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Why did Facebook remove my video?

Why did Facebook remove my video?

If you’ve had a video removed from Facebook, it can be frustrating trying to understand why. Facebook has guidelines about what type of content is allowed on their platform, and videos may be removed if they violate these rules. While the specific reason your video was taken down may not always be clear, there are some common reasons Facebook removes videos that can help provide an explanation.

Copyright Infringement

One of the most common reasons Facebook will remove a video is if it contains copyrighted material that you don’t have permission to use. This includes music, video clips, images, and other content created by someone else. Even if you give credit or link back to the original source, you still need explicit permission from the copyright holder. If someone reports your video for copyright infringement, Facebook will take it down. Make sure you have the rights to any material you post.

Graphic Violence or Adult Content

Facebook prohibits violent, graphic, or sexually explicit videos in order to maintain a safe environment for users of all ages. Posts deemed excessively violent or sexual will be removed. Even artistic, newsworthy, or consensually shared nude images may be taken down. Review Facebook’s Community Standards to ensure your content doesn’t cross the line. Censor or crop any graphic visuals.

Hate Speech or Bullying

Videos promoting hate speech, bullying, or harassment towards protected groups will also be removed. Don’t post content that attacks others based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, sex, gender, gender identity, or disabilities. Even if not your intent, take care not to normalize or glorify violence against any individuals or groups.

Spam or Misleading Content

Facebook aims to limit misleading, false, deceptive, or spammy information. Videos focused on scams, clickbait, or coordinated inauthentic behavior designed to game the algorithm are not allowed. Refrain from using sensationalist thumbnails, titles, or descriptions. Stick to posting high-quality, accurate content.

Violation of Local Laws

Videos that promote or depict activities considered illegal according to local laws will get removed from Facebook. This includes content related to recreational drugs, prostitution, underage drinking, and organized criminal activity. Make sure your posts don’t glorify or encourage any unlawful behavior.

Sale of Regulated Goods

Facebook prohibits the sale or promotion of certain regulated goods, including firearms, ammunition, explosives, and recreational drugs. Videos focused on the purchase or trade of these items will be taken down. Consider focusing your business promotions on legal, authorized goods and services.

Compromised Account

In some cases, videos may be posted from your account without your knowledge if your account has been hacked. Use strong password and two-factor authentication practices to avoid compromise. If you notice videos you didn’t post yourself, report the issue immediately.

Community Standards Violation

Any other violations of Facebook’s Community Standards could also lead to video removal. Make sure to read through their guidelines thoroughly. Some areas not covered above include impersonation, privacy violations, unauthorized sales of regulated goods, and platform manipulation.

Appeal the Decision

If you believe your video was removed by mistake, you can appeal the decision within Facebook. From your Notifications page, find the alert about the video removal and click “Request Review.” Explain why you feel the video didn’t violate policies and request it be restored. However, keep in mind appeals are not always successful.


Facebook aims to keep their platform safe and promote authentic, quality content. While it can be frustrating to have a video removed, understanding common reasons for takedowns can help you avoid issues in the future. Be mindful of copyrights, graphic content policies, hate speech prohibitions, misleading information, local laws, regulated goods restrictions, and all other Community Standards when posting. If in doubt, it’s best to err on the side of caution or reach out for guidance from Facebook directly. With some care and common sense, you can successfully share videos that engage your audience while respecting platform policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some of the main reasons Facebook will remove a video?

The most common reasons Facebook removes videos include:

  • Copyright infringement
  • Graphic violence or adult content
  • Hate speech or bullying
  • Spam or misleading information
  • Violations of local law
  • Sale of regulated goods
  • Compromised accounts
  • Violations of Community Standards

How can I avoid my videos being removed by Facebook?

To avoid your videos being removed:

  • Obtain permissions for any copyrighted material used
  • Review content policies and censor graphic visuals
  • Avoid hate speech, harassment, or glorification of violence
  • Provide accurate information with no deception
  • Follow all local laws and regulations
  • Don’t promote the sale of regulated goods
  • Use secure account practices
  • Carefully adhere to all Community Standards

What should I do if I think my video was removed by mistake?

If you believe Facebook made a mistake in removing your video, you can appeal the decision. In your notifications, find the removal alert and click “Request Review.” Explain clearly why you feel the video didn’t violate policies and ask that it be restored. However, appeals do not always lead to content being reinstated.

Could getting my account hacked cause videos I didn’t post to be uploaded?

Yes, if your account is compromised by hackers, they may be able to upload videos from your profile without your knowledge or consent. To avoid this, always use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and watch for any suspicious activity on your account. Report unauthorized videos immediately.

What happens if I re-upload a video Facebook already removed?

If you attempt to re-upload a video that was already removed by Facebook for violating policies, it’s likely to quickly be taken down again. You could also face penalties such as temporary bans from posting. Don’t try to re-post the same content if Facebook has already found it objectionable.

Infographic on Top Reasons for Facebook Video Removal

Here is an infographic illustrating some of the main reasons Facebook removes videos from their platform:

As you can see, violations of copyrights, community standards, and posting graphic or violent content are among the leading causes of video takedowns. Be mindful of Facebook’s guidelines and aim to share only appropriate, high-quality content using your own original materials.