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Why did Facebook change menu?

Why did Facebook change menu?

Facebook recently announced some big changes to their platform, including an updated navigation menu. This new menu replaces the old icon-based navigation that Facebook has had for years. The change seems to be an attempt to simplify and streamline the user experience, but it has left many users confused and frustrated.

What exactly changed with Facebook’s menu?

The old Facebook menu used icons and shorthand labels like “Home”, “Friends”, and “Notifications”. The updated menu uses descriptive headings like “Home”, “Friends”, “Groups”, and so on. Some less frequently used options like “Events”, “Pages”, and “Fundraisers” have been buried in a “More” dropdown menu.

Overall, the changes are aimed at decluttering the main navigation and drawing attention to the core features most people use regularly. The goal seems to be making Facebook simpler and more user-friendly, especially for new users who may find the array of icons overwhelming.

Why did Facebook make this change?

Facebook has not given an official reason for the menu update, but we can make some educated guesses based on the design choices.

Here are a few likely reasons Facebook changed their navigation menu:

  • Simplify the interface for new/infrequent users
  • Better highlight the main features like Home and Friends
  • De-emphasize less used features
  • Mirror design changes on Facebook mobile apps
  • Refresh the dated icon-based navigation

The social network likely wants to ensure the core Facebook experience is easy for casual users to navigate. The word-based menu aims to make the platform more intelligible for people who don’t use Facebook every day.

Facebook’s product designers may have also gotten feedback that the array of icons was overwhelming or confusing, especially for older demographics. Replacing icons with clear descriptive headings addresses this issue.

How have users reacted?

Initial user reaction to the menu changes has been mixed:

  • Some appreciate the simplified, cleaner design
  • Others think it looks boring and generic
  • Many longtime users miss the old icon-based navigation
  • Some find the new menu confusing and hard to scan

Here are some example complaints about the updated menu:

  • “This new menu is horrible, I can’t find anything.”
  • “I hate it, the icons were way better.”
  • “It looks like they copied another site’s menu.”
  • “Too much change for no good reason.”

However, other users have been more positive:

  • “The new menu is cleaner looking.”
  • “Easier to see what everything is for new users.”
  • “Looks more modern in my opinion.”

Overall reaction is mixed, with longtime Facebook users more resistant to the change, while newer users seem to appreciate the simplified navigation.

Will Facebook revert the menu change?

Given the polarized reaction, some users are wondering if Facebook will walk back the menu update and restore the classic icon-based navigation.

While possible, it seems unlikely Facebook will revert the change completely. However, they may tweak the design to find a better balance. Here are some potential middle ground options:

  • Add icons next to menu headings for familiarity
  • Let users choose between icon and text-based menus
  • Improve menu search to help users find hidden options
  • Rearrange items for better scanability

Companies rarely do complete 180s on major redesigns, even controversial ones. Facebook likely considers this an upgrade, albeit with some user adaptation required. They may fine-tune elements like spacing, colors, and organization based on feedback. But the basic word-based menu is probably here to stay.

How can users give feedback to Facebook?

If you have strong feelings about the new Facebook menu, here are some ways to provide direct feedback to the company:

  • User surveys – Take any menus surveys if Facebook presents them to you.
  • Social media – Post polite but constructive criticism on Facebook’s official social media accounts.
  • User forums – Express your opinion on Meta’s user forums for feedback.
  • Settings menu – Use the “Give Feedback” option under Settings.

Some other tips for giving effective feedback:

  • Explain specifically what you liked or didn’t like
  • Suggest alternative designs or tweaks
  • Remain respectful and constructive
  • Provide screenshots if helpful

The more detailed, thoughtful feedback Facebook receives, the more their designers can understand users’ issues and explore potential improvements. Rude, vague complaints are easier to dismiss.


Facebook’s updated menu is a major change, especially for longtime users accustomed to the old icon navigation. While frustrating at first, this redesign aims to simplify Facebook for new users as its userbase expands globally.

Yet poor interface changes can alienate loyal users. Facebook may need to find a middle ground, likely keeping the text-based menu but refining it based on constructive feedback. Users should provide feedback through surveys, forums, and social media to make their voices heard.

With any redesign, there is an adjustment period. But if enough current users give reasoned criticism, Facebook will likely meet them halfway and find a menu design that works for everyone.

The key will be helping the company understand which specific parts of the updated menu cause frustration or confusion. With detailed user input, Facebook can avoid throwing the helpful baby out with the bathwater. There are ways to modernize the classic navigation without completely alienating longtime loyal users. Facebook will aim to find that balance based on feedback.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did Facebook get rid of the old menu?

Facebook likely retired the icon-based menu to declutter the navigation and highlight core features like Home and Friends for new/infrequent users. The array of icons probably felt outdated and overwhelming to some demographics.

When did Facebook roll out the new menu?

The new text-based Facebook menu began gradually rolling out to desktop users in early October 2022. The updated navigation had already been in place on the Facebook mobile apps.

Can I get the old Facebook menu back?

There is no official option to revert to the classic icon-based Facebook menu. The redesign is here to stay, though users can provide feedback to improve the new menu.

Is the new menu only on desktop?

No, Facebook mobile apps for iOS and Android have already had a text-based menu similar to the redesign for some time. The October 2022 update applied the new navigation to desktop and mobile web.

What options are in the More menu?

The More tab in the new Facebook menu contains less frequently used features like Events, Pages, Groups, Fundraisers, Ad Center, Climate Science Center, Gaming, Play Games, Recent Ad Activity, Community Help, Support Inbox, Settings, and Privacy Shortcuts.

What do users dislike about the new menu?

Common complaints include the lack of familiar icons, condensed design with less scanability, and burying of certain options like Events in the More tab. Some also dislike the generic, uniform look compared to the old menu.


Check out these articles for more information on the Facebook menu changes: