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Why did birthday notifications disappeared on Facebook?

Why did birthday notifications disappeared on Facebook?

Facebook’s decision to remove birthday notifications on its platform came as a surprise to many users in 2021. For over a decade, Facebook had prominently displayed friends’ birthdays on users’ feeds and sent notifications to remind users to post on their friends’ timelines. The disappearance of these features left many users wondering why Facebook would remove such a core social feature from its platform.

In examining this change, there are a few key factors to consider:

De-emphasis on news feed

Facebook has been gradually de-emphasizing the news feed in favor of features like Stories, Groups, and its TikTok competitor Reels. The news feed was once the central focus of Facebook’s app, but over the years, as Facebook has faced criticism that its algorithm promotes toxic content, it has pivoted to other features. Removing birthday notifications can be seen as another step in this direction to guide users away from the endless scrolling of the news feed.

Push for Facebook Groups

Relatedly, Facebook has been actively trying to drive users to interact in Facebook Groups rather than the public news feed. Facebook Groups provide more private, niche interactions in dedicated spaces outside of the news feed. Removing birthday notifications helps divert users away from news feed interactions and into Groups where Facebook is encouraging more activity.

Reduced notifications

In general, Facebook has aimed to reduce notification overload and too many distracting red dots within its app interface. Twitter, Instagram and other apps have similarly worked to pare down notifications to help users focus. Birthday notifications may have been seen by Facebook as cluttering users’ notification feeds.

Less birth date visibility

In recent years, Facebook has allowed users greater control over hiding their birth dates and ages on their profiles. Users now have the option to exclude their birth dates from their profiles altogether. This change likely impacted the relevance of birthday notifications, since friends’ birth dates became less prominently displayed over time.

Data privacy

In the broader context of tech platforms facing criticism over data privacy practices, Facebook may have viewed birthday notifications as surfacing users’ personal data in an unwanted way. By removing notifications, Facebook reduced cases where users’ birth dates were shared without their consent.

Move fast and break things

Facebook has famously embraced a “move fast and break things” ethos over the years. The company frequently introduces major changes without warning users in advance. Removing a feature like birthday notifications overnight aligns with Facebook’s culture of rapid iteration and willingness to abruptly alter its products.

When did birthday notifications disappear?

Facebook began phasing out birthday notifications in April 2021. Users quickly noticed that Facebook had stopped sending reminder notifications about their friends’ birthdays. The birthday notifications that previously appeared at the top of the news feed also no longer showed up.

By May 2021, a Facebook spokesperson confirmed to media outlets that birthday notifications were officially removed across all platforms. The change broadly impacted Facebook’s main app as well as Messenger and Instagram.

Some users may have continued seeing vestiges of friends’ birthdays in their feeds during the transition period. But Facebook soon completed the rollout, and birthday notifications vanished entirely by summer 2021.

How did users react?

Many Facebook users did not take kindly to the abrupt removal of birthday notifications. Social media filled with complaints from users who felt Facebook had eliminated a treasured feature without sufficient warning or explanation.

The main issues users cited were:

Broken user habits

After years of relying on notifications, users struggled to remember birthdays. This resulted in friends forgetting to post on each other’s timelines.

Confusion and lack of transparency

Without a clear announcement, users were left baffled about why notifications suddenly disappeared.

Reduced social interactions

Without prompts, some users interacted less with friends around their birthdays.

Distrust in Facebook

Eliminating a popular feature fueled users’ skepticism of Facebook’s motives and belief that Facebook disregarded users’ preferences.

Issue User complaints
Broken user habits “I used to depend on Facebook to remember friends’ birthdays. Now I’ve forgotten them because I have no other reminder.”
Confusion/lack of transparency “Why did Facebook get rid of birthday reminders without telling anyone?? Shady.”
Reduced social interactions “I used to wish all my Facebook friends a happy birthday. I guess I won’t anymore since Facebook doesn’t tell me about their birthdays.”
Distrust in Facebook “This just shows Facebook cares more about their own interests than users. Can’t believe they removed something as basic as birthday reminders.”

Calls to bring back notifications

Many users urged Facebook to reinstate birthday notifications. Some created petitions and social media campaigns calling for their return. But despite the pushback, Facebook gave no indication it planned to restore notifications in the near future.

How did the change impact user engagement?

Facebook has not released internal data on how the disappearance of birthday notifications may have affected user activity and engagement. But a few potential impacts include:

Decline in birthday posts

Without prompts, users likely made fewer birthday posts for their friends. This resulted in less content and interactions around birthdays.

Shift of some activity to Instagram

Instagram (owned by Facebook) retains birthday features. Some users may have become more active on Instagram for birthday messaging.

More emphasis on Facebook Groups

Groups tended to organize their own birthday remembrances. Group interactions around birthdays may have replaced some news feed birthday activity.

Lower time-on-site

Less reason to post and check birthdays could contribute to marginally less time spent daily on Facebook for some users.

Potential impact Effect on user engagement
Decline in birthday posts Reduced content and interactivity around birthdays
Shift to Instagram for birthdays More Instagram activity, less Facebook activity for some users’ birthday messaging
More emphasis on Facebook Groups Groups filled some gaps in birthday interactions on news feeds
Lower time-on-site Eliminating birthdays removed one reason to post and scroll feeds

However, it is unlikely the impact was dramatic. Birthday notifications were just one of many factors driving Facebook usage and engagement. Habits around birthdays also did not disappear overnight. Many users likely found new ways to connect around birthdays.

Did the change help Facebook’s goals?

It remains to be seen how much the removal of birthday notifications affected Facebook’s desired pivots:

Reducing engagement with the news feed

Losing birthday prompts likely led to somewhat decreased activity in news feeds. But many other reasons to scroll feeds remained.

Pushing users into Groups

Groups may have picked up some birthday activity from feeds. But most casual Facebook users do not heavily utilize Groups.

Lessening notifications

This change directly reduced notification quantity for users. But as notifications declined, engagement and data collection may have also taken a hit.

Improving data privacy

Not displaying friends’ birthdays reduced unwanted data exposure. However, many other types of personal data remain visible.

Ultimately, while this shift aligned with Facebook’s strategic interests, its impact was incremental. Substantially changing user habits around Facebook’s core features would require much more sweeping and disruptive changes.

Facebook goal Did the change help?
Reduce news feed engagement Moderately decreased birthday-related news feed activity
Drive users to Groups Marginally increased birthday-related Groups activity
Lessen notifications Directly reduced users’ notifications
Improve data privacy Partially limited exposure of users’ birth dates

Could Facebook have handled this better?

Facebook received significant criticism for the messy rollout of removing birthday notifications. Here are some ways Facebook potentially could have handled it better:

Announce the change beforehand

Transparency could have eased confusion andSome users wondered why Facebook made this change mysteriously overnight. A simple announcement explaining the reasoning in advance would have helped avoid frustrations over the abruptness.

Roll it out gradually

Eliminating notifications overnight was jarring for heavy Facebook users. A gradual rollout (region by region or spreading over time) would have smoothed the transition.

Explain pros alongside cons

Facebook focused its response on defending the change. But highlighting some potential benefits for users alongside the downsides could have made the decision more palatable.

Issue an apology

Apologizing for any disruptions and thanking users for their feedback would have showed empathy. Facebook came across as cold and dismissive.

Offer an alternative

For instance, Facebook could have suggested using its Calendar app for birthday reminders after removing notifications. This would limit frustration for users who relied heavily on the feature.

Enable user opt-outs

Letting users choose to keep birthday notifications would have kept the feature for those who wanted it.

Should Facebook bring back birthday notifications?

There are reasonable arguments on both sides of this question:

Reasons to bring back birthday notifications

– Users clearly appreciated the feature and still want it. Reinstating it would improve public sentiment.

– Notifications drove valuable engagement, content and data collection for Facebook.

– It supported Facebook’s mission of connecting friends and family.

– Removing it eroded trust between Facebook and users.

Reasons not to bring back notifications

– It does not align with Facebook’s current product direction.

– Too many notifications create clutter that provides negative user experience.

– It surfaced users’ personal data in unwanted ways.

– Its usefulness has diminished as fewer users showcase their birthdates publicly.

– Facebook wants to highlight newer features over news feed interactions.

On balance, Facebook will likely stick with removal for now, given its strategic interests. But the backlash shows that abrupt changes come with reputational costs that can outweigh benefits.

Perhaps with enough feedback over time, Facebook will reintroduce a more limited but optional version of birthday notifications. But the original feature in its previous state appears unlikely to return.


Facebook’s decision to eliminate birthday notifications represents a microcosm of the company’s broader evolution. As Facebook explores reducing engagement with its core news feed, shifting users into different products like Groups, and building out a metaverse future, it has made a series of changes that confuse and frustrate its user base.

Removing a nostalgic feature like birthday notifications discontinues a social tradition that Facebook itself established. While Facebook sees this as necessary progress, many users perceive it as an uncaring, money-driven company stripping away features they hold dear.

Facebook will likely weather this storm as it has weathered other controversies. But incidents like this birthday notification change damage the brand each time they occur. As more incremental changes chip away at the Facebook users knew and loved, it risks gradually eroding its relationship with users.

Each small change brings Facebook one step closer towards shifting into whatever it envisions its future to be. But the disruption of users’ expectations in the process can alienate once loyal users. The ultimate cost to Facebook’s brand from these moments of user disillusionment remains to be seen.