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Why did my Facebook unblock someone?

Why did my Facebook unblock someone?

There are a few potential reasons why someone you previously blocked on Facebook may have become unblocked without you taking that action. Here are some of the most common explanations:

You accidentally unblocked them

One possibility is that you may have accidentally unblocked the person while using the Facebook app or website. With a few accidental taps or clicks in the settings, it’s not hard to undo a block. So before assuming it was a glitch or hack, retrace your steps to see if you could have done it without realizing.

They created a new account

If the person you blocked created a brand new Facebook account, they would appear unblocked to you on that new profile. Blocking on Facebook only applies to a specific account. So if they set up a new account using a different email address, they could view and contact you again from the new profile.

Facebook lifted the block automatically

In some cases, Facebook may have detected that you blocked someone a long time ago and automatically undid the block. For example, if you blocked an old classmate years ago and hardly interact with them now, Facebook may see that as a “stale” block and remove it after a prolonged period of inactivity.

Their account was hacked

If the account you blocked was compromised, the hacker may have removed blocks and restrictions set by the original account owner. So if you notice the person messaging you inappropriately or out of character, it’s possible a hacker removed the block and is now using the account.

It was a glitch or technical issue

Like any software, Facebook can experience occasional glitches that affect blocks and privacy settings. A bug could cause blocked accounts to become unblocked across the platform. Typically these issues are caught and resolved quickly, but it’s possible you stumbled into a temporary glitch.

You blocked the wrong account

In some cases, you may have accidentally blocked the wrong person, or they may have created a second account that you didn’t know about. Going back to check that you blocked the right account can shed light on why that person appears unblocked.

How to re-block someone on Facebook

If you want to block someone again on Facebook who became unblocked, here is how to do it:

  1. Go to the person’s Facebook profile page
  2. Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  3. Select “Block” from the dropdown menu
  4. Confirm that you want to block the user

This will once again block them from viewing your profile or contacting you on Facebook. You can also report users who are harassing you or making threats.

Preventing unwanted unblocks in the future

To help prevent people you’ve blocked from becoming unblocked without your knowledge in the future, here are a few tips:

  • Double check that you’ve blocked the right account
  • Tighten up your Facebook privacy and security settings
  • Be alert for any suspicious or unwanted contact
  • Periodically review your blocked list to monitor any changes
  • Enable login notifications to watch for unauthorized access

With extra vigilance, you can maintain better control over who you block on Facebook moving forward.

When blocking may be unnecessary

In some cases, you may decide after further thought and reflection that blocking the person is no longer necessary. For example:

  • It was a minor disagreement that you have moved past
  • The conflict happened a long time ago and you have both matured
  • You share common friends or family connections that make blocking problematic
  • The benefits of reconciliation outweigh the situation that originally prompted blocking
  • The person has sincerely apologized and you feel comfortable engaging again

As relationships and perspectives change over time, reevaluating blocks may lead you to determine they are no longer serving a purpose. But you should only reconsider blocking if you genuinely feel ready to resume contact safely and constructively.

Signs you should maintain the block

However, in the following situations, upholding blocks is typically advisable:

  • You are still feeling harassed, threatened or unsafe
  • The person continues inappropriate behaviors that violate boundaries
  • You have tried reconciling before only to regret it later
  • The person refuses to take responsibility or accountability for their actions
  • Resuming contact would risk your mental health and emotional well-being

Listen to your instincts. If reinstating contact seems unwise, preserve the block and prioritize your health and safety.


Facebook blocks can sometimes be undone without your intent for a variety of reasons. Carelessness, glitches, hacks or policy changes could all lead to an expired block. If this happens, reassess the situation before determining your next steps. Re-blocking the person may be prudent, but in certain contexts, fences may be able to be mended moving forward.