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Why can’t you message an account on Facebook?

Why can’t you message an account on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2020. On Facebook, users can connect with friends and family, join interest-based groups, follow brands and public figures, and more. A core function of Facebook is the ability to message other users, either privately or in group chats.

However, there are some situations where you may find yourself unable to message another Facebook account. The primary reasons why you can’t message someone on Facebook include:

The user has restricted who can message them

On Facebook, users have control over their messaging privacy settings. Under the “Who can send you Facebook messages?” setting, users can limit messages to friends only, friends of friends, or disable messages completely.

If you try to message someone who has their settings restricted, you’ll get an error saying you’re unable to message this user. The only way around this is if the user adjusts their settings to allow messages from you.

You are not Facebook friends with the user

By default, Facebook only allows messaging between confirmed friends. If you try to message someone you are not friends with, you will get an error saying you must add this person as a friend to message them.

There are a couple exceptions. You can message follower/following connections and group members, even if you are not Facebook friends. You can also message someone if you both have the Messenger app and are connected there.

The user has blocked you

If another user has blocked you on Facebook, you will be unable to send them any messages. Attempting to message a user who has blocked you will result in an error.

Users have the option to block other users in order to restrict all interactions. Some reasons a user may block you include:

  • You’ve sent them harassing, abusive or unwanted messages
  • They don’t know you and don’t want to interact with strangers
  • You’ve had personal conflicts or disagreements
  • You’ve sent too many messages or friend requests

The only way a blocked user can message you again is if you manually unblock them in your privacy settings.

Your account is restricted

In some cases, Facebook may impose restrictions on accounts engaging in prohibited behavior such as spamming, harassment, hate speech, and more. Restrictions can include being temporarily unable to send messages.

If your account has been restricted by Facebook, you will receive a notification explaining the reason and length of the restriction. You will need to modify your behavior to align with Facebook’s policies to regain full account privileges.

You’ve sent too many messages

To protect users from harassment and spam, Facebook limits the number of messages you can send in a short timeframe. If you exceed the limit, you may be temporarily unable to send more messages.

Restrictions generally lift within a 24 hour period. You can avoid hitting the limit by spacing out messages instead of sending a flood all at once.

There’s a technical issue

In rare cases, technical bugs and glitches may also cause messaging errors on Facebook. Issues like server outages, software bugs, or connectivity problems could prevent messages from being sent or received properly.

Technical messaging issues are usually resolved within a few hours. Trying again later often fixes any temporary glitches.

Their account is deactivated or deleted

You will be unable to message an account that has been deactivated or deleted from Facebook. Deactivated accounts are temporarily disabled but can be reactivated. Deleted accounts are permanently removed.

When trying to view a deactivated or deleted account, you will see a message that the content is unavailable. The only way to message the account again is if the owner decides to reactivate it.

You don’t share any mutual friends or groups

Facebook prioritizes messaging connections between users who share mutual friends or are members of the same groups. If you have no connections in common with another user, Facebook may restrict your ability to message them.

To message someone with no mutual connections, consider joining a shared group or building up overlapping friends before trying to message. This confirms to Facebook that you share a real-world connection.

Their inbox is full

There is a limit on how many unread messages a Facebook account can have at one time. The current limit is 5,000 unread messages.

If you try to message someone whose inbox is at full capacity, you’ll get an error saying the user has too many unread messages. They will need to read some existing messages for new ones to go through.

You are using a restricted word or phrase

Facebook filters out messages containing banned or restricted words and phrases often associated with spam, harassment, and abuse. If your message contains restricted language, it will fail to send.

Avoid using words and phrases that violate Facebook’s Community Standards. Keep messages polite and appropriate to increase the chances of successful delivery.

Their account was hacked

You may be unexpectedly unable to message someone if their account was compromised. Hacked accounts are sometimes restricted by Facebook to limit abusive behavior by the hacker.

If you suspect a friend’s account has been hacked, let them know so they can regain control and restore messaging capabilities.


Facebook provides users control over who can message them as part of their privacy and security features. The most common reasons you can’t message a Facebook account include restrictive settings, blocked connections, deactivated profiles, and violations of messaging policies.

If someone is unable to message you due to your own account settings, consider adjusting your messaging filters to be more open. For all other issues, it’s generally a matter of waiting until any temporary restrictions or glitches are resolved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I message someone who isn’t my Facebook friend?

