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Why did I get kicked out of Facebook Dating?

Why did I get kicked out of Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is a feature within Facebook that allows users to match with and meet potential romantic partners. It operates similarly to other dating apps, with some key differences. Getting kicked off or banned from Facebook Dating can be disappointing and confusing, especially if you’re unsure of what you did wrong.

Common Reasons for Getting Banned from Facebook Dating

There are a few key reasons why Facebook may ban someone from using Facebook Dating:

Violating Facebook Dating Community Standards

Facebook has a set of Community Standards that apply to all features, including Facebook Dating. Some of the rules include:

  • No nudity or sexual content in profile pictures, photos, videos, etc.
  • No sexual solicitations or overtly sexual conversations
  • No hate speech, bullying, or harassment
  • No impersonation of others
  • No sharing personal information like email addresses, phone numbers, etc. without consent

If you violate any of these rules, Facebook may ban you from Dating. Even if you didn’t intend your actions to be inappropriate, anything deemed inconsistent with the standards can get you removed.

Spamming or Sending Unwanted Messages

If you send multiple messages to matches who haven’t responded, or contact people who haven’t matched with you, this may be seen as harassment. Sending copy-pasted messages to matches is also considered spamming under Facebook’s rules. Too much of this unwanted outreach can get your dating privileges revoked.

Being Reported by Other Users

If another Facebook Dating user reports inappropriate behavior or messages from you, moderators will investigate. If they agree you violated policies, your account can be banned. Sometimes there may be misunderstandings or “false reports,” but Facebook tends to err on the side of caution in responding to reports.

Appealing a Ban from Facebook Dating

If you feel your dating ban was a mistake, you can appeal the decision through Facebook. Here are some tips for making an appeal:

Be Concise

Write a brief explanation of why you think the ban was unwarranted. Stick to the facts and don’t include unnecessary details.

Be Polite

A rude or aggressive appeal is less likely to be successful. Be respectful and calm in dealing with Facebook staff.

Explain Your Perspective

Politely tell your side of any incidents that led to reports or bans. If there was a misunderstanding, explain it.

Note Any Pattern Changes

If Facebook sees you’ve stopped any banned behavior, they may be more open to reinstating you. Point out any changed habits.

Wait Patiently

It can take Facebook time to review appeals. Don’t re-send the same request repeatedly; just wait it out.

Following the Rules Going Forward

If your appeal succeeds, be extra diligent about following Facebook’s standards moving forward. Any repeat offenses will likely result in a non-negotiable permanent ban. Here are some tips:

Review the Standards

Refresh yourself on Facebook’s Dating rules so you know what’s acceptable and what isn’t.

Be Cautious in Conversations

Don’t say anything flirtatious or suggestive too soon, as it could be perceived the wrong way. Get to know your matches first.

Respect People’s Boundaries

If someone hasn’t responded to your messages, unmatch with you, or say they aren’t interested, move on gracefully. Never pressure people.

Ask Before Sharing Contact Info

Don’t give out emails, phone numbers, social media handles, etc. unless a match explicitly says it’s okay. This keeps both parties comfortable.

Report Any Suspicious Behavior

If any matches make you feel uneasy, unsafe, or disrespected, report them to Facebook right away.

Using Another Feature to Find Dates

If your dating privileges stay revoked indefinitely, don’t lose hope. There are a few other Facebook features you can use to make romantic connections:

Facebook Groups

Join groups for singles, people looking for relationships, or other interests. Get to know members through posts and group chats.

Facebook Events

Browse local events and look for single people interested in attending. Start conversations about the event itself as an icebreaker.

Friend Suggestions

Browse people Facebook suggests you add as friends. Look for those who are single and seem like-minded.


If you hit it off chatting with someone in a group or at an event, move your conversation to Messenger for more one-on-one flirting.

Should I Just Make a New Facebook Account?

If you don’t manage to get your dating privileges back, you may be tempted to simply create a new Facebook account and start fresh. There are a few risks to be aware of:

Getting Caught

Facebook may detect your new account is linked or similar to your old one. Any ban could then extend to your new profile too.

Losing Your Connections

A new account means starting your friend list from scratch. Rebuilding your social graph can be annoying and time-consuming.

Hurting Your Chances

Facebook will see your account has no history. This looks suspicious and could limit your dating prospects until you build up your profile over time.

My advice would be to avoid making a whole new account if possible. Instead, focus your energy on constructively appealing the ban and finding romantic options outside of Facebook Dating.

Other Ways to Meet People Online

If the Facebook Dating route stays closed to you, there are plenty of other great dating apps and sites to try instead:


Tinder is the top dating app for a reason – tons of users, an easy swiping system, and fast-paced matching capabilities. Setup is quick as well.


On Bumble women have to message matched first, so it weeds out men who are unresponsive. The platform empowers females to make the first move.


Hinge matches you with friends of friends for a certain level of familiarity. Prompts also allow for personality and wit to shine through.


OkCupid relies on extensive questionnaires to pair up compatible singles who share values, quirks, and objectives.

Coffee Meets Bagel

Slow dating is the name of the game on Coffee Meets Bagel. Matches (or “bagels”) are limited to spur conversation instead of endless swiping.


As one of the first online dating platforms, Match has had decades to perfect its matchmaking algorithm for long-term relationships.

Staying Positive When Dating Apps Don’t Work Out

It’s easy to get frustrated when you encounter issues on dating platforms or apps don’t deliver what you hoped for. To keep spirits up, remember:

You Aren’t Alone

We all deal with tech problems, message ghosts, bad dates, etc. These are universal experiences!

It’s Not You

Don’t take dating rejections personally. The other person just wasn’t the match the app promised.

Take a Break

Give yourself some time off of swiping when needed. Dating app burnout is real.

Focus on Self-Care

Make sure your non-dating life is fulfilling with hobbies, friends, career goals, and self-care rituals.

Enjoy Other Aspects of Facebook

Facebook has so much to offer beyond dating – groups, events, news, videos, and more!


Getting removed from Facebook Dating can be demoralizing, but all hope for finding love online is not lost. Be polite yet persistent if appealing the ban, turn to other Facebook features to meet people, branch out to new dating apps, and remember to love yourself throughout the process. With optimism and the right tools, you’ll be back on track in no time. Wishing you the very best of luck!