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Why did my reels bonus go away?

If your Instagram Reels bonus has suddenly disappeared, there are a few potential reasons why this may have happened. The most likely explanation is that Instagram has updated the eligibility requirements or availability of the bonus program in your region.

What is the Instagram Reels Bonus Program?

The Instagram Reels bonus program provides extra incentives for creators to post engaging Reels content. Eligible creators can earn a financial bonus based on the views and engagement their Reels receive. This program has gone through several iterations since originally launching in 2020.

The amount of the bonus and specific eligibility requirements have changed over time as Instagram tests and tweaks the program. Instagram has not publicly released full details on current bonus amounts or requirements, but bonuses are reported to range from a few hundred dollars up to several thousand for top performers.

Why Might My Reels Bonus Have Disappeared?

There are a few possible reasons your Reels bonus may have stopped:

  • You no longer meet the eligibility requirements – Instagram may have updated threshold requirements for followers, views, post frequency, account standing, etc. that you no longer meet.
  • The program is not available in your region – Instagram has rolled out and discontinued the Reels bonus program in different regions over time. It may no longer be available where you live.
  • The program is paused or ending – Instagram may be re-evaluating the bonus program and temporarily paused bonuses in your region or worldwide.
  • Delay in bonus payments – Bonuses are not issued immediately. It can sometimes take 1-2 months to receive a bonus after meeting requirements, so you may still get a prior bonus.
  • Bug or tech issue – Sometimes app glitches happen. If you believe you still meet requirements, it may be a technical error.

Ways to Check If You’re Still Eligible

Unfortunately Instagram does not directly notify creators when they gain or lose bonus eligibility. But there are some things you can do to get more clarity:

  1. Check your standings in the Reels Play Bonus leaderboard – If you no longer appear on the leaderboard, that’s a sign you are likely not currently eligible.
  2. Review the official requirements – Instagram occasionally updates eligibility details on its Creators page. Check there for current guidelines.
  3. Look for announcements from Instagram – Major changes to the bonuses program are sometimes announced in the app or via Creators social channels.
  4. Check your view counts – If your views have dropped significantly, your content may no longer be reaching bonus thresholds.
  5. Reach out to Instagram support – You can submit inquiries via live chat or social media to ask about your specific account’s bonus status.

Tips to Regain Bonus Eligibility

If your Reels bonus ended because you are not meeting the current requirements, here are some tips to help get it back:

  • Post more frequently – Instagram rewards consistent posting, so aim to publish multiple Reels per week.
  • Analyze your best-performing Reels – Look at your highest-view Reels and recreate that success by using the same audio tracks, effects, etc.
  • Optimize hashtags – Research and use relevant hashtags that will help your Reels be discovered.
  • Engage with your audience – Reply to comments, do collaborations, and build a community around your Reels.
  • Check your watch time metrics – Longer average watch times signal your content is engaging, which Instagram rewards.
  • Promote outside of Instagram – Share your Reels on other platforms to drive more views.
  • Make adjustments based on latest requirements – Stay up-to-date on what content and metrics Instagram wants to see.

Alternate Monetization Options

Even if the direct Reels bonus is not currently available to you, there are other ways to monetize your content and grow your business on Instagram:

  • Instagram Creator Fund – Apply for Instagram’s long-term monetization program once eligible based on follower count and engagement rates.
  • Instagram Shopping – Tag products in your Reels and drive followers to your Instagram storefront.
  • Sponsored Content – Work with brands to create branded content and ads in your Reels.
  • Affiliate Links – Include affiliate links in your bio or Reels captions to earn commissions promoting relevant products.
  • Sell Merchandise – Drive traffic to your online merchandise store through Reels content and promotions.

While the direct Reels bonus has high earnings potential, developing a diverse monetization strategy can provide more stable and long-term income. Focus on consistently creating high-quality content that aligns with your brand and engages your target audience.

Steps to Take if Your Bonus Returns

If your Reels bonus comes back after a hiatus, here are some recommended steps:

  1. Review current requirements – Make sure you understand the latest eligibility thresholds for views, post frequency, etc.
  2. Check new bonus amounts – Bonus earnings rates can change over time. Confirm the current payouts.
  3. Cash out regularly – Withdraw your bonus to your bank account frequently as allowed to avoid potential issues.
  4. Follow best practices – Produce content, use hashtags, engage with your audience in ways that maximize bonus metrics.
  5. Consider sustainability – Don’t become over-reliant on the bonus, and develop other revenue streams.
  6. Provide feedback to Instagram – If issues remain, communicate clearly with Instagram support about problems.

Instagram makes constant adjustments to the Reels bonus program, so remaining flexible and adaptable is key. Focus on creating the best content you can, connecting with your followers, and finding stability through diverse monetization strategies.