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Why can’t you block someone on Facebook after unblocking?

Why can’t you block someone on Facebook after unblocking?

Facebook’s blocking feature allows users to restrict another user from being able to view their profile or contact them on the platform. Once blocked, the blocked user is essentially invisible to the blocker. However, if the blocker decides to unblock that user, they are unable to immediately re-block that person again. This restriction exists as an anti-harassment measure by Facebook.

What happens when you block someone on Facebook?

When you block someone on Facebook, it severs the connection between you and that person on the platform. Some of the key effects of blocking someone include:

  • They will not be able to see things you post on your timeline
  • They will not be able to start conversations with you on Messenger
  • They will not be able to tag you in photos or posts
  • They will not be able see things you post on friends’ timelines
  • They will not be able to invite you to events or groups
  • They will not be able see your friends list or things you post in groups

Essentially, blocking hides your entire existence from the blocked user. You also become invisible to them in many areas of the platform. The block cuts off all direct interactions between you and the blocked person.

Why does Facebook prevent immediate re-blocking after unblocking?

Once you make the decision to unblock someone on Facebook, you cannot immediately re-block them. If you try to re-block them right after unblocking, you will get an error message from Facebook.

This restriction exists as an anti-harassment and anti-bullying measure by Facebook. The goal is to prevent users from repeatedly blocking and unblocking someone in order to harass or bully them.

Some abusive users will block a person in order to cut off contact. Then when they want to harass or verbally abuse that person again, they unblock them, spew more insults and threats, and immediately re-block them again. This creates a bullying dynamic where the victim cannot respond or defend themselves from the harassment.

By preventing immediate re-blocks after unblocking, Facebook aims to stop this type of bullying behavior. The block becomes an actual considered action instead of a tool for one-sided harassment.

How long do you have to wait before re-blocking someone on Facebook?

Facebook does not specify an exact time period you must wait before re-blocking someone after unblocking them. However, based on user reports, it seems to be a waiting period of approximately 48 hours.

If you attempt to re-block the person within the first 48 hours after unblocking, you will get an error message from Facebook telling you that you cannot block this user again yet. You have to wait some time before you can re-block them.

Time Since Unblocking Able to Re-block?
5 minutes No
2 hours No
24 hours No
48 hours Yes
1 week Yes

As shown in the table, you have to wait approximately 48 hours before you can block someone again after unblocking them. After 48 hours have passed, you will be able to re-block them with no restrictions.

The 48 hour wait period

The 48 hour wait period serves a few purposes:

  • It prevents immediate and repetitive blocking/unblocking as harassment
  • It gives the unblocked person time to potentially interact or reconcile
  • It requires the blocker to carefully consider their decision
  • It slows down knee-jerk reactions to re-block

Overall, the 48 hour wait forces the block to be an actual considered action instead of an immediate reaction. It provides a window where communication and de-escalation of tensions can potentially happen before allowing the re-block.

What happens if you try to re-block too soon?

If you try to block someone too soon after unblocking them, Facebook will show you an error message letting you know you have to wait before blocking them again. The error message typically states something like:

“Try Again Later: You can’t block this person again right now. Please wait a few days before trying again.”

You will have to wait out the 48 hour period before the platform will allow you to re-block that user. During this time, the unblocked person will still have access to your profile and will be able to message you on Messenger.

Why doesn’t Facebook allow instant re-blocking?

Facebook adopted this anti-harassment policy to prevent users from abusing the block feature to bully or harass other users. Without the waiting period, the block could be used like this:

  1. User A blocks User B to cut off contact.
  2. Whenever User A wants to harass User B again, they unblock them.
  3. User A sends a barrage of abusive messages and threats to User B.
  4. User A immediately re-blocks User B before they can respond.
  5. Repeat the cycle over and over.

This kind of pattern allows ongoing one-sided harassment and bullying, with the victim unable to defend themselves or stop it. The 48 hour waiting period takes away the ability to abuse the block feature for harassment purposes.

Preventing repetitive cycles of harassment

Without the 48 hour cool down period, users could get trapped in never-ending cycles of harassment from being blocked, unblocked, insulted and immediately re-blocked in repetition. This could cause significant harm, especially for victims of domestic abuse and bullying.

Requiring a waiting period before re-blocking stops this abusive pattern and protects users from harassment. It ensures the block feature is used as an actual safety tool and not a weapon.

Does the 48 hour wait period apply to Pages and Groups?

The 48 hour blocking restriction only applies to regular Facebook user profiles. It does NOT apply when you block and unblock Facebook Pages or Groups.

Page and Group admins can actually set their own restrictions on rapid re-blocking. For example, a Page admin can configure a 1 hour waiting period after unblocking before someone can be re-blocked from their Page.

So the anti-harassment wait period for re-blocking only affects regular Facebook users, not Pages and Groups which have their own configuration options.

How to manage someone you unblocked on Facebook

If you find yourself regretting an unblock decision during the 48 period before you can re-block them, here are some ways to manage the situation:

  • Restrict their posts from appearing in your News Feed
  • Turn off notifications for any new messages from them
  • Avoid engaging with any unwanted messages
  • Wait out the 48 hours, then re-block them

You can also report their profile or any harassing messages they send you during this time. Facebook will investigate and potentially disable their account if they are clearly violating rules against harassment or bullying.

While it can be frustrating to have to wait 48 hours to re-block someone, this policy aims to limit potential cyberbullying and abuse of the blocking feature. It encourages users to be more thoughtful about their blocking and unblocking actions on the platform.


Facebook prevents users from instantly re-blocking someone after unblocking them as an anti-harassment measure. A waiting period of approximately 48 hours must pass before you can block someone again after unblocking them.

This restriction stops people from using the block feature to trap others in abusive cycles of being blocked, unblocked only to be harassed, and immediately blocked again. It protects against bullying and requires intentional consideration before re-blocking.

While the 48 hour wait period can be inconvenient, it aims to foster a more thoughtful blocking culture and prevent the block tool from being weaponized. The overall goal is to make Facebook safer and more ethically-minded in how users can interact with the blocking feature.