In most cases, you cannot send a private Facebook message to someone who is not in your friends list. The exception is if you are both members of the same group or have a Facebook or Messenger connection.

Why did my Facebook message fail to send?

Common reasons Facebook messages fail to send include the recipient’s account is restricted or deleted, your account is temporarily blocked from messaging, you’ve hit the daily message limit, or there’s a technical issue.

What happens when you message someone you blocked?

If you try to message someone you have previously blocked, the message will not go through. You will need to first unblock that person in your settings to be able to message them again.

Can you message on Facebook without being friends?

Typically you must send a friend request and be accepted before privately messaging someone who is not already in your friends list. However, you can message non-friends who are in the same groups or have mutual Facebook connections.

Why can I only message some friends?

If you are only able to message some friends but not others, the blocked connections likely have messaging settings restricting who can message them. Adjusting their settings can allow messaging from you.

How do I fix unable to message this Facebook user?

Troubleshoot by checking your account restrictions, the recipient’s privacy settings, your mutual connections, and any recent blocks or bans. You may need to wait out a temporary block, remove messaging restrictions, or build a stronger on-platform connection.

Why does Facebook limit messaging?

Messaging limits prevent spamming and harassment by restricting how many messages one account can send within a timeframe. It helps maintain the platform’s security and integrity.

Can you get blocked from messaging on Facebook?

Yes, you can be temporarily or permanently blocked from sending Facebook messages as a penalty for violating policies around spam, harassment, illegal activity, and other prohibited messaging behavior.

How long does Facebook limit messaging?

Temporary messaging limitations generally last around 24 hours before lifting automatically. Repeated or serious violations can lead to longer restrictions of a few days, weeks, or indefinitely.

Reason Duration
Exceeded daily message limit 24 hours
Harassment 1-7 days
Hate speech 30 days+
Spam/overmessaging 24 hours to 1 week
Abusive behavior 1 day to permanent

Can I appeal Facebook messaging restrictions?

In most cases, messaging limitations cannot be appealed and will lift automatically after the predefined duration. Permanent blocks require submitting an appeal explaining how you will change behavior moving forward.

Tips for Avoiding Facebook Messaging Restrictions

Here are some tips to avoid having your Facebook messaging disabled:

  • Don’t send harassing, abusive or excessively vulgar messages
  • Avoid spamming friends and contacts
  • Spread out messages instead of sending 100 at once
  • Only message people you have existing connections with
  • Respect if someone does not respond, don’t overmessage them
  • Watch for signs your account may be restricted
  • Build friends and join groups to expand messaging access

Following Facebook’s Community Standards and messaging politely will help ensure your account stays in good standing. Be patient if you accidentally trigger a temporary block and it will soon lift so you can get back to messaging friends.

Facebook’s Messaging Policies

Facebook outlines their messaging policies in their Community Standards. Key aspects include:

  • No harassing, bullying, intimidating or threatening others
  • No sending unwanted sexual content
  • No spamming or overmessaging
  • No promoting criminal activity or sales of regulated goods
  • No hate speech, threats or inciting violence
  • No sending malicious links or software

Violating these policies can lead to messages being blocked and accounts restricted or disabled. Facebook uses automated systems and user reports to detect policy violations.

Appealing Facebook Message Blocks

For temporary messaging restrictions, you will need to simply wait out the duration, as there is no appeal process. To appeal a permanent block:

  1. Click on the notification you received alerting you to the block
  2. Click “Request Review”
  3. Select “I want to request another review”
  4. Provide details explaining your messaging and how you will comply with policies going forward
  5. Click “Submit”

Keep in mind appeals may take weeks for review and are not always granted. The best way to avoid messaging blocks is to proactively follow Facebook’s guidelines.

Alternatives to Messaging Blocked Facebook Accounts

If you are unable to send a message to someone on Facebook, here are some alternative ways to get in touch:

  • Use Messenger if you share a connection there
  • Send the message as a group message including mutual friends
  • Connect on another social platform like Instagram or Twitter
  • Ask a mutual connection to relay the message
  • Send an email or text outside of Facebook
  • Wait for them to adjust their settings or unblock you
  • Send a friend request to establish a messaging connection

In most cases being patient, finding alternative contact methods, or building stronger on-platform connections will be the way to communicate with someone you can’t currently message on Facebook.