s timeline in this case – it would still be visible on your own profile to your friends and followers.

The post was automatically archived

Facebook automatically archives old posts on your timeline after a certain period of time. This helps declutter your profile. Typically posts more than 2 years old get archived.

So if your relationship status post was made over 2 years ago, Facebook may have automatically archieved it from public view on your profile. However, the post still exists – you can find it by searching for it specifically in your Activity Log.

You changed the audience

Facebook allows you to edit the privacy settings on individual posts. If you edited the audience of your relationship status post to only be visible to certain people, it will have disappeared from your profile to anyone not included in that custom audience.

To check if you changed the privacy, click on the ellipses at the top right of the post (if you can still see it on your own timeline), select “Edit Post” and view the audience setting. Switch it back to “Public” if you want everyone to see the post again.

Your account was temporarily banned

In some cases, Facebook may temporarily ban your account due to violations of their terms of service. This results in all your profile information and posts being hidden until the ban is lifted.

If your account was recently banned, try logging in to see if you can access your profile. If you’re unable to log in, this may be why your relationship status appears to have vanished.

You were blocked by someone

When you block someone on Facebook, all their posts and information are hidden from your view. So if the person who could previously see your relationship status post blocked you, it would seem to have disappeared on their end.

You can check if this is the case by logging out of your account and viewing your profile as a non-friend. If everything else is visible except the relationship post, someone who could see it likely blocked you.

It’s a technical glitch

In rare cases, it could simply be a random Facebook glitch causing your post to not show up. Social media platforms like Facebook have a lot of moving parts, so occasional bugs and issues affecting visibility do happen.

Before assuming it’s a technical problem, check for all the other potential reasons mentioned above. But if none of those explain it and the post seems to have inexplicably vanished, report the problem to Facebook.

How to get your relationship status post back

If your relationship status post mysteriously disappeared from Facebook, here are some tips on how to get it to show up again:

  • If you hid the post yourself, unhide it in your Activity Log
  • If you deleted it, you’ll have to create a new relationship status post
  • Make sure your account and profile are public and not banned
  • Ask your partner to unhide or re-share the post
  • Change the audience setting back to Public
  • Repost the relationship status update

In most cases you should be able to recover or restore your previous relationship status post as long as it wasn’t permanently deleted. This will make sure it’s visible to all your friends and followers again.

Preventing relationship posts from disappearing

To avoid your relationship status unexpectedly vanishing from Facebook in the future, here are some tips:

  • Be careful when hiding or deleting posts. Double check what you’re removing.
  • If tagging your partner, discuss whether you both want to keep it public.
  • Check your audience settings if a post seems to have disappeared.
  • Monitor your profile privacy and security settings.
  • Review your Activity Log regularly for any hidden, deleted or archived posts.

Keeping an eye on your Facebook posts and profile settings can help minimize any inadvertent removals of your relationship status down the line.


Having your relationship status post inexplicably disappear from Facebook can be confusing and frustrating. But in most cases there’s a reasonable explanation, whether you hid it yourself, changed privacy settings, or it was archived over time.

Carefully checking your Activity Log, profile, and post audience settings should reveal what happened. And knowing the potential reasons why Facebook may remove a relationship status update can help you avoid it happening again in the future.

With a mix of troubleshooting, adjusting your settings, and reposting, you should be able to get your relationship status to appear on your profile again like it should.

Reason Solution
You hid the post Unhide it in your Activity Log
Your relationship status changed Create a new status post
You deleted the post Repost your relationship status
Your partner hid or deleted it Ask them to unhide or re-share it
The post was archived Search for it in your Activity Log
You changed the audience Reset the audience to Public
Your account was banned Wait for ban to lift and reset privacy settings
Someone blocked you It will only be hidden from their view
A Facebook glitch Report the issue to Facebook

By reviewing this table, you can quickly identify why your relationship status post disappeared from Facebook and the steps needed to restore it. With a few simple actions, you can get your post to appear publicly on your profile again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did my “in a relationship” post disappear?

If your “in a relationship” post disappeared, some common reasons are: you hid or deleted the post, changed relationship status, your partner hid it, the post was archived, or your account was banned.

Can someone else cause my relationship status to disappear?

Yes, if your partner was tagged in the post they can hide or delete it from their own timeline. Your ex can also report the post to try getting it removed.

Will archived posts disappear forever?

No, Facebook only archives old posts to declutter your timeline. But archived posts still exist in your Activity Log and can be unarchived.

What happens if I delete my relationship status post?

Deleting a relationship status post permanently removes it. You won’t be able to recover or view a deleted post.

Should I repost my relationship status if it disappeared?

If your post mysteriously vanished and you want it public again, the easiest solution is usually to simply repost your relationship status.

Key Takeaways

  • Check if you hid, deleted, or archived the post yourself first.
  • Relationship status posts may disappear if you changed your status.
  • Your partner can also hide or delete a post you tagged them in.
  • Bans, blocked users, and privacy changes may cause a post to vanish.
  • Reposting the status is the best way to make it public again.