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Why did I get blocked from Marketplace?

Why did I get blocked from Marketplace?

Getting blocked from Facebook Marketplace can be frustrating, especially if you rely on Marketplace for buying or selling. There are a few key reasons why your account may have been blocked. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the most common causes and how to get your account unblocked.

Top Reasons for Getting Blocked on Marketplace

Here are the most common reasons for getting blocked on Marketplace:

Violating Marketplace Policies

Facebook has strict commerce policies in place to protect buyers and sellers. Some examples of policy violations that can lead to blocks include:

  • Listing prohibited items like weapons, drugs, or adult content
  • Price gouging
  • Scams and misleading listings
  • Abusive behavior towards other users

Repeated policy violations will often trigger blocks from Marketplace.

Suspicious Account Activity

If Facebook detects suspicious account activity that appears inauthentic, your access to Marketplace may be restricted. This includes:

  • Using multiple Facebook accounts or profiles
  • Unusual login locations
  • Sudden changes in how you use Facebook

Facebook has advanced systems in place to detect fake and spam accounts. Sometimes these systems flag legitimate accounts by mistake, but the blocks are usually temporary.

Buyer or Seller Reputation Issues

Having a history of bad reviews, order disputes, or reported issues can also lead to Marketplace blocks. For example:

  • Low seller ratings
  • Numerous returns and refund requests as a seller
  • Multiple claims opened as a buyer
  • Blocked payments

If you develop a poor reputation on Marketplace, Facebook may restrict your buying or selling privileges to protect other users.

How to Get Unblocked from Facebook Marketplace

If your account has been blocked from Marketplace, here are some tips on getting it reinstated:

Resolve Any Outstanding Issues

If there are open cases, claims, or account alerts, resolving these should be your first step. Issues like unpaid items, copyright violations, or harassment warnings should be addressed immediately.

Respond professionally to any active cases and comply with Facebook’s requests to get back in good standing.

Appeal the Block

You can submit an appeal to Facebook by:

  1. Going to the Help Center
  2. Searching for “commerce restrictions”
  3. Clicking “Submit Appeal”

Explain why you believe the block was unwarranted or incorrect. Provide any evidence you can to show you should regain Marketplace access.

Boost Your Account Health

While your appeal is processed, take actions to improve your overall account reputation:

  • Strengthen your account security settings
  • Remove any previous policy violations from your profiles
  • Avoid posting spam or prohibited content
  • Engage positively with other Facebook users

This shows Facebook that you intend to follow all policies moving forward.

Wait for Review

It can take Facebook up to 72 hours to review appeals and make a decision. Be patient during this process.

Avoid submitting multiple appeals, as this can actually delay review. Only submit one detailed appeal explaining your situation.

Prevent Future Marketplace Blocks

Once your account access is restored, you can take steps to avoid future blocks. Here are some tips:

Learn Marketplace Policies

Read through all of Facebook’s commerce policies thoroughly so you understand what is and isn’t allowed. Pay particular attention to:

  • Prohibited goods
  • Acceptable behavior
  • Listing guidelines

Following all policies to the letter will keep your account in good standing.

Improve Ratings

If you had issues with poor seller ratings or reviews in the past, being extra diligent moving forward can improve your reputation over time. Some suggestions:

  • Provide great customer service
  • Ship items quickly
  • Resolve any issues professionally
  • Encourage satisfied buyers to leave positive reviews

This will offset previous negatives and reassure Facebook that you are a trustworthy seller.

Use Business Tools

Facebook offers tools like Commerce Manager and Marketplace Quality Programs to help manage business accounts. Using these can show you are a serious seller committed to success on Marketplace.

Limit Account Usage

Using Marketplace sparingly immediately after a block is lifted can help you avoid issues. Give it some time before listing new items or making big purchases.

Slowly ramp up your selling and buying activity as you demonstrate you can follow Facebook’s rules.

What to Do If You Stay Blocked From Marketplace

If your appeal is denied and the block remains in effect, you still have options:

Request Review by Support

Reach out to Facebook’s support channels like live chat or helpline. Explain that you submitted an appeal that was denied, but you feel the block should be lifted.

Provide additional details on why you believe the block should be removed. Having a support agent manually review your case may lead to a different outcome.

Submit a New Appeal

You can submit another appeal after 30 days have passed. Avoid reusing the same exact appeal content.

Write a new, detailed explanation of the situation. Emphasize any changes you’ve made to address policy violations and improve your seller rating.

Use an Alternative Account

If the block persists on your main account, use a different Facebook account to access Marketplace. Make sure to carefully follow all policies with the new account.

However, keep in mind having multiple accounts is against Facebook’s rules. Only use this method if you have no other recourse.


Getting blocked from Facebook Marketplace can be frustrating, but is usually avoidable. Violating policies, behaving poorly, or having account issues are the main reasons blocks happen.

Submitting a well-reasoned appeal and taking steps to improve your account reputation can often get your Marketplace access restored. Just be patient, follow the marketplace guidelines, and communicate clearly with Facebook.