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Why comments are not showing on Facebook?

Why comments are not showing on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why comments may not be showing on Facebook posts:

You have comment approval turned on

If you have your comment settings adjusted so that you have to approve comments before they are visible, then comments will not show up right away on your posts. You will need to manually approve them first.

To check if you have comment approval on, go to your page settings and look under the “Posts” section. There is a setting called “Comment Approval” that you can toggle on or off.

The post privacy settings don’t allow comments

The privacy settings for an individual post can override your general account settings. So you may have comments enabled for your account, but a specific post could be set to not allow comments.

To check the privacy settings for a post, click the three dots in the upper right corner and select “Edit post.” Then look for the setting that says “Who can comment on this post?” If it is set to “No One” then no comments will be allowed.

Your account or the post has been limited

Facebook will sometimes limit accounts or individual posts as a penalty for violating community standards. This can include temporarily disabling the ability to post, comment or interact.

You would have been notified if your account has been limited in some way. If a specific post has been limited, you’ll see a notification about it when trying to comment.

The viewers/commenters have been limited

Just as accounts and posts can be limited, so can individual users. If someone has been temporarily banned from commenting or interacting, they will not be able to comment on your posts.

Page admins have the ability to proactively ban or restrict users as well. So you may have inadvertently blocked some frequent commenters.

Technical issues

Sometimes there are just technical glitches that prevent comments from showing up. Issues where comments get stuck in pending, fail to load, etc. Usually they are temporary and resolve themselves.

Trying refreshing the page or app and see if comments load after a few minutes. You can also try posting from a different device or web browser.

You’ve reached the comment limit

Facebook actually has a limit on the number of comments that can appear on a single post. The exact number is unclear, but once you reach a certain threshold, no new comments will show until older ones are deleted.

To see if you’ve hit the limit, try deleting some old comments and see if new ones will then appear.

The viewers have you muted

If someone has muted you on Facebook, they will still be able to see your posts but won’t get notifications about them or be able to comment.

People can mute friends, pages, groups etc. So some of your regular commenters may have inadvertently muted you.

Comments are actually there but hidden

Sometimes comments show up on the mobile app or notifications but are hidden on the webpage. This is often due to words or links that Facebook’s filters have automatically removed.

So the comments are actually there but require extra steps to uncover. On the desktop site, look for a link that says “__ hidden comments” to view ones that were filtered.


In summary, issues with Facebook comments not showing up are generally due to:

  • Comment approval settings
  • Post privacy settings
  • Account or post limitations
  • Technical problems
  • Hitting the comment limit
  • Viewers muting you
  • Filtered comments being hidden

Checking your account and post settings, troubleshooting technical issues, and communicating with followers can typically resolve problems with missing Facebook comments.

Solutions and Fixes for Facebook Comments Not Showing

Check Comment Approval Settings

As mentioned previously, one reason comments may not be appearing is because you have comment approval enabled. With comment approval on, comments are hidden until approved by you or another admin.

To check your current comment approval settings:

  1. Go to your Facebook page
  2. Click “Settings” in the bottom left
  3. Go to the “Posts” section
  4. Look for the setting called “Comment Approval” and make sure it is disabled

Turning off comment approval will allow all comments to show immediately without needing review.

Adjust Post Privacy Settings

Even if your overall account allows comments, the privacy settings for a specific post may override this. Changing the post privacy can enable comments.

To edit post privacy settings:

  1. Click the three dots at the top right of the post
  2. Select “Edit Post”
  3. Click “Edit Settings”
  4. Under “Who Can Comment,” select “Public” or “Friends”

This will open up the ability to comment to a wider audience on that post.

Wait for Limitations to Expire

If your account or a specific post has been temporarily limited by Facebook, there is unfortunately no way to undo the limitation immediately. You will have to wait out the remaining duration.

Make sure to review Facebook’s community standards to avoid violations in the future. Repeated offenses can result in permanent disabling of commenting abilities.

Unblock Followers You May Have Muted

If you have proactively muted or banned certain followers, they will be unable to comment on your posts. You can remove these restrictions to allow them to engage again.

To modify blocked followers:

  1. Go to your page’s settings
  2. Click “Banned Users” in the left column
  3. Review the list and remove anyone who should be allowed to comment

This will give previously blocked individuals access to interacting with your page again.

Delete Old Comments to Clear Limit

If your post has reached Facebook’s maximum number of comments, new ones will be blocked until existing comments are deleted.

To remove old comments:

  1. Go to the post with limited comments
  2. Select “View __ Comments” to expand them
  3. Click the “X” to delete old, irrelevant comments

This will open up space for new comments to appear again.

Ask Followers to Unmute You

If your followers have muted you, they won’t get notifications about your posts or be able to comment on them.

You can share a post asking muted followers to unmute you so they can engage with your content again. Make sure to highlight that muting was likely accidental.

Additionally, remain active in commenting on and liking your followers’ posts. This can help you stay visible in their feeds without needing to have them explicitly follow your page.

Report Technical Issues

For technical issues like comments not loading or getting stuck, reporting the problems directly to Facebook may help resolve them sooner.

To report technical comment problems:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Select “Report a Problem”
  3. Choose “Something Went Wrong” option
  4. Select “Comments” issue and provide details

Facebook may be able to provide troubleshooting tips or apply fixes for known technical bugs affecting comments.


There are a variety of reasons why comments could be hidden on Facebook posts – from account settings to user behaviors to technical issues. By methodically checking possible causes and addressing them, you should be able to restore your ability to have visible comments.

Key fixes include:

  • Disabling comment approval
  • Adjusting post privacy settings
  • Waiting out limitations
  • Unblocking muted users
  • Clearing old comments
  • Asking followers to unmute you
  • Reporting technical problems

Staying engaged with your audience and being proactive about troubleshooting comment problems will lead to more active discussions on your Facebook posts.

Best Practices for Facebook Commenting

Once you have commenting enabled and working properly, you can help nurture active and meaningful conversations by following these Facebook comment best practices:

Respond and React to Comments

Always acknowledge and reply to follower comments. This shows you value their contributions and encourages further discussion.

Like or react to comments frequently as well to show appreciation for their engagement.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Pose open-ended questions in your posts or comment replies to spark deeper conversations. Avoid “yes/no” questions.

For example, ask “What are your tips for getting more comments?” rather than “Do you want more comments?”

Tag Relevant Users

If you mention or reply to a specific user, be sure to tag them using @. This notifies them and draws them into the dialogue.

Share User-Generated Content

Repost relevant photos, videos, stories etc. that your followers share in comments. This amplifies their voices.

Always ask permission and give credit before reusing UGC.

Moderate When Necessary

While open discussions are ideal, don’t be afraid to moderate or delete offensive, inappropriate or irrelevant comments. Make your community guidelines clear.

Analyze Your Data

Use page insights to identify when you receive the most comments and what types of content generate the best response. Then create more of that successful content.


Nurturing a vibrant comments section takes work, but pays dividends in engagement. The most successful brands on Facebook strike a balance between listening, responding, guiding the conversation, and analyzing results.

Active commenting is also a sign of an authentic community. Follow these best practices to take your comments to the next level.

Ways to Get More Comments on Facebook

Growing your Facebook comments leads to more engagement, feedback and visibility. Here are some proven tactics to get more comments:

Go Live More

Facebook Live videos tend to drive a high volume of comments in real time. The live interaction motivates viewers to participate.

You can go live from your phone or use software like Ecamm Live to stream from your computer.

Ask Direct Questions

Explicitly prompting your audience with questions like “What are your thoughts on this?” or “Have you had a similar experience?” makes it easier for them to respond.

Run Comment Contests

Offer incentives for commenting like giving away free products, gift cards or shoutouts to top commenters.

Tools like Rafflecopter make it easy to run contests on Facebook.

Invite Contributors

Recruit power users, brand ambassadors, or influencers to help seed the comments section and get it started.

Offer exclusive perks through a Facebook group to get contributors onboard.

Comment First

Leading by example encourages others to join the discussion. Being the first to comment shows the conversation is active.

Cross-Promote Posts

Link to your new posts from other channels like email newsletters or your Instagram story to drive traffic and comments.

Pin Popular Posts

Use the “pin post” feature to keep highly commented posts at the top of your feed longer.


There’s no silver bullet for dramatically increasing Facebook comments overnight. But employing a range of tactics centered on engaging your audience can gradually grow your comment volume.

Analyze which methods earn the most comments for your unique community. Then double down on those to supercharge your results.

Remember that quality trumps quantity when cultivating comments. Focus on driving meaningful conversations relevant to your brand, not just high comment counts.