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Why did I get an email saying welcome to Facebook?

Why did I get an email saying welcome to Facebook?

Quick Answer

There are a few reasons why you may have received a “Welcome to Facebook” email:

  • Someone created a Facebook account using your email address
  • You recently created a Facebook account but don’t remember doing so
  • You used to have a Facebook account that was deleted, and someone reactivated it
  • It’s a phishing email designed to get your personal information

If you did not create the account yourself, it’s best not to click on any links in the email and instead go directly to Facebook to investigate further. This will help prevent any security risks from potentially malicious links.

Did I Create a Facebook Account?

If you don’t remember creating a Facebook account associated with the email address that received the welcome email, it’s possible someone else registered using your email. This could happen if someone simply made a mistake or if your email was used fraudulently.

To find out if you have an account you weren’t aware of, go directly to the Facebook website and attempt to login with the email address in question. If it logs you into an account you don’t recognize, that will confirm the account exists.

You can then try to recover or disable the account through Facebook’s security options. Be sure not to click on any links in the suspicious welcome email in the meantime.

Was My Old Account Reactivated?

Another possibility is you previously had a Facebook account that you deleted, and someone was able to reactivate it using your email address.

When you delete a Facebook account, it is deactivated for 30 days during which it can be restored. After that it is permanently deleted. However, occasionally accounts can be mysteriously reactivated even after deletion.

To check if a deleted account was reopened, login directly through Facebook with the email address and see if an old account appears that you thought was deleted. You can then remove it again through the proper channels.

Is it a Phishing Email?

One of the most likely scenarios is that the welcome email is not actually from Facebook. Many phishing emails pretend to be from Facebook in order to trick people into clicking malicious links or revealing personal information.

Here are some signs it may be a phishing email:

  • The sender address is not from an official domain
  • There are spelling/grammar errors
  • It asks you to click a strange link or provide login credentials
  • It addresses you generically as “Dear user” instead of your name

If you suspect it’s a phishing email, do not click on any links within it and delete it immediately. You can also report it to Facebook. The key is visiting Facebook directly through their official site rather than trusting links in questionable emails claiming to be from them.

How to Handle a Hacked or Phished Facebook Account

If you determine your email was used to create a Facebook account without your knowledge, here are the steps to resecure it:

  1. Login to the account directly through Facebook using the email address in question. Do not click links in the suspicious email.
  2. Once logged in, go to settings and change the password. Make it long and strong.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication for increased security.
  4. Check the authorized apps and remove any unfamiliar third party apps connected to the account.
  5. Review the account privacy settings and modify as needed.
  6. Check current sessions and logout any unfamiliar locations.
  7. Consider reporting the unauthorized account to Facebook.

Taking these steps will help you regain control and secure the account from whoever created it without authorization.

Preventing Future Facebook Phishing Attacks

Here are some general tips to avoid becoming a victim of Facebook phishing scams:

  • Never click links in emails claiming to be from Facebook – always log in directly.
  • Look for errors, odd addresses, and other signs of phishing.
  • Be wary of emails requesting personal information.
  • Use two-factor authentication.
  • Monitor your account’s security settings and activity.
  • Run antivirus/malware scans.

When to Contact Facebook Support

If you are unable to recover control of your account through Facebook’s security options, you may need to reach out to their support team directly. Reasons to contact them include:

  • You cannot reset the password because you don’t have access to the email
  • The hacker has changed the email and you’re locked out
  • You suspect the account was flagged for impersonation
  • Account recovery steps are not working

To get in touch with Facebook support:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Click “Contact Us” in the left column
  3. Select the appropriate contact reason like “Hacked Account”
  4. Complete the form with details about your situation

Keep in mind Facebook receives an extremely high volume of inquiries, so it may take some time to get a response. But contacting them is often the only way to recover an account you cannot access.

Facebook Account Recovery Process

When you contact Facebook support about a hacked or phished account, there are a few steps to the recovery process:

  1. You will need to provide proof of ID such as a photo or scan of your driver’s license or passport.
  2. Submit any documentation you have showing ownership of the email associated with the account.
  3. Provide detailed information about the account such as creation date, locations accessed from, etc.
  4. Be prepared to answer identification questions about the account.
  5. If successful, Facebook will send a password reset link to your email so you can regain access.
  6. You may need to repeat this process if the hacker disputes your reclaiming of the account.

With persistence, most legitimate account owners are able to recover their accounts through this process. But it does require patience especially if the hacker fights back.

When Should I Contact Law Enforcement?

In most cases, you can regain access to a phished Facebook account through Facebook’s own security process or support team. However, you may want to file an additional police report in certain situations:

  • Sensitive personal data was compromised
  • Financial accounts connected to Facebook were accessed
  • Identity theft appears to have occurred
  • Stalking or harassment is involved
  • The hacker is attempting blackmail
  • You suspect organized cybercrime

Having an official law enforcement report can help strengthen your case when disputing with Facebook over account access. It also aids investigation into more serious crimes associated with the hack.

Protecting Your Online Accounts

The best protection against phished accounts is practicing general good online security habits such as:

  • Unique complex passwords for every account
  • Two-factor authentication everywhere it’s offered
  • A password manager to store logins securely
  • Caution clicking links and downloading attachments
  • Avoid oversharing personal info online

Making your accounts difficult to hack in the first place gives you far better peace of mind than trying to recover them after the fact. Enable all of Facebook’s security options to keep your profile safe.

Can I Delete the Compromised Account Entirely?

If you cannot regain access to a hacked Facebook account, or you decide you don’t want it anymore, you do have the option to request permanent deletion. Here’s how:

  1. Complete the Facebook compromise process and confirm you cannot recover the account.
  2. Click “delete my account” on the Contact Facebook support page.
  3. Fill out the form detailing your removal request.
  4. Select “I can’t access my account” as the reason.
  5. Facebook will process the request and delete the account (if approved).

Keep in mind Facebook may reject the deletion request if they cannot confirm you are the legitimate account owner. But if the account is fully compromised and you have no way to regain access, requesting removal is worth pursuing.

I Don’t Have a Facebook Account

For those who receive a Facebook welcome email without ever signing up, it could simply be a case of someone mistakenly using your email address during registration. Other possibilities include:

  • You have a common name and someone entered your email incorrectly when creating their real account.
  • Someone else used your email maliciously to create a fake account.
  • A spammer signed you up against your will to send you unwanted messages.
  • It’s phishing attempt to get your personal info.

If it’s a legitimate mistake, the person will probably realize it upon verifying the email and rectify the issue. If it’s one of the more malicious reasons, ignore the email and do not click anything within it. Facebook will delete accounts not verified after a period.

You can attempt to contact Facebook support to notify them in case it’s a Terms of Service violation, but with no account of your own, your options are more limited. Maintaining good email security practices is the best way to avoid these types of situations in the future.


Receiving a Facebook welcome email out of the blue can be alarming, but there are steps you can take to secure your online identity. The most likely causes are someone mistakenly or fraudulently registered an account with your email address. Carefully investigating the issue instead of blindly clicking links will help protect you from phishing attempts. Regaining access by working with Facebook support directly allows you to lock down the account. Overall online vigilance about scams and utilizing the right security tools remains the ultimate way to guard against unwanted account creation